Saturday, December 16, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 15, 2017

The boyfriend of this now out of work A- list mostly television actress/writer/creator was hooking up with a foreign born A-/B+ list singer over the weekend.

Lena Dunham/Jack Antonoff/Lorde


  1. Those 3 look like they never get a wash

  2. please none of them EVER release or make a sex tape!

  3. Lorde is cute. Exotic bitch resting face is trending.

  4. I thought he was gay.

  5. Lens is insufferable--can you blame him????

  6. I think I have established how I feel about Miss Dunham. That said, every time my friend and I go to Brooklyn to try out a new restaurant/cafe, she said she keeps repeating this Mantra the whole time: Please don't let Boo run into Lena Dunham, please don't let Boo run into Lena Dunham!" She is a well known pastry chef and said she can't afford to have her name mentioned in the same sentence as mine should I go off the rails and throw a sandwich at her. Or worse, fries!Sure that would make at least Page Six!

    1. Lol @boo surely witnessing that is worth risking her career

  7. @Boo Heame: Only been here 'bout 5 months, but surely enjoy your history stories!!

  8. Can someone explain why and how Lena Dunham has ever gotten any screen time or notoriety?
    Out of all the talented people on the planet, how did this nutjob get anywhere or get funding for anything?
    Who said "Wow, it would really be a good idea if we funded Lena Dunham's projects!"

    1. Tiny Furniture was good. Judd Apatow saw it, thought it was good, had some sort of deal going on at HBO and connected her with people there.

      It helped that she was already part of a connected and wealthy family to get tiny furniture made and seen.

  9. Lots of Halal burger joints popping up around Brooklyn. I am still having a hard time wrapping my head around a burger joint that does not stock bacon.

  10. 346NYC: Affirmative Action and the chance at saving 30cents on the dollar.

  11. The only way that disgusting slob got a job was because she was Chosen

    1. Don't even think of putting that Fugly-Stick beating victim in the same category as Natalie Portman or Rachel Weisz.

  12. Anonymous12:27 PM

    You can thank Judd Apatow for Lena, along with Amy Schumer. Apatow is a strange duck, he's made some massive hits, and made some horrifically bad movies, too. But he's 100% responsible for Lena, he found her, and produced the show.

  13. This blind would have been easier if it said the singer was foreign born one hit wonder.

  14. It wouldn’t have been easier since that would be Iggy Azalea.

  15. What do Judd Apatow, Lena Dunham and Amy Schumer have in common? The chances of your seeing them sitting in front of you at Mass this Sunday is virtually nil!

  16. @346NYC you're prolly aware it all started with her and her upper east side private school/ clique[állhorrible and openly racist&condescending to anyone below their social stratum like female equiv of frat bro douches bagging on staff] who all went to decent schools and managed to scrape into that elite ivy league /small liberal arts college network, her at Oberlin.

    most of these people are trust-fund kiddies but they can hide it.
    but shes white from upper east side who's college experience made super into social justice issues in the most dramatic way possible and whose militancy extends only as far as slacktivism and being a pain in the ass to other people while keeping a smug "better-than-thou" attitude. this means shes super visible and obnoxious.

    where the network expands and making a small web videos/art events that played to their small social circles, graduating and interning through nepotism and being Pr/fem Blog friendly through this network hey have had earned exposure an notoriety

    by having a powerful heiress as producer [try googling her! only someone with real online savvy firm with tonnes of Pr juice has anything that tidy] for their first 'indie' feature and it be so well received in the pliant online media [staffed by her old friends/ former peers] who were all primed to give her puff pieces and good press.

    i actually admire both the film and Dunham's Girls on HBO though so i do believe there has been hard work and talent. i just hate that current female role models are twin dumpster fires j-law and dunham.

  17. Boo I think they are all Jewish so....

  18. Lena's totally disgusting but at least the first season of Girls was interesting, even if she was always getting naked and trying to make viewers think she was a desirable fuck for men, which is completely laughable. But the other girls and their stories when presented were fine.

