Sunday, December 31, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

December 29, 2017

This permanent A list singer from a singing family is juggling a lot of balls right now. One of those balls might fall because there is a rebel family member in need of money who will spill all about the baby.

Janet Jackson


  1. Janet needs to just fess up. Its not like people don't know already.

  2. Her beautiful niece is her spitting image. I hope that at least personally, this girl is aware. I would hate for this news to devastate her.

  3. Why all the ridiculous secrecy with this family??? I'll never understand the screwball Jackson family dynamic.

    1. Think of a nest of very cranky vipers.

  4. God damn the Jacksons are a disaster. A shame. Used to be a big fan of their work.

  5. Miss Jackson can get pretty nasty.....or so I have heard.

  6. Her niece Stevanna looks like a mini-Janet, but she was born in 1990. But her marriage to James DeBarge was annulled in 1985, so the timing doesn’t work for her to be the secret child. I heard rumors that Rebbie raised the secret child, but her daughter’s were born in 1971 & 1977, so that doesn’t work either. Was the secret child given up for adoption? Would the Jackson’s even allow that?

  7. I read Jermaine Jackson's ex-wife's book she wrote about their marriage/divorce. Pretty bizarre he is, whole family is. It's a good read.
    I don't believe she gave birth to a DeBarge child but do believe she birthed her hubbies, probably through IVF.

  8. If half the rumors are true, I don’t think those Jackson kids had much of a chance 🤷🏼‍♀️
