Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Random Photos Part One

Don't forget that beginning Monday I will be posting Reader Photos in the Random Photos posts. I will do that each weekday leading up to Reveal Day on January 1st when I post them all together. If you want to be included, e-mail your photo to entlawyer90210@yahoo.com

Two parts today.

 Katie Holmes looks great here. I guess she wanted to look her best for that Jamie Foxx opening.
Madonna going for that Jay Kay look. Tom Cruise shoes though.
Pamela Anderson headed to see her boyfriend/task master, Julian Assange.
Paz De La Huerta out last night. Harvey really did a number on her.
Reese and Ava hit a red carpet together.
Britney Spears with one of her weekly Instagram shoots that she seems to love.
Tara Reid chain smoking yesterday afternoon.


  1. Katie - wow! Brittney ... she has a look on her face I can't understand. It's almost uncomfortable. Like enema uncomfortable:(

  2. Dear God Brit... bless your heart but with all that money- Still dressing in Forever 21?
    Thank you for making me guffaw at the Tom Cruise shade... lol. Also Madonna looks ridiculous-dunno what’s worse. Her fighting her real age by getting naked or by trying to be hip. Remember when she did the demure English Countryside Pigeon shooting (though vegetarian?) thing?? I do😡HW doesn’t deserve to be shoving his face on a 60, ooo /month “rehab spa”. He needs to be met in a dark alley with my friends from Mulberry Street

    1. Good one Tricia about lovely Brit. She needs a stylist Quick...and what's with the excessive tanning in winter? Madonna and Hermann Munster shoes!!! My goodness!

    2. Or Tom Cruise/Aerosole specials 😱
      Brits been in Vegas too long. She needs some time abroad maybe and yes-the.worlds.best.stylist.

  3. There's a whole lotta plastic surgery in the photos today.

    Brit brit is looking *terrible*. Is it how she is standing, or has her upper body doubled in size while her lower body stayed the same?

    Madonna, give it up. You don't need to dress dowdy, but stop trying to be 20-something.

  4. Paz and them lips are a tribute to the late great Pete Burns.
    Now I am beginning to wonder if all her lashing out with drugs and promiscuous behavior were a cry for help. She was a frequent BI subject on CDAN a while back and poor girl was messssssy.

  5. Katie, ain't nothing wrong with looking good for your man! You go girrrl!

  6. Brit may be arrested development. Bet she has not one female friend.

  7. Paz looks like a burn victim

  8. My goodness things have gone pear-shaped for ol' Madge. Is she carrying a guitar through an airport? Heading down to the tube for a little busking, are we? Good god, woman! Show a little respect for yourself. You've definitely earned.

    Lulz, Tricia. English countryside pigeon shooter. haha. The game is afoot!

  9. @Tricia13 I'm still trying to figure out how we got stuck with her.

  10. This a rough crop of poontang.

    P: Witherspoon Mom/Dau tag team - nice mix of experience and tight tight.

    M: Paz - Yeah, she lookin rough, but the only broads who can suck a dick better than a fiending crackwhore are tweekers. Plus, she gots them over inflated blowjob lips. Sure they look atrocious, but I'd like to find out how they feel.

    B: Brit Brit - Crazy as the day is long, but still a tremendous body on her. I envision spooning and slow gentle strokes, while I reach around and diddle her clit.

  11. Joseph P- it was realz.... I was horrified for so many reasons , not least of all that pretentious clipped “transcontinental “ accent����... Cherry -me too! I isn’t she meant to be in Portugal

  12. Katie looks the best she has in a long time except for the mani.

    With all the revelations coming out of Hollywood, I would be more shocked to hear if Britney had not been molested. Poor girl looks like she has been through a war. I know she doesn't have much control over her life but if her dad had not intervened, she would be dead - plain and simple.

  13. @SparklyGirl,even at the time of Britney's problems there were rumors she had been raped while under the influence. Also, she was untreated for her mental illness at the time.

  14. Add Paz to the list,of women to never leave alone. An "accident" may happen. Also,remember, she started acting as a child.

  15. Here's what I read recently about Pam and Britney, from someone I think (but can't confirm) is in a position to know:

    "I will not confirm anything about Anderson but when you think of her, I want you to also think about Britney Spears and then I want you to imagine all of the truly dark, most fucked up shit you could ever possibly imagine happening to a person and then feel so incredibly bad for them both.

    "Anderson literally has nothing to lose, everything to gain and a channel to now use. That’s a pretty dangerous trifecta and I hope she gets every fucking bit of vindication she and the rest of them, deserve. It’s about time."

  16. Also, I would still take a run at Tara Reid. I am not proud of this, and I know it would end in smoky tragedy, but God help me, I would.

  17. Tricia: Last time I was there, Mulberry Street was almost 99% Chinese. Chinatown has invaded Little Italy. The Good Fellas are long gone, along with the fab restaurants and cafes. Your friend will have to go to Bensonhurst to get mugged now. Or, even better, Staten Island. The Mob Wives could do him in, in a heartbeat.