  19. I haven't heard of most of the people this site talks about but I'm only slightly surprised to find that Hollywood is every bit the nasty pit of diseased and shambling wreckages that we've assumed it was. Plus I think that Lena knows shes on shaky ground. She was hanging on him like a chubby scarf in every picture I saw. Bless her heart.

  20. Yeah, well, veiled inferences (yet again) aside, Judaism has nothing to do with her success. So just let's not go there.

  21. Oh look at Boo, finally showing her true liberal and tolerant colours....Ha!
    Everyone's allowed to be successful, unless they're jews.
    There was this moustached chap in Germany who thought very much along the same lines, right Poo?

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Hmm, lesbian for fun, straight for marriage? Now that the casting couch is under fire, I wonder if she stands a chance against average looking people :D

  24. Lena Dunham has become increasingly more annoying every year she's been in the public eye, so I can see how when she first pitched her show, people thought it would be edgy and new and maybe her neurosis was not yet on full display.

    That said, is there still a market for a hyper-neurotic dating saga set in NYC? She's going to go the way of sex in the city and have her 2nd attempt at a movie with her 4 beloved 'girlfriends" on stage in Dubai singing "I am woman hear me roar" then getting arrested for sluttiness and being totally outraged by it.

  25. Looks like the eternally offended have been offended...... AGAIN

  26. Looks like the closeted antiSemite is offended at being called out.

  27. Do Tell: This is not the first time you have called me an antiSemite. Enty allows free speech on this site and both of us have the right to comment.

    Since I do not use my legal name, and you do not know me, I can tell you I am a well-known, well-respected Intuitive. I have clients from all over the world who look to me for guidance. I predicted the total collapse of the WTC years before it happened. None of my friends or family lost their lives on 9-11 because I warned them not to work there.

    I predicted three years ago to a client (powerful media man) that there was going to be a backlash in the business that would cause many very powerful men and women to lose their jobs forever. He, at first, didn't believe me. A few months later he called me from his home in The Hamptons and told me, emotionally, he now agreed that my prediction was going to come true. Why? Because some of the SOBs I was talking about were sitting on his back patio talking in ways that deeply disturbed him. They were bragging about all the sexual molestation they had performed and laughing about their conquests. Yes, I got a phone call from him the day the Harvey W. mess broke. His voice shaking he said, "Is this the beginning of the end?" Yes.

    I will light a candle tomorrow night at St. Patrick's Cathedral for you, Do Tell. I don't think you are emotionally or spiritually ready for what is about to happen. It is going to be huge. That said, I will be the one you can turn to when the grits hits the fan. I have your back.

  28. What is with all of the Anti-Jewish comments? Is this Trump's America sposting?

  29. Why would you even comment on her religion? She is half Jewish. You never comment on people being half Catholic. They all seem like they were home schooled.

  30. A SUGGESTION: In the future, if you are replying to someone else's comments, please begin your comment with their name.

  31. If you know what's about to happen Boo, can you share it with us? What do we need to be prepared for?

  32. Come on. Everyone knows the Jews run the world, and especially media. Not anti semetic to mention it. Do people get called anti-semites when talking about Jews running the diamond industry? NO. It is flaunted. But banking and media gktta be hush hush? GTFOH. Be happy yer people are dominating more. If WOPs had a vice grip on something better than gambling and strip clubs, i'd be touting it every 2 seconds.

  33. There is a big difference between your posts Count Jerkula and the other posts. Everyone knows not to take you seriously. This isn't meant as a personal insult. You manage to insult everyone and everything but for all we know you are a bored middle aged housewife sitting in your kitchen posting away. The other posters are serious, and that is what is scary. In this day and age to see the same people over and over making anti-Jewish comments is disgusting. If they were posting anti-gay or anti-Hispanic people would certainly be questioning their motives.
