Thursday, December 07, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5 - Mr. X

October 28, 2017

You could cut the tension with a knife at a women's empowerment event a few night ago. This actress who has been in the news quite a bit lately and that A++ list politician deliberately avoided each other. Gee, I wonder why?

Ashley Judd/Bill Clinton


  1. Probably because he has a cigar in his trophy case that is marinated in Ashley.

    1. Anonymous11:21 AM

      That's funny. But seriously. WTF would bubba be doing at that event? The syphillis must have eaten his brain completely

    2. Count! Just about pissed myself on that one.

  2. I find it amazing that Bill is still making public appearances other than official govt events let alone a women's empowerment event.

  3. LMAO @ count you sound tight over it hahahaah

  4. Panda: 20yrs ago, when he prolly tapped it, sure. She was a fine piece of ass. Not that that mattered for Bill. He'd fuck a pile of rocks if you told him there was a woman under it.

  5. @ Count tru true he's a pig and she looks like she hates sex anyways. Like its beneath her

  6. Jesus Christ, who thought "let's invite Bill Clinton" would be a great idea for women's empowerment? Oh yeah, white, male, money, power. Got it.

  7. Panda: I wonder if she has a sex rock, like she has a speaking rock.

  8. Bill was there for the same reason I keep seeing Hillary 2020 articles: they are still the boss king and boss queen of the Democratic Party and everything else that has flowed from Clinton Foundation money for the last 20 years. Normally, two-time election losers move on, but not when they own everyone. They will go away when they're damn good and ready to, and not a minute sooner.

    Is Ashley still promising to "take to the streets" if Robert Mueller doesn't finish his investigations? Bill might want to advise her on that.

  9. Ashley Judd stalked and made McConaughey's life a misery. She can be a sexual predator herself.

  10. Old guy gone wild. Zip it up Bill...its time dummy

  11. Lester Waters is a Pacific Northwest tech investor -I wonder how he ties in to the previous blind about the
    A lister producer and his business partners...

    1. The guy that is accusing Bryan of raping him on Lester Waters' yacht in 2003:

    2. Is this in relation to the Singer lawsuit or is there something about Waters in this blind that I am overlooking?

  12. Looks like he may be in London now-same spot Spacey went to take advantage of lower age of consent laws...

  13. Why was Bill there? Because Bill is money, and non-profits are whores who need money the way heroin addicts need heroin.

    Plus, I'm sure there are women who'd love to add Bill to their collection.

  14. Bill Clinton is still an excellent money man. He can bring it in, and then he can disperse it to other organizations. Hillary too, but to a lesser degree. But Bill is suffering from something. He rarely looks energetic anymore and his voice always sounds hoarse. He looks less healthy than Jimmy Carter sometimes. Wonder what's up with that?

  15. I thought I read somewhere he snuck in on the dessert cart. slowly rolled himself right up in there tucked beneath red velvet three rotations per minute , total silence

  16. Fox-henhouse: Henhouse-Fox.

  17. I'm still pissed my 90's crush gina gerson hooked up with that creep.

  18. @ForeSure, maybe that deal Bill made with a cross-roads demon has finally expired. (j/k) Carter's a true clean living guy, so not surprised he's well-preserved.
