Friday, December 29, 2017

Blind Item #5

This former tweener turned A- list singer spent most of her Christmas passed out from drugs. Getting back together with her ex is literally going to kill her and I don't think the ex cares at all. Honestly, if he got wasted enough and worked up enough, he might even pull a Star 80 situation.


  1. what's a star 80 situation?

  2. It was a film about Dorothy Stratton(A playboy model$.. hubby killed her then himself because she was leaving him.. deranged dude

  3. Couple of things:
    1) What is a Star 80 situation. Never heard that before.

    2) I thought Selena was always written by Enty as that fomer tweener turned singer turned horrible actress.....

    Demi and Wilmer? She's an idiot and he's a douche, so they fit this BI too.

    1. Agreed on the Demi guess. She's more fragile than Selena, Wilmer is a raging douche, and Enty usually casts Selena as the bad influence on Biebs, not the other way round.

  4. Wow! So Bieber is at that level, or getting to it.

  5. Anonymous7:53 AM

    A Star 80 situation is when a playboy model from the 1980's, Dorothy Stratten was murdered by her ex husband, brutally, and then he killed himself. If he couldn't have her, no one could.

  6. I recommend watching Star80. Great movie.

    1. Anonymous7:57 AM

      Playing a psycho seems to be right up the wheelhouse for Eric Roberts

    2. It was a good movie. Poor Dotothy. RIP.

    3. It was dark ., but well done I thought as well.Marielle Hemingway gave a good performance and Eric was absolutely-and eerily- perfect in role.

  7. Thanks Brooklyn Girl.

  8. Do y’all (yes, I’m from Texas haha) think she really had a transplant? As a nurse, this really pisses me off that she’s abusing the gift of life grrrrr

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I think the description fits Demi Lovato better, Enty usually calls Selena a bad actress and has a dig at Bieber. But it might be meant for both couples.

  11. @Lala Lisa57,I think she had the transplant, but likely it was a drug related situation that caused her illness,not Lupus.

  12. Why does Justin Bieber always look demented and demonic in all his pics? Cause he is, Boo, he is! Selena has been hell bent on offing herself for a long time. She has a lot of physical and emotional problems she can't deal with. Looking to him for advice and comfort is like a baby seal swimming up to a 30 foot shark asking for directions to the San Francisco Pier!

  13. Star80 was the first movie I ever walked out of. I really resented Bogdonovich's condescending, manipulative attitude. And towards a woman he was supposedly in love with! An awful movie.

  14. I have never seen one video of Selena looking really high or drunk. Everyone has a camera and something would have surfaced. for four years Enty has been claiming she is the next Lohan, yet not one receipt. She did some rehab quietly and she seems fine. The Hillsong scenario seems strange but she seems sober.

  15. The reason I ask Is because Ive worked with many transplant patients and she looks NOTHING like a kidney transplant patient.

  16. could it be Miley?

  17. I don't know what J Bieber has done to and with Selena, ma it's my understanding that she was on drugs before, during and AFTER being with him? For after i mean after they broke up or so( before she then came back with him ) LIke, didn't you Enty write about how she and the Weeknd did drugs all the time?

    Still don't get what Selena finds in him..on the other hand, seems she has a lot of issues

    1. First love....thats what..addicted to that person also.

  18. My brother is a recent kidney transplant recipient. I agree with you that something seems shady with her story about getting a transplant while at the (basically) same time filming that Woody Allen movie in NY where she was papped multiple times looking nowhere near needing a transplant or recovering from one

    1. That was supposed to be a reply to lalalisa

    2. @Julianne I never bought the "transplant" story, despite the hospital pics with the "donor". Probably another rehab--Selena is a cute girl but has been looking particularly worn out over the past year


  19. +1 Tricia. Selena and Justin were in my "neck of the woods" just before Christmas at the Bellevue Sugar Factory. There are several fan photo's of her online, and she looks like hell. Bleached hair pulled back, and wearing all black. Sad.

  20. Anonymous11:05 AM

    MJ, maybe Selena is dickmatized by the Biebs. They are both young, come from screwed up homes, and had fame and money at a young age. I feel sorry for them, and others in that situation, as they really have issues the rest of us can't understand. I wish them both the best of luck in their lives.

  21. She likes drugs, these rumors have been around forever but she likes drugs with or without him so to blame him is kinnda unfair. I am not defending him but she is an adult and she is doing the drugs, no one is forcing her.
    They are both a mess and will prob both od at some point in time.
    It's sad but at some point with all the money, time and fame these folks have, I just don't feel bad for them.

  22. I'm baffled as to how can she have kidney issues, but yet is doing drugs. How is that even possible?

  23. I agree with MJ, Selena was as bad or worse without Bieber. They have a common background, coming from being born to a teen mom. Enty has painted her as one of the worse people in the world,lol. He has been rooting for Demi lately.

  24. @lalalisa, I don't think Selena had a transplant, either. We saw a picture of someone with a surgical scar, but not a face in that photo. That said, I can't really come up with a reason why you would *fake* a transplant, so there is that.

  25. she might have had her bleached hair pulled back and been wearing black but compared to the other celebs out there she looks healthy and cherubic IMHO... Nothing like someone in need of a kid transplant... ever. imho she is the poster child for the antithesis...

  26. Demi and Wilmer. Star 80 reference because Wilmer was born in 1980.

  27. definitely fits Demi more than Selena but Gomez is such a hot ass mess and i don’t think it’s the Biebs fault, honestly. I’ve read ExposingSMG and though it’s way more biased, Selena has one hell of a problem with or without Bieber.

  28. @Lalalisa57 I personally don't buy the transplant story.
    Her friend and "organ donor" was on some red carpet a few weeks ago wearing a midriff baring top and supposedly showing what was the scar from the transplant... but no way in hell that was a kidney transplant scar!
    It was barely there, it was way too tiny, too superficial, weirdly placed.
    Looked way more like a mole was removed rather than a kidney.
    Selena's scar is also intriguing, she's been spotted wearing the same kind of top as her friend and the scar she showed on her IG was nowhere to be seen.

  29. Is it possible to fake lupus and a transplant? Doesn't she thank the doctors and hospitals publicly? I was sure she faked lupus, then felt bad for that after the transplant.

  30. Star80 was the license plate Stratton's loser boyfriend put on their car when she got rich and famous posing for Playboy.

  31. I saw Star 80! heavy rotation on movie channel of cableless TV .that and the Looker lol. I thought it was pretty decent, but not looker caliber lol

  32. Miley! Her and her bf just got back together, and he doesn't seem to give a sh*t about her??
