Monday, December 04, 2017

Today's Blind Items - Blackmail Marriage

I guess this is back in the day. When you are stretching back past two decades, it seems like the right thing to call it. The thing is though, despite being back in the day, the three main players in this blind are all known to you. They are known to people who just are checkout stand tabloid cover readers.

EP was making a movie when she met WB. At the time, EP was pretty close to A list. She was also in the tabloids a lot. If back then had been today, everyone would have known about her out of control drug use and the crazy sexual situations she was involved in on almost daily basis with her equally out of control actor boyfriend, who we will call MS. Anyway, EP and WB made a movie and they got along really well. They became friends.

Fast forward just a touch and WB is off to make another movie. He made the movie with an actress we will call VC. They were long time friends and made the movie to help each other out. It was a movie that would change the life of multiple people and destroy the lives of many others too.

WB is in the closet. Everyone knows this, but he continues to pretend he doesn't like men. At the time though, he was using a lot of drugs and the objects of his sexual lust were the teen boys who were numerous on the set. Things were out of control. He molested and sexually assaulted multiple teens during filming of the movie.

I'm guessing VC would probably call it an intervention. I would call it extortion or blackmail. VC filmed one of the encounters and gave it to some people who were kind of managing the career of WB. Those people had a discussion with WB and said he needed to do what they told him or they would leak the video and he would not only lose his career, he would go to jail. They had big plans for him and apparently those big plans were more important than what happened to those kids.

They put him in a house for two months and got him sober. They also told him he needed to get married. He asked multiple women and his people offered some women. None of the women agreed until he asked EP. She was in a really bad place herself and WB's people agreed to make her problems go away if she agreed to marry WB. Done and done.

All these people know what happened to those boys and have done nothing. Money and fame and power were much more important than the lives of the boys they devastated. One of those teens spoke up a few years ago and a team of lawyers rained down on him and he went silent.He was crushed by the other side and later tried to commit suicide.


  1. John Travolta, Kelly Preston Kirstie Alley?

    1. @DonnaMarie, what movie did John & Kistie make that destroyed the lives of many others? Look Who's Talking?

    2. This is a great guess

    3. Yep. This was probably back around the time Kelly Preston got shot by then-boyfriend Charlie Sheen.

  2. Omg this is terrible. I hope they all go down, every one of them.

  3. This screams john travolta/kristy alley his wife Kelly Preston and the scibots

  4. I'm going to think on this but wanted to see if anyone else thinks the Charles in charge enty retweet related to a blind of some epic proportion a few weeks ago about a show with children who were abused. Many guessed Kids by now I'm thinking it was this is I could find the blind again.

  5. Movie w Kelly and John is the Experts.

  6. Agree with the Travolta guess. With Preston and crazy bf Sheen although I don’t recall seeing a lot about her back in the day. Kirstie Alley for sure as the hooker-upper.

  7. Could the movie with Travolta be Shout? The plot is "A new music teacher in a 1955 West Texas home for wayward boys brings new vision and hope for many of the interned boys."
    The movie stared Heather Grahm who did a few movies for Lifetime based on VC Andrews books. Hence VC.

  8. Has there ever been word of Travolta being a pedophile or substance abuse? I know Kelly P was engaged to Sheen so yeah, but never heard that about him. Always men accusing him. But who knows

    1. I meant here we all know about sheen and she was with him, but I hadn't ever thought travolta had a substance or pedophile issue. Always bought he was very nice except if you happen to be his masseuse!

    2. Thought not bought. Eck autocorrect! I'm shocked here although sure sounds like JT. But I thought their church binds them and they'd never give anybody up from it no matter what. That makes me think it's someone else.

  9. Battlefield Earth?

  10. Glen Quinn from Roseanne was also in the movie Shout and he died of a drug overdose.

  11. I also saw the tweet and wondering if it's about Charles in charge...?
    It's worth digging.


  13. Kirstie Alley - VC- Victoria's closet

    1. The show was called Veronica's Closet.

  14. @Missy - yes I mentioned that also in a different post on blind revealed item.

    Definitely points to Charles in Charge for that blind about the 80's show.

  15. That headline is misleading. It's talking about Jeff Conaway, who was by no means a young costar when that was alleged to have happened in the 90's.

  16. I like the Travolta guess, but was there ever someone other than a massuese and a pilot who spoke out about Travolta? It seems like one spoke up, and then was silenced by a team of lawyers? I read that as we may have heard these claims before he was shut up?
    I could be reading it wrong, maybe he was shut up before the story came out

  17. Travolta's WB - Welcome Back (Kotter)

  18. Julia Roberts and Lyle Lovett

    note: apologies if three posts show up. keep getting errors when hitting submit.

  19. John Travolta - WB - Welcome Back Kotter
    Kirstie Alley - VC - Veronia's Closet

    First movie with EP and WB - The Experts
    Second movie made with WB and VC - Look Who's Talking
    "People" managing WD - Scientologists

    Can't get the EP connection, but must be Preston

  20. missyrocks53: charlie sheen is alleged to be one of corey haim's abusers. he's on the imdb list of alleged pedophiles too:
    list of alleged pedophiles in the imdb

  21. @DoTell,this is actually a normal Enty red herring blind, the facts are there but mixed up. @Donna Marie has pretty much solved it. That Shout movie may be when Travolta was using, people wouldn't have noticed much. Also,"they" sobered him up "Scio had it's own rehab.

