Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Blind Item #10

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actress who has worked with this foreign born A- list mostly movie actor a couple of times now was talking smack about this a-hole A- list actor she dated on and off forever. The thing is he would always tell her he was single and that his ex was out of his life. The actress would then catch him cheating and the actor would yell at our actress and say it was his fault. She finally left him for good when his ex got pregnant by the actor even though he swore he had not been seeing her.


  1. Anyone wanna try to translate this gibberish?

  2. Ryan Gosling/McAdams?(and Mendes?)

  3. +1 Tricia. Did not know Rachel was born in Canada until now! And boo Gosling you suck.

  4. @Sandybrook Two foreign born mostly movie actors (one male, one female) have been dating on and off for a long time. Recently the lady actor has been telling friends about the final straw in their relationship which was the time when her on again off again bf cheated with an ex of his who became pregnant by his seed. He cheated on her multiple times in the past with this woman he impregnated.

  5. My first guess was Hugh Grant and Liz Hurley...but I truly doubt she is A-. Tricia's right..this sounds like Ryan.

  6. I thought there were 4 people in the original blind????

  7. McAdams dated some guys after Gosling.Michael Sheen during 3 years for ex so she was a cheater also

  8. Sienna Miller and Jude Law.

  9. Yes, the fourth is someone she worked with twice who she talks smack with.

  10. Knocking up the ex is such a rookie move.

  11. That's what I think the co-star and the a-hole are 2 different people.

  12. Correct, Brayson. Only bareback exes in the bunghole.

  13. Heed ye well these sage words from the Count.

  14. I'm thinking she talked to Jude Law so McAdams\Law\Gosling\Mendes

  15. So which A-lister had a child with an "ex"?

  16. Jude Law would fit as the friend, they did the two Sherlock Holmes movies together.

  17. Anonymous11:34 AM

    I'm actually thinking it was Rachel McAdams and the A-hole was Michael Sheen, his ex being Kate Beckinsale.

    Gosling had started dating Mendes AFTER McAdams, and they are still together.

  18. Mia Wasikowska, dated Jesse Eisenberg who had a baby with his ex. Other A- actor she starred with is Rob Pattinson (Maps to the Stars and now Damsel- currently at Sundance).

    1. This is it. The cheating actor isn't described as foreign-born, Gosling was born in Canada.

  19. Anonymous11:41 AM

    @alex, good call, that may actually be it.

  20. Good guess, Alex.

    Jesse seems like the type to blame a woman for his need to cheat.

  21. Count, you really need to publish a bathroom/coffee table book of just your responses on CDAN, with no context. It's art, man. Art.

  22. Phyllis: LOL! They are bad enough in context, out of context they would really get people thinking.

  23. The Count needs to write an advice column for Beta males.

  24. Let's not encourage any more nice, beta male boys in making the jump to Alpha.

  25. Just males in general, Weekitty. Ex tryin to catch some bareback dick is either looking to try and trap you or increase the payments she already getting.

  26. @Alex, I think you may have it.

  27. @sandybrook, Here's my translation of the blind.

    There was this foreign born actress. She's pretty successful as a movie actress. A- list, in fact. She worked a couple of times with a foreign born actor who was also pretty successful. Also 1-list and primarily a movie actor just like the actress.

    Not only did they work together, they dated on and off for quite a while.

    And she is starting to say mean things about the actor. Apparently he used to tell her that he was single and that he was totally through with his ex. Apparently not, since the actress kept catching him cheating. When caught the actor would shout at the actress and tell her that "it was his fault". (wondering if that's a typo and "his" should be "her")

    The cheating thing was apparently not enough to end the relationship. The actress kept coming back for more.


    The last straw was when the actor managed to get the ex pregnant. The actor claimed he had not been seeing her, but that seems a bit of a stretch given the pregnancy.

    For now at least. They're done.

    Shorter: Boy meets girl. Boy keeps screwing ex. Girl keeps keeps catching boy. Boy gets ex preggers. Boy loses girl.

  28. D'oh.

    Change "1- list" to "A- list"...

  29. High marks, fustian. funny, too. Maybe all these blinds need to be translated in fustian-ese before they get posted. Might save the sleuths some time.

  30. The foreign born actor she worked with isn't her ex.

  31. Sounds like McAdams/Gosling/mendes. I wonder if its true about the rumor that RM secretly had a baby and gave it to a family member to raise( there was a several month period several years ago when RM disappeared.). I wonder if it was Gosling's.

  32. I think I'm with with Alex - +1
    Or McAdams and Sheen.
    Given that Mendes and Gosling have two daughters now, and the first one was born in 2014, this would be old news, really. Also, isn't Gosling a straight A list, witout the "-"?

  33. Anonymous3:14 PM

    This is NOT Gosling. It can't be. His dating history does not fit. He dated McAdams before Mendes, well before, and Mendes is not foreign born. If it was him, then it would be the other way around-- the foreign born A- lister would be the ex he got pregnant. And Mendes would have lwct him, and they are still together. Gosling does not fit, look up his history and the order of dating.

    If this is McAdams, then it would more likely be Sheen, but I think the Eisenberg/Wasikowska guess fits even better

  34. There’s two men and two women in this as far as I can tell-

    foreign born A- list mostly movie actress
    foreign born A- list mostly movie actor
    a-hole A- list actor she dated on and off forever
    a-hole A- list actor’s baby mama ex (occupation unknown)

  35. Anonymous6:03 PM

    @Torr, correct, and I an going with @Alex's guess:

    A- list actress: Mia Wasikowska
    A- actor (her confidante): Robert PAttinson
    a-hole A- lister: Jesse Eisenberg
    a-hole's ex: Anna Strout (who he left, dated Wasikowska, then got back together with and a child with.)

    Alos, Wasikowska and Pattinson have a movie at Sundance currently. Probably talking smack there to Pattinson, or at least he was a clue to her identity.

  36. I wouldn't have thought Mia or the others in that group guess as A-list. Who knows, though?

  37. 1) Actress is foreign born.
    2) Her male friend she has acted with and confided in is foreign born.
    3) Jerk actor is probably from the US, since no foreign-born ID.

  38. I would not put Ryan Gosling at A- level. He’s A or A+.

  39. Wouldn't rule out MacGregor or Farrell either.

  40. Ent writes like a true moron. He is probably Trump.

  41. Jeremy Renner got his ex pregnant.

  42. Mz kitty, sometime i'll post a link to a podcast i was interviewed on, and you can hear my voice.

  43. Ryan didn’t even meet Eva until after he and Rachel broke up. Not them.
