Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Blind Item #8 - The Family Secret

People always ask why this B-/C+ list celebrity offspring has had so many problems as a young adult. The offspring of at the time, A listers has been in and out of rehab and has been known to trade drugs for sex. She has cut herself in the past and has a host of other issues. Maybe it has something to do with the way her A+ list father treated her. Verbally abusing and emotionally manipulating her were just a couple of things he did. How about having her walk around in the barest of bare bikinis when she was in her teenage years when he had directors and producers visiting. How he encouraged the directors and producers to take photos and videos of the daughter modeling these bikinis and even lingerie. How if she didn't want to he would berate her in front of them and then not speak to her for a month or two. Apparently her mother has no idea any of this occurred and she won't tell the mom because the daughter largely lives off the largesse of her father. 


  1. Replies
    1. As if I didn’t think Alec was the most colossal asshole on earth... he proves to be even beyond that

  2. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Yep, this screams Alec Baldwin/Kim Basinger/Ireland Baldwin

  3. Sounds like a Baldwin.

  4. And yet he keeps on having kids!!! I guess it's the only way his thirsty wife can get any attention!

    1. First i hope it isnt alec. Secondly where the hell was her mother? Thirdly, like most of us he is a different person now. I hope.

  5. Isn't it amazing that Baldwin never seems to get taken down, though? So many other prominent men have been taken down for less.

    Just today he got a straight-to-series order for a comedy with Kenya Barris, the creator of Black-ish. And he's also talking about a Broadway show based on his Donald Trump impression.

    1. He has age old alliances with many heavy players and always played the game smart(remember he almost forayed into politics), while being a workaholic(and an extremely talented one I always admit)....that tapes conversation with her was a huge blunder and was the real him exposed. He’s heinous

    2. Ironically, I think his public meltdowns have helped him prevent too much backlash. People don’t think “if he’s like this in public what is he like in private!” (which is right) they think “this guy is open about his flaws! He is who he is!”

      Also, he really is very talented which makes people want to give him chances. Hacks like Matt Lauer were no big loss.

  6. "You vile, filthy little pig!" I have loathed him ever since.

  7. I guess the first Baldwin that came to mind for me was Hailey... but she is Stephen's daughter.

  8. Baldwin likely, but could potentially Work for one of the Willis girls, too.

  9. I can’t see Bruce Willis doing that. I just can’t. My first thought was Tatum O’Neal.

    1. That i cld see. Oneal is as low as one can go. Detest him.

  10. It's not exactly a family secret Tatum had a rough childhood. Ryan even hit on her at Farrah's funeral he didn't remember she was his daughter.

  11. I thought Tatum and Ryan O'Neal as well. But unfortunately, there are a lot of other options.....

  12. Or Kelly Osbourne?

  13. Disgusting. These people are so clearly not like us. Who provides the checks and balances on these morons? Nobody ever felt capable of pulling some of these lecherous wastes aside and saying something along the lines of "what the fuck is wrong with you parading your daughter around in front of people you know to be predatory?" Is everyone in these circles so beholden to one another that dissention is unacceptable?

  14. First thought was Tatum and Ryan O'Neill

  15. I was wondering when we'd get around to Alec Baldwin. Considering we're talking about his friend circle on a daily basis which has tons of pedos and sex abusers (just look at the appearance list for his pet project "Seduced and Abandoned"). Listed as a friend in Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book, and starred in the film Beetlejuice (which has several pedo connections - Geffen, Jeffrey Jones easiest examples, but also Danny "Little Girls was satire!" Elfman, and more). Hell, Baldwin even did a special interview/featurette with the director of a short doc defending Sally Mann's photobook of her nude children (a book which even a quick look on the buying history of its Amazon reviewers will show you it was only purchased by pedos).

    Baldwin will go down with the rest of these filthy pigs and its dumb that Democrats are ravenously praising him just for a lame Trump impression. Go find a real role model.