  22. Don't forget,Kelly may have a secret disabled child,plus she was George Clooney's "girlfriend" as well. So a lot to hide.

  23. First thing that came to my mind was Tom cruise and Nicole Kidman but just a guess. I always read this site but rarely post. I follow and look forward to comments from Tricia, just sayin, sandybrook and John Doe on this site and look forward to their thoughts on this blind.

  24. Oh good one Jezebel! Did not know they dated

  25. I'm trying to figure out what movie had all the teens that both VC and WB worked on.

  26. Thought that John liked manly men...not tweens... oh man this sucks. I really like him. No wonder he is being held hostage by Scio. Kelly is just to buggy eyed crazy for me. And Kristie is a morbidly obese bully and believe me, those are the WORST kind.

  27. thanks drumstixx! i'm late to the blind but agree with travolta, preston, sheen, the experts, look who's talking, preston's "little problem" (the disabled child, bad reputation and more). i can remember many times that travolta looked wasted on-screen. nothing to add. not sure how look who's talking destroyed lives, but that could be enty camouflage.

  28. I know one of the children that was in Look Who's Talking. His life is fine.

  29. I assume EP=Ex Preston?
    I remember David Gallagher (who also was on 7th Heaven, poor child) was in Look Who's Talking Now.

  30. For VC, what about Linda Fiorentino, who co-starred with Travolta in Shout? Her first role was in Vision Quest, as Carla. "VC". Don't know much about her other than she dropped off the map in 2002.

  31. The movie is Shout, I think. Glenn Quinn was in that.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. I love this site. I was here for Timmy/Shimmy, MV, Coke Mom, and so many good Enty stories. I left for a little while, and I'm glad I'm back. You all are top-notch.

  34. Travolta with teens? I kind of barfed a bit in my mouth.

  35. To me, Travolta's eyes scream the same kind of narcissistic, "other people are simply objects for my pleasure" sense that Spacey's do, so I seriously doubt that a few years too young would be a barrier. That's entirely unfair, of course. There was probably a time when he didn't seem that way. Maybe in the Bubble Boy movie.

    Look Who's Talking Too would have to be the last movie with VC before he married. That might have destroyed people's sense of humor, but is there scuttlebutt about destroyed lives? Did it feature several teens who could be molested? Whose lives were changed by it?

  36. When Travolta was young and messed up he probably just full on went for it in that 'barely legal' Bryan singer sort of way. Frankly, the stories around twitter if you search his name are telling. He's still a perv and scibots are still trying to shut ppl up

  37. Can someone post the contents of the Charles in Charge retweet or link to it please?

  38. @gladfly I like your guess but why would Look Who's Talking have ruined lives? Or is he talking about what he describes in the blind?

  39. Itttt, there You go:

  40. Some good news...

  41. How about the movie Perfect, just to be different? Starring John Travolta and Jamie Lee Curtis, and features the fitness scene in LA in the 1980s so could possibly have had a lot of teenage muscly guys on set.
    He really looked like shit in that, but in Look Who's Talking he seemed to have cleaned up a bit.

  42. Kelly Preston can really pick them, huh? John Travolta, George Clooney and Charlies Sheen. Good God, woman!

    Kirstie Alley obviously makes sense as the "friend" who taped him. Could Scientology have had such a hold on her back then? Did she bring him into the fold? Is that why he is so beholden to the cult?

  43. I like the comment above about the movie Shout. Released in 1991 and lots of boys in a movie about wayward boys.

  44. The trouble is with the movie Shout is that Heather Grahams father was an FBI agent, would he not have done something about it at the time.

  45. By the time Look Who's Talking came out he was in his resurgence and I think it was after Pulp Fiction and yes he seemed cleaned up (off drugs) in both. This blind is (if Travolta) an earlier version of Travolta, in my humble opinion.

    I also was thinking Julia Roberts but y'all are way better than me at this and I think you're spot on with Travolta & the rest.

  46. Thanks you guys. I'm going to find that original blind about the show with that tragic situation of kids. Hope some justice is served.

  47. Travolta looks MAD COKED OUT in the movie 'Night Fever. I have thought that forever. And I recall reading somewhere that he started drugs cuz they made him stay closeted, he wanted to come out after Kotter. I thought his period of drug use was well known...Anyway, this blind is sick and twisted and oh so Hollywood.

  48. @Missyrocks53:

  49. @M Styles: I was a young teen when 'Night Fever came out and my friends and I said to each other at the time "Man, he's as stoned as we are!"

  50. I don't know how to make a hyperlink in here, but here is the web address for the article from 7 days ago.

    Apparently, Kelly Preston left John Travolta because of the gay rumors.

