Thursday, December 07, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #4

October 29, 2017

In the world of this former 80's star, both parties to his abuse signed the non disclosure agreements. The former 80's star wants to make a buck exposing some now deceased bad people, but plans to stay hush hush about the others. He is not saying that while he takes all the money in for his film project of course. Anyway, the other side also signed non disclosure agreements. That has not stopped them from paying people close to our actor now and from back in the day, some big bucks to start discrediting him now. By the time they finish, no one will believe anything he says, especially with his lack of naming names of people alive.

Corey Feldman


  1. Anyone read about the pornwhore who was bullied into suicide on twitter? Some of the bullies on here should take note that your actions have consequences.

    1. No one can make you commit suicide. That's political correct bullshit. If you kill yourself due to someone's words then you were way messed up to begin with. Look to the parents. And what does your comment have to do with Corey Feldman?

    2. Jon: no. The pc bullshit was the sjws who hounded the whore.

      It has nothing to do with Feldman. If you need an orderly and on topic site, you will be as disappointed in this joint as we are with your posts. Surely there are places you can post where the discussion about abused children doesnt wander and the posters thsre never tire of it.

    3. @count +1
      @jon If you believe "no one can make you" do anything then why do you make the reference to look to the parents?
      It's not a one way street.

    4. @jerk. Your mama.

    5. Jon: your mama so nasty, crabs be usin her tampon strings for bungee jumpin.

      She so fat, it takes her 45 minutes to take a shit, half hour just to line up the holes.

      She so stupid, when a trick asked her for a trip to Greece, she say "i aint got no passport"

      She so ugly, god invented doggystyle with her in mind.


    6. so ugly, after baby was born she had to get it drunk so that she could breastfeed it!

  2. Indeed. Such as calling women demeaning names like "whore".

  3. I’m not sure if this has been brought up here, but is it possible the he did stuff himself and that’s why he doesn’t point fingers at some people? It’s unfortunately the nature of the beast. Just a wild guess.

    1. Honestly, I fear this may be the case. He still openly supports Michael Jackson, even when we now know that Neverland Ranch became the new place to abuse kids after Hollywood Center Studios was forced to stop playing host to pedophilic producers (most likely as a result of a hush hush agreement with Heather O'Rourke's mother after assault and resulting death).

      Plus, it has precedent - Brock Pierce went from abused to abuser.

  4. Do Tell: I don't call women "whores" I call whores "whores".

    I am sorry you are too insufferably stupid to realize that. And don't worry, I'll never call you a whore, because I don't think anyone would give a plug nickel for the putrid poontang that resides under yer gunt.

  5. totaji: Usually what happens is some victims will groom others for the abusers, either because they are emotionally attached and still want to please the abuser after they have aged out, or to get out from under the abuse they are enduring. That is what I learned by watching SVU.

    1. In part this is due to a victim needing/wanting to seeing themselves as more powerful (not victims) and, so, become predators.
      Very common in physical & sexual abuse and a big part of why those who are abused, especially when younger, become abusers themselves.
      It really is a cycle.

  6. I feel bad for Feldman. I understand what it must have been live for him to be scared back in the day. But I think he sorta went down a dark road when he began trying to milk the situation to get money to make his movie. I believe that he failed to make the most impact with his story when he could have and should have, and that is a shame. A lot of people now doubt how truthful he really is or what his real motives are.

    1. For sure, John Doe. His Twitter live was a mess to watch last night. No doubt he was abused, probably pushing into grooming or luring others and tossed aside- he def shows signs of arrested development. He claims to have proof MJ was innocent.. leads one to believe he can tie in the loose ends to DG. But I doubt he will name the big one either way.. seems like he's just looking for a way to get his top up. Sad

  7. Count reminds me of Captain Mal Reynolds, one of my fictional heroes. He just calls it as it is.

    Only in today's society, do we want to "nice up" selling oneself for the sexual gratification of others like it's some noble profession.

    1. I definitely don't think it's a noble profession. Nor do I think girls want to sell themselves for fun. Most, if not all, were molested at a young age and feel dirty or like they are only good for men's (or the abuser's) pleasure. I don't feel scorn for them; I know they are broken in some way. I just feel sad for them.

    2. Cece: very out dated stereotype. Sure it is probably accurate of streetwalkers, but in the age if thr internet and camera phones, there are plenty of bimbos out there who have never been abused who jump at the dollars their orifices can generate. Selfies to their high school boyfriend is the gateway drug. Then selling masturbation videos on snapchat or kik, and eventually some guy lives close enough and offers enough for a real life encounter. Shit, you'd have a hard time convincing me that "instagram model" is not polite speak for "internet whore".

