Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Blind Item #6

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actor is a recent Academy Award winner/nominee. Apparently he slapped his foreign born actress girlfriend last night in front of a group of people but she still went home with him.


  1. Good guess Montana.

    Have to wonder, if he's willing to slap her in front of people out in public, I hate to think of what happens behind closed doors.

    1. Fassy and alicia are married now

  2. Dev Patel and Tilda Hervey Tattembaum(so?-Australian actress )

  3. Woa. I don't want to believe that Dev Patel would slap someone, but I don't want to be naive in thinking that it can't happen either.

    How about Russel Crowe? Is he dating anyone?

  4. Glue - I agree. I can't imagine Dev Patel doing that, but I also never imagined most of the shows I watched as a teen were attached to pedophiles, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised if it was him.

  5. Im not suprised if it is Dev. Sorry.

  6. Considering that Dev Patel is indian, there would have been an outrage if it was him. He would have been on the DM the next morning. So I highly doubt it's him.
    Most likely it's a white man, who can get away with acting such a way in public.

  7. Right, because white man Mel Gibson got away with all his public behavior with no consequences. Don't be naive. A son of a bitch is a son of a bitch, no matter what color.

  8. Where exactly have you read otherwise, in my post?? @dotell

  9. Boldblonde - you obviously have not seen any bollywood movies.

  10. @Boldblonde, obviously I was addressing your assertion that men can get away with certain behavior in public if they're white.

  11. @longtimereader my point was never to say that if he had done it, in public, we would have heard about it by now. Not that he would never do it. I can never make that statement, about ANY man.

    @dotell well according to all the latest news and this blog, they have been getting away with a whole lot!!

  12. What did she do to deserve it?

  13. I would assume with India's class structure as long as gf considered in a lower class then a slap wouldn't raise too much of a fuss.

  14. Dev Patel is British.

  15. what does watching bollywood movies have to do with dev patel possibly slapping a gf??? seriously??? HAHAHAHAHAHA

  16. I’ve met Dev Patel quite a few times. Can’t imagine anyone less likely to slap a woman. That said, I’ve met Johnny Depp quite a few times too and I’d have said the same about him...

  17. dev patel is closeted, this isnt him. plus, he is actually a rare good person (in this industry).

  18. I have Fassbender for this. I do not like him and never have - and doesn't he have a history of violence with an ex? Broke her nose or something?

  19. It is usually the nice person no-one could ever imagine that IS abusive. It is part of their sickness. The person you meet isn't who they actually are. It is all textbook if you educate yourself on domestic violence and personality disorders. It is all about control and abusive people often not always but often control their public imagines very strongly.