  51. Look Who's Talking Too, the sequel, is the one he and Alley made one year before he got married. Shout seems like a better candidate for the teens being molested, but Alley wasn't in that one. Could Enty have blended two movies together: making LWTT with Alley, and molesting the kids in Shout around the same time? They were released about 10 months apart. I'm not familiar enough with the young actors in Shout to know whether they were unusually troubled after that.

  52. @annie roo, as corrupt as the FBI is/was, an agent probably volunteered to help with the blackmail.

  53. I couldn't post to the BI "He made millions raping girls"--but I believe this is the detective who who swept everything under the rug. Note the reference to "Golden boy"

  54. @Kryptex,and others,the blind has a link on the bottom of this blogs main page,and other most commented recent posts.

  55. @Missyrocks53 Here is the link for the blind you were trying to find. ;)

  56. How about Two of a Kind as the movie, with Olivia Newton John. They would have been longtime friends by that time.

  57. At first, I looked into Tom Cruise for this blind because the pedo part of it doesn't seem to fit Travolta's MO. Then I remembered reading a piece where somebody who knew Travolta well said that Travolta's sexual appetites have constantly been evolving...At one time he was only into black guys, then it was Middle Eastern guys, then it was Hispanic guys. Now he's into masseurs---especially heterosexual ones who he tries to seduce with his celebrity status. Travolta's sexcapades seem to be more about fetishizing people than anything else. I wish I could find that blog again. It had some other interesting bits of information about Travolta that just ring true to me. He is also sometimes a crossdresser. I've read that in more than one place. My point is that if he is a fetishist then, at one time, his thing might have been teenage boys. It still might be. He very well could be one of the closet pedos in the Hollywood ring.

    Everything else in this blind fits Travolta to the letter. WB is Travolta and EP is Kelly Preston. They met on the set of The Experts in 1987. Most people don't know or remember much about Kelly Preston back when she was becoming popular in the mid to late 80s. She was a model before she became a tv/movie star and she was in some very popular big budget movies that starred A listers, and well on her way to becoming A lister herself at the time. She was in the tabloids all the time, but it was never anything all that bad. But she, like many others, had issues with booze and alcohol. Charlie Sheen is MS. He is the crazy, out of control boyfriend that she was involved with at the time. She eventually left him after he shot her. The shooting was reported as an 'accident', but there is a backstory that the two of them were out of their mind drunk and totally coked out when the gun went off.

    Travolta's acting career was in a lull and he desperately needed a hit. VC is Kirstie Alley. She was pretty hot stuff on TV at the time and she also had a couple movies under her belt but she wanted to do more movies. She and Travolta knew each other from long before because they were both mixed up with $cientology. They figured they could help each other out by starring in a movie together. My take on the next part of the blind is that the movie changed lives because it was a hit. I can't comment on how it might have contributed to destroying lives without getting metaphysical, and that wouldn't be any fun. But its undeniably true that this renewed relationship between Alley and Travolta after this movie started both of them on a personal downward spiral that continues even now. Fake marriage...beard kids...

  58. ...Part 2

    Everybody knows that Travolta is in the closet, even though he continues to pretend that he doesn't like men. "At the time" he was using a lot of drugs and he was into teen boys who were numerous on the set. The movie he was filming at the time that best fits this scenario is Shout. It was about a type of reform home for boys and this is why many male teen actors (extras) would be on the set. Alley was not in this movie but she was evidently hanging out on the set a lot since she and Travolta are friends. That would be the premise to her having access to observing the goings on, and to recording him. He was using heavily at the time. He didn't care. Back then, as we all now know, nobody else cared either. It seems that these abusive sexual situations happened a lot and it was all covered up. After all, it was John Travolta.

    The 'people' who she gave the video recordings to are the $cientology folks. They have been 'managing' Travolta's career since the beginning. They have been blackmailing him with this stuff ever since. They 'house' that they put him in is the narcanon program that they run. Alley was put in that same program herself when her addiction issues had gotten out of control. Kelly was also put there to help her get over her addiction issues.

    A lot of this stuff has been scrubbed from the internet, but I remember it very well. Back then Travolta went around proposing a bearding contract to quite a few famous actresses and they kept turning him down. Preston agreed to marry him only because the $cientology organization told her to. All the negative stuff about Kelly's background has been scrubbed. You will have to search very hard to find anything. $cientology has also been very good at covering Travolta's tracks, and his lawyers have been very good about silencing his victims.

  59. +1 john doe. i think that "wb" stands for "welcome back" and "ep" for "easy preston", maybe, lol?

    dog mom- i was floored by your link and googled "travolta divorce" in google news and got lots of hits but none recent aside from the msn story. they've divorced at least 25X according to the tabloids.

  60. I didn't know where to post this, but here seemed like a relevant place. John Travolta's Gottic movie just got pulled from being released by Lionsgate. No details given as to why. I wonder...

  61. I just saw about his movie. What God Awful thing may be about to emerge?
    Enty? Anything?

  62. The boys Ranch was a place for troubled Teens. Didn't Travolta visit their often? I know for sure that at this boys ranch they were abused by men. They ranged in age from like 6-16

  63. Whoever is running this blog is as disgusting as the people he's writing about. He's making money off the abuse of children by writing about it in this gossip blog and not reporting the names to the authorities.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.
