Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Your Turn

Did you keep any of your resolutions from the beginning of the year?


  1. I told my blind date to meet me at the gym, but I blew him off. I just didn't see us working out.

  2. I don't make promises I have no intention of keeping.

  3. no more resolutions.

  4. I don't even remember my resolutions or if I made any.

  5. I don't make them to begin with. Don't need to wait until January 1 to get shit done

  6. Yep. Said I was getting the hell outta NYC by end of year. Just confirmed my move date :)

  7. Well yes actually. I made a resolution to get serious about getting enough sleep, and I have improved in that area and I feel better and operate better. Sorry for being such a Boy Scout :^) but I highly recommend it. Sleep-deprived people are hurting themselves. It's really an underrated thing.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. NEVErmind. TMI. 🗽👩🏻🚕🍂💛

  10. I think I did improve. I resolved to quit being so late and rushed to absolutely everything I had to do or show at. creates way too much stress. I am real pokey and forever lollygag and being late is kinda disrespectful to all involved and I got tired of family lying about real time stuff started and being hour late for stuff but in reality on time and having to bring appetizers to big dinner instead of dessert so I wouldn't be late. oh and pulling off side of road to wrap Christmas presents few streets from dad's Christmas day. I guess that's more of a procrastination thing. put fixing that off till 2018.. I can't wait to be on time this year. I have been waiting for forever to walk in on time and say "it is Christmas miracle!" they will all laugh and I will smile and head for booze and my cheese tray ..

    oh it actually got so bad one year I got to airport 1.5 hours early for flight to pick up relative and I am like wtf I have been here an hour and they said they were afraid I would be late, I had no argument. but I fixed it . 80% improved

  11. I never make them, so no.