  16. Immediately thought Alec.
    Dammit. I want to like him, he's so hot, and plays Trump better than Trump, but has loooong been known to be a twat,

  17. Many times mentioned people have lost their careers for far less than what is known he has done,acts of violence,homophobic rants, his rant to his daughter, I can go on,but I conclude he knows stuff on more powerful people,what else can it be?

  18. I think this is Baldwin. I really hope he is the next to go down. He is a pig and has always been. You have to believe that he tries to be somewhat restrained in public but can you imagine what his real temper/self is when the cameras aren't rolling. He is even easy to troll on twitter. I've seen where he will post and someone will go at him and he loses it lol

  19. Donald Trump and Tiffany Trump

  20. I don't think this Alec. Bruce Willis and any one of his f'd up daughters.

  21. Alec Baldwin can't come crashing down soon enough. He's not only getting a talk show, he is looking to go to Broadway in a one man show. Such an obnoxious hypocrite.

  22. This is not Tatum. The blind suggests that the girl's mother is still alive, and Tatum's mom died a long time ago. I'm not seeing this as Bruce either. I think that its Alec Baldwin and Ireland.

    Stop enabling these f***ing disgusting piles to get and stay rich. Then maybe they will go away and some people who aren't total scumbags can get a shot.
    The more I learn the less I watch, I have not watched tv in 15 years, I would rather sleep than assist any of these worthless 'entertainers' in making a buck.
    I just read these sites to laugh and watch people get their dose of karma.

  24. I thought of Ireland Baldwin as well, but she's always semi nude and you can't really see cutting scars. Maybe hidden? The possibilities make me squirm.

    I don't quite understand this: "Apparently her mother has no idea any of this occurred and she won't tell the mom because the daughter largely lives off the largesse of her father".

    I don't know why, but I'm assuming the parents are divorced, or no longer together. That would explain the mother not knowing what went on, because she wasn't around. Then why can't the daughter tell the mother?

    I don't understand... ANYBODY?

    1. Dont get it either.

    2. @Virginia, because Daddy pays her way.

  25. No Baldwin has ever been A+ list.

  26. I don’t think Alec is considered a B/C celebrity.

    1. Den M., i think the offspring is B/C list, as Ireland is. Alec and Bassiger were definitely A list at the time Ireland was born. I think they both still are, though Kim keeps a very low profile, she’s amazing in everything she does (8 mile, for example).

    2. She reminds me so much of Tuesday Weld.

  27. virginia, i guess because daddy's the one with the money and if mommy did anything about it, they could be left with nothing? and i didn't necessarily take it that this couple is divorced. just maybe mom wasn't around when these things happened? anyway, my 2 cents.

  28. It's such a shame. She seems like a decent & caring person, based on her IG. Shame she had to have such a douchebag father. We all know how douchebag parent(s) can fuck you up for life. I hope she one day can have a happy, peaceful life.

    1. Lets not forget kim is batshit too. Poor kid.

  29. I like his Trump impression as much as the next person, but I don't think that Alec Baldwin is A+. (Also, no...he's not a role model, JRSlims, just an entertainer. I am entertained.)

    Bruce Willis is/was definitely A+. His daughters have definitely experienced issues. And I think he probably foots their living expenses.

    The blind mentions directors/producers, but are we sure that the father is an actor and not a musician? Anyone have Enty's famed list of ratings?

  30. Bruce Willis loves women-maybe too much if ya know what I’m sayin’- but is far from a misogynist .as this suggests. He is actually a senior fire who overcompensates /sated for Demi’s foils

  31. +1 @ Nancer - that's what I thought too. Also, whether it's not applicable I don't know, but I've always thought of the Baldwins as A+ list (apart from maybe Billy.)

  32. Anonymous1:25 PM

    @Marlin - Ozzy's not the type. During her teen years, Ozzy could barely put a coherent sentence together, and he wouldn't be meeting with directors.