    3. How far society has come from the origin of prostitution. Been around for millennia but its current form of sex for $s is actually fairly recent in the scheme of things.
      There are all kinds of ways people sell themselves. Whether it's the girl who feels obligated because the guy who took her out spent $s or the woman who sleeps next to a man every night she hates but likes his $s.
      Men do it, too. They whore themselves more than women imho.
      And at that level it's not even about sex or pleasure, it's more about power - who has it, who doesn't, & who will do xyz to try to get it.

  8. Feldman lost all crediblity - he should have spoken up as soon as Haim died, instead he's a pussy and kept hismouth shut. Remember how he cried after he performed his new song with his 'angels' ??
    I felt bad for him but i'm over him. he had his chance now its like stfu and go away.

  9. Weren't there rumors that the two Coreys slept with a lot of thirteen and younger teeny bopper groupies, even when both were in their twenties. Makes sense they could be blackmailed. He deserves jail, along with his abusers. Allows for double blackmail/NDAs for all involved.

  10. I just can't believe Judy Haim would take money over justice for her son!

    1. What? Anybody that puts their child in show husiness is halfway there to being an abuser.

  11. Corey Feldman was betrayed by his abusers and again by the police (who suppressed his complaint and lied about it for years), and by society at large. It is SO easy to say now that he should have done this or that but nobody was on his side back in the day or for years afterward. His claims must be viewed in the light of this ongoing betrayal by society. I cannot blame him from moving on and making a life for himself, including signing NDAs that he is now nervous about betraying. I loathe the people who are trying to cast his claims in a false light without providing the context of this background.

    1. +1000

      We, as society, made fun of Corey for claiming to be abused. We rolled our eyes. We nodded in polite agreement, while quietly whispering our disbelief. Hell, even Barbara Walters thinly threatened him, warning that he would "bring down the industry" if he said anything. Even the cops tried to discredit him by claiming they lost his original outcry tapes from 1993. They claimed they never existed, yet now they have them.

      Plus, breaking an NDA is a really big deal and can have really big consequences. Rose broke hers and then she was conveniently arrested for drug stuff.

      Why would he break the agreements when we scorned and ridiculed him for decades? I completely understand why he would want a way to tell his entire story, without interruption and on his terms. The real question is whether he will actually share the names of the biggest offenders.

  12. I should get points for knowing an angel.

    Feldman is a mess. He has taken so much money
    at this point from the stories we hear, it's hard
    to imagine he will ever do anything more than name
    people who owe others money in the public. Something
    has been paying his bills all these years.

  13. It's not really about mere 'words on the internet' making someone off themselves. That's rarely the reality.

    With these SJW 'activist' types, it's never about just arguing on the internet and leaving it there. Their modus operandi is to dox, to contact employers in an attempt to have you fired, to contact and harrass family members with smears about you and to essentially do everything they can to ruin your life in terms of employment, social standing, friendships, reputation and basic ability to support oneself, for as long as possible. All this for the 'crime' of posting words on the internet expressing thoughts which do not perfectly align with their own agenda. This non-agreement is always classed as a pathology, a 'phobia'. So not wanting - perfectly reasonably given the infection stats and risks - to perform a scene with a man who does gay porn is classed as 'homophobia' and this girl's entire life was deemed shit, and to be shit upon from that moment on.

    This girl was apparently already suffering from depression and they had already forced the issue with her employers as well as having multiple people contact her with suggestions of how to off herself. Their stance after her death was announced was sociopatically cold and smug. It shows that for some of them, her death was the preferred outcome. So I do lay some of the blame for it on them. You mess with a fragile person like that, actively suggesting suicide and fucking with their life and employment in an attempt to ruin thgem and act unmoved afterwards, and it shows your intent pretty clearly.

    1. One of the guys who said she should apologize or eat a cyanide pill has since been black balled by one porn company.

  14. Feldman introduced Haim to a lot of Haim's abusers. That's when i moved on from Feldmans story. Yes Feldman was a child, and a victim himself but, that's fucked up.

  15. @totaji, it seems inevitable that Feldman was on both sides of it after a while. He says his abuse started when he was 14, and he was involved in sexual free-for-alls with people of various ages as time went by. The day he turned 18, was he likely to start checking IDs and refusing everyone too young? They just didn't think that way.

  16. Someone mentioned 'someone has been paying his bills for years'....he works consistently, look at IMDB.
    i don't really get the blind either, he has named living people.

    1. He hadn't when the blind was first posted. He gave his Dr. Oz interviews in November. Just proof that Enty isn't always right in his projections of how people will act in the future.

  17. I'm constantly amazed when people here continue to engage the vile troll, who thinks posting insults and nastiness to those who step up and say something is funny. Knowing there is/are a life/livess depending on this person is bone chilling

    1. Ob: you are a fucking moron. You think people should be able to attack me and i shouldnt fire back? You should find a site where only your opinions matter. It would draw 3 flies, which means the open sewer between yer legs would out draw it.