    Paz: When I heard she had named HW as a rapist, I got cold chills. I had a feeling she is so out there and has such a bad rep in the tabloids that the DA's office would not find her credible. All we're hearing on the news is they are going to LA, France, London and beyond to get enough ammo to take the HW problem to a Grand Jury. My fears have come true. She is just not credible on many levels. Did it happen? Sure it did. Will a Grand Jury take her word? That's the question. Everyone is denying reports that they are going in another direction with regard to Paz's allegations. We'll see. Will keep you posted.

  18. You don’t have the right friends,maybe? They don’t have to live in Little Italy to eat /own Il Cortile Boo

    1. Or Il Mulino (from west 3rd street GV)which is now a chain sadly.?They are all still there.

  19. Bensonhurst is getting bought up by the Chinese also. Wiki "chinatowns in brooklyn".

    How come every species from China winds up being invasive?

  20. WTF Count Jerk, don't you think Paz has been through enough? Please tell you are some angry 11 year old and not some grown ass man with these comments.

    1. Victoria, she aint gonna need any more methbortions because of me. I only want them clown shoes she calls lips planted on my piss pipe.

  21. Katie looks lovely, Madonna WTF, Pammie looks stunning as usual (love her!) and Britney - what the hell, it doesn't even look like her!

    1. Pammie has the best style... 👩🏻💛

  22. Thanks Tricia. Ate lunch at Matty The Horse's cafe just before he passed. Got free wine! All the cooks in the kitchen were Mexican, of course. Man those people sure hell know how to cook! So glad they're here!

    Back in the 70's and 80's. Luna was my favorite place to eat. The clientele was straight out of Central Casting! Good times!

  23. @Victoria wrong site madam. As you were told on another thread Count stays!!! Have a good evening!

    1. People can still find the count boring and repetitive. Leave Victoria alone

    2. No they cant. There is an amendment to the site's TOS that prevents such thoughts in participants.

  24. I read that Paz had been sober when she re-claimed the HW rape and 6-7 months or more of sobriety can do a lot for a person's credibility when you're sitting across from them and they are recounting an experience in a genuine and believable way. When they're sweaty and f'ed up with weird eyes, not so much.

    So that's what I heard (read). That doesn't say much for her personal choices in the lips & makeup department but I got nothin there and I have no idea whether she's still living that sober life or not.

  25. geez I just again paused to scroll to peek again at pepto bismol princess. that is TERRIBLE and I usually pride myself on not being so superficial but wtf even if you hiked that smock up and paired with jeans it is atrocious. 'dress' resembles partition separating good vs evil in some tumbleweed town's diner with $1.99 breakfast special. I swear I see her belly button. she is cute girl what is wrong with flattering t-shirt and jeans or skirt even? how do you maneuver your body into that and think it looks good? not worth the struggle Brit!

  26. Those random reader photos...How random they can be? lol. Are there any restrictions?

    1. Alexandria, If you have any questions about if your photo is too risque for the Reader Photos, email it to me and i will offer my advice.

    2. Count, that is sooo kind of You! 😂

      True story, all people want to see these days is nudity, something funny or totally wtf, but I was curious if I could post my dog photo, just like that so people have to stare at him, cause he's awesome looool!

      So it have to be literally CDAN reader, okay got it!

  27. I'm pretty sure Britney and Paz were abused in some way. Hyper Sexualising your self and going off the rails in a way you choose can be an an attempt to gain back control of your body, take it back from abusers so to speak. Drug abuse is another way to 'medicate' and having alternative 'personas' ( as Britney did back in the day with different accents, different wigs, shaving the hair off ) is something that psychologists call 'dissociative'...it's a survival mechanism where the person has one persona to deal with the abuse, other personalities deal with everyday things or revert back to child hood.

  28. I have been reading this site for years and appreciate the posters who are so fast with their guesses. I skim the count's comments as I find them misogynistic and puerile. Leave Victoria alone.
    Now back to the exposes and gossip.

    1. Linz: You should try learning the definition of misogyny before you start throwing the word around.

  29. ROFL!!! I'm dyin' lol right now.

    The Madonna photo: "Tom Cruise called. He wants his shoes back." ...is how i read that.

  30. Any day that a subtle Jamiroquai reference makes it into CDAN is a good day.

    Does Ava have Reese's chin? There are hints of that in the photo.

  31. I'm not asking anyone to leave. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. Count, you do come across as "misogynistic" based on your comments which is all we have to judge someone here by. I come to this site when I like to procrastinate and like reading all the fun comments and guesses.. especially Tricia13 who is pretty much spot on all the time. Oh well, to each their own. I'm glad I'm not the only one here that feels that way.

    Anyway back to this post, LOL on the Tom Cruise shoes and Ava definitely looks like a pure mix of Reese and Ryan. She is adorable!
