Saturday, December 23, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

December 19, 2017

Thought it was pretty interesting that this foreign born B+ list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee, aging and openly gay was talking about the casting couch when he has personally casting couched lots of very young men at parties hosted by that A list director.

 Ian McKellen/Bryan Singer


  1. Im disappointed the hammer hasn't come down on this ilk. Months ago Enty hinted at Singer, Geffen and Schneider having MAJOR investigative pieces dropped by reputable outlets.

    annnnnnd where are those pieces? are people being killed to make the pieces 'disappear' - also the LAPD is disgusting, so complicit.

    1. I wonder this too. I also wonder about the safety of enty with posting the "blinds" about Vicky Karyanis (however you spell her name) and the killing of Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell. So much dirt out there that gets piled into a bottomless pit under a Persian rug.

  2. "...aging and openly gay..."

    We're all aging.

  3. There was a blind the other day about how well paid off the police were for decades and how it's paying off now as they are dropping investigations. Justice, though, comes in many forms.

  4. @CJ: all of us? Even Peter Thiel?

  5. You just need to do a Google search to find lots of pics of Ian McKellen at these Singer orgy parties. Alan Cumming, Patrick Stewart, Roland Emmerich...they will be ruined if Singer go down (oh...poor choice of words)

  6. Bring them ALL down.


  7. Looky there.
    LGBTQ warrior.

    Say it ain’t so.

  8. peter thiel may get his due if the former gawker writers are able to raise the funds they need to buy it.
    vanity fair article about the gawker kickstarter
    gawker kickstarter link

  9. LAPD the most corrupt force in good ol America.

  10. Not Patrick Stewart. He is a nice guy. Just because he is friends with Gandalf (and has one gigantic trouser snake), does not mean he is a predator

  11. Good to hear about Patrick Stewart. He has such great comedic timing and I could listen to his voice for days.

  12. OFF TOPIC but not completely unrelated ... Jonah Hill's brother died. The one from CAA. He was only 40 years old. O_o

    Jonah Hill's brother Jordan Feldstein died unexpectedly

  13. Correction: CAM, not CAA.

  14. How young are we talking? I mean, pretty much everyone is young compared to Ian McKellen.

  15. 900+ federal sealed indictments piling up for the pedophile rings...hold on to your butts everyone QANON QAnon qanon Q Anon

    1. That would be the Xmas present I'd been hoping for

  16. No wonder Gandalf liked hanging around them hobbits.

  17. Dammit Gandalf! Please not Patrick Stewart...I love him.

  18. Not surprised but since he's seen as a civil rights icon I'm pretty sure he'll be protected. No one big has really gone down except for Weinstein and Spacey and I'm sure most of them will be back working in Hollywood in a few years. This is the same industry that gave Roman Polanski a standing ovation and which Rose McGowan, herself an alleged rape victim, defended Victor Salva, a convicted child molestor.
    @just saying. What exactly did Peter Thiel do? I haven't heard anything said about him doing anything illegal. From what I understand, he funded Hulk Hogan's lawsuit after Gawker outed him but I can understand why he was angry. He wanted to keep his personal life private especially as he does business in the Middle East and it could have had a negative impact on his deals. Sure it was vengeful but gawker could have avoided bankruptcy if they hadn't published the Hulk Hogan video.

  19. There are a few innocent people whose names have been mud dragged lately - and lots of guilty ones who haven't. Patrick Stewart and Tom Hanks are not involved in this.

    The whole pedophile ring (from Clinton to Trump) is coming down - those who molest girls and boys. They aren't going to blackmail people they place in power situations and thereby control us anymore.

  20. Something tells me that we don't have to worry about Enty's safety in the least.

  21. Q anon has some YUGE suprises in store for some naughty boys and girls

    1. Indeed he does. Indeed he does. But please unless you've been with us since the jump, (not referring to you mike m) please Lurk Moar or go to Reddit! I'd bet my left butt cheek Enty is on the chans! For the evil man has no future; the lamp of the wicked will be put out." Proverbs 24:20

    2. Ignore @The Mrs. She's mad as a box of frogs. Seems someone dropped a house on her sister.

  22. he was spot on with his john podesta arrest prediction for november 4th. can't wait to see the rest of his predictions come true. (did he predict the 4 mueller arrests? i can't remember.)

  23. Lots of dumb Trump supporters here. lmao

  24. i love you, dahling! lol