    2. You know this count is just a fat ass shut-in who types stupid shit for attention. He really is quite boring.

    3. How fat am i, henlo?

  18. Is CDAN comments section being taken over by misogynistic but more insulting, witless posters such as Count Jerkoff and his equally Taliban-esque women haters? if yes, I wonder what will happen.

    1. P rei: you will keep clicking and reading and crying about it everyday, because you are a twunce who wouldnt recognize wit if it bit you on the titty. Fuck you.

  19. Lol, Shakespeare musst be rollilng over. Well crafted, Count Jerkoff. Oh, and fuck you too. :)

    1. P rei: you and shakespear can take turns sucking on my asshole.

  20. See above responses for exactly what I was talking about. Frightening

  21. Ob: like your reponses were civil, tworon.

  22. Hahahahahahaha! Please keep posting, Baron Jerkstore. I need new material for my esl students. Lesson plan: How NOT to be witty, a good speller and and general human.

  23. P rei: If grammar coppin is what yer down to, yer in the right place. This joint has a strong contingent of humorless cunts void of creativity.

    Only lower rent trolling than grammar coppin are race baiting and politics baiting.

  24. Your response time is getting shorter.Good boy!!! That typing course is paying off. Next class is how not to push so hard on the pencil that you break the lead every time. (yes Jerkstore, that IS a metaphor. Should I type slower?) Hahahahaha. Ps. How was lunch today? Wink wink

  25. See you tomorrow Jerkstore. Gonna go for a job then out for drinks and tapas. I'm sure I can read your scintillating comments then.

    1. Is it smart to do a job before dinner? I'd think filling yer belly with jizz would ruin yer appetite.

  26. Count jerkula i wish you had a twitter or fb fan page because you're awesome.

  27. I have a twitter, never use it though, and no, it isnt count jerkula.

  28. It's been a while Count. Where in the hell could you have been hanging out online??

  29. Texas: internet a big place. Plenty of sites to werk my magic on. Messageboards are my fave.

  30. We all knew he was doing Shady stuff. I always said "something happend to him, but he is far from innocent as an adult". His sex cult of women, trying to be Hugh Heffner, him not paying money to the women he hires as musicians, him BLAMING what happend to him for not getting any good roles...It all comes together for me.
    Here`s what I think : I think he signed and deal with the devil. The "devil" promissed him jobs and movies (Aswell as money) , But he wanted MORE. He wanted MORE. He wanted to be a leading actor (How can he? He`s a 5`3 weird looking fella- who would want to see him play a leading role?), He wanted to be a musician too- and he SUCKS at that. So...Out comes the "smoking gun". GIve me what I want-or I`ll expose you all! So THEY keep giving him money. And he keeps giving mixed messages . And people are "buying" it. STOP! The guy is SHADY. He`s a CON. He got himself into a mess, which he can`t get out of. Should`ve said "Fuck the money-I`m expossing you!".
    Too late now. HE`s done.

  31. Got it perfectly right Alona !

  32. The names are out there for the most part, but there are other variables preventing him from exposing all of them. I don't think he can get all of Corey Haim's abusers due to his death, and Judy Haim might actually go after him over "lies" about Haim.

    Here are the names and status:
    Cloyd Jon Grissom- Named by Feldman w/ police report of Dr. Oz

    Marty Weiss- Named by Feldman freely due to previous arrest.

    Alphy Rivas/Hoffman- Named and hinted by Feldman on various shows including Dr. Oz

    Dominick Brascia- Named by Haim's mother on Dr. Oz, and Haim's friend last year. Fits up perfectly with "Tony Burham" in Corey's book. Feldman hasn't named him, and I don't think he needs too by now.

    Bob Hoffman- Now this one is a bit tricky. I'm pretty sure hes the dead one Enty is talking about. At this point, he is heavily implied if one looks into it. I think a few might think he won't be a name because he is currently dead. But its pretty clear by some statements made in Feldman's original video regarding a major studio that hes referring to Hoffman. I think he can't say anything yet because he is a dead mogul.

    The one that seems very unconfirmed is the "Hollywood Mogul" "42 year old" "Household name" Feldman been talking about. At this point its either Charlie Sheen or David Nicksay. I believe its the former, and if it is the former, than allegations are already made. A Radaronline article seem to imply its Sheen too. No one knows who the fuck Nicksay is, and his net worth is pretty low. HOWEVER, the lifetime movie does resemble someone like Nicksay. I want to see more details on that movie first since Feldman is working on it. But I am 90% sure its Charlie Sheen.