    1. Also no one would be wanting to see Kelly Osbourne parading around in a bikini. I wouldn't pick on her for her weight but she was annoying as hell on Fashion Police so all's fair. Not as annoying as NeNe but still annoying.

  33. Yes I agree with all the Alec Baldwin guesses. Sorry for my two dumb guesses, and +1 to all your comments.

  34. Rod Stewart/Kimberly Stewart

  35. Doubt it's Baldwin. He was divorced from Kim and didn't spend much time with Ireland after that, and after the "pig" tape that Kim released. For all his blow hard tendencies, he's very protective of those he cares about, actually. Alec spent and spends a lot of time trying to coax Ireland away from the industry rather than towards it.

    This sounds like an older man who did this to his offspring many years ago, someone like Ryan O'Neil.

  36. Second Kimberly Stewart, or perhaps Alexa Joel?

  37. Don Johnson and Dakota Johnson

    1. Melanie wld never let that happen.

  38. I don't think it's Ireland. Hailey in new clip on Daily Mail modeling lingerie http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-5174409/Hailey-Baldwin-works-sheer-lingerie-LOVE-shoot.html 'I love exercising in lingerie, who doesn’t?'

  39. How is this a blind? It's obviously Ireland Baldwin.
    Of course Alec has redeemed himself in the liberal eye thanks to his Trump impression. I hate Trump, but I think it's so hypocritical of the so called resisters or antifa or whatever they're calling themselves this week to be fans of Alec. Same goes for all the feminists and me too women who support either or both of the Clintons.

  40. This reminds me of Mackenzie Phillips and her father, John. May he roast in peace.

  41. I wouldn't be surprised if it's Alec Baldwin. If he has little qualms calling his then under-aged daughter in a fit of rage "A rude, thoughtless little pig!" and verbally threatened to fly to Los Angeles to "straighten her ass out" for making him "feel like sh**!", then imagine what other sick, twisted things that he would be willing to do if Ireland didn't tow his line.

    This is the same Alec Baldwin who admitted in his memoirs that he knew that Nikki Reed was underage (after initially denying it) when filming the movie 'Mini's First Time'. Nikki Reed in case you're wondering, a teenager who ends up sleeping with her stepfather (Baldwin) and persuading him to murder her mother.

    Also, Baldwin got extremely defensive and angry on Twitter when some user inquired about his working relationship with Woody Allen, in the mist of Dylan Farrow's initial public accusations against Allen.

    I've always assumed that Ireland tattoo fetish in recent years was really a form of self-harm (the blind did after-all insinuate that the offspring in question was cutting herself). Both of her parents failed her. Her dad, Alec is an extremely angry, combative, controlling, narcissistic man, with little impulse control. Her mom, Kim Basinger, has extremely low self esteem and is incredibly neurotic, anti-social, and bitter.

    Ireland was doomed the moment that her father got in trouble for fighting the paparazzi when her parents were taking her home after her birth. Also, her mother seems to be very passive, permissive and inattentive when it comes to raising Ireland. Kim (who quite obviously from a mental and emotional standpoint suffers from arrested development issues) clearly didn't prepare Ireland for "the real world" as she seemed more concerned with being her friend (or wanting to live vicariously through her so to speak) than being a real disciplinarian figure.

  42. @Annyoung Bluth There's a theory from the Washington Post that states that one possible reason why Alec Baldwin has escaped any real consequences for his bad behavior because of his liberal politics.


    And ironically, while Alec still works, his ex-Kim Basinger has for all intent and purposes, been (if you believe this particular blind item CDAN on June 8, 2016) blackballed:
    This 80’s A+ list actress is now barely in demand for any movies. She used to be married to an A+ lister who has been A list for a few decades. Our actress stopped getting roles after she fired multiple directors and directors of photography because they were not shooting her the way she wanted. She also fired writers who didn’t give her enough dialogue.
    Kim Basinger/Alec Baldwin

  43. It's Ireland Baldwin. The aforementioned bikini was gold. She wore sunglasses and a hat. Her @$$ looked FINE in it.
