Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Blind Item #10

I suppose when this foreign born A list dual threat actor saw his bank accounts were several million dollars less than they should have been, that perhaps he understood his wife was not really interested in love, but enriching her own accounts. That money has already moved several steps thanks to her long time lover.


  1. Fan implosion in 3...2...1...

  2. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Bandersnatch Cummerbund?

    1. @Normal this made me giggle so much ;D

  3. The only thing shocking to me is that Cummerbund has that much money?????

  4. David Tennant, to be different

  5. I don't have a guess of my own, byt wonder why everyone is guessing BC. Aren't there several other A list foreign born dueal threat actors? And didn't Enty suggest recently it was BC who was cheating on his wife?

  6. Based on the blind from the other day, I'm also going with Tennant and the whole "i'm so in love with him" from Georgia was a ploy.

    And yes, it's been stated that Benedict is the routine cheater in that marriage.

    1. Interesting. I only read Enty, and I don't remember him hinting that Bandycoot was on the prowl. Who said it?

  7. @Mag - The other two FB dual threat actors Enty talks about(That I know of) is Jamie Dornan and Hugh Jackman. And I don't think Dornan has that much money that his wife would be stealing and I'm sure Jackman's wife gets enough money, that she doesn't need to steal. The only dual threat actor that Enty speaks of whose wife has a long time lover is fug face Cumberbund.

    1. I don't think he's fug. I happen to think he has a cute nose and is very tall!

  8. I first thought Jessica Biel & Timberlake with Biel hemmrogaing his money w/these business w/her longtime business associate/girlfriend. but who knows, thought it was an 'arrangement'

    so I guess cumberbatch and his wife? though it never seemed like love was part of that...

  9. Going with Hugh Jackman and Deb Furness

  10. Someone in show biz once said, "There is no such thing as bad publicity as long as they spell your name correctly." For some reason CDAN has been throttling Hugh and Deb for eons now. Enough,already! If you were a Martian and came to Earth and only read CEDAN you would swear Hollywood had only a handful of actors because the same names turn up day after boring day. No, this is not Hugh Jackman and his wife.

    1. People cannot accept the fact that Hot Hugh could be married to a "plain" woman, and an older woman at that.

    2. Boo! You're back!!!! Happy New Year! πŸ—½πŸ‘©πŸ»πŸš•πŸ‚πŸ’›

      Yeah that's why we thought Cousin Benedict's engagement announcement in that English newspaper was a prank (because his name was written/spelled wrong).

  11. Jerry Hall and Rupert Murdoch ..(LOL)

  12. All of these millions sloshing around, and none of them for me.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. This actually reminds me of a scheming someone in Benedict's fandom (I'm talking about an actual sort-of-big-name fan, you guys, NOT the wife he's actually married to now). There are some (or just one very persistent obsessed fan sock-puppeting) who's been scheming in Benedict's fandom using lots of woo-woo stuff to peddle this idea that they're meant for each other.

    As early as November 2014, on a Tumblr called Eggsbenedish, someone posted a "psychic reading" about Benedict and his now-wife. Now I am SUPER OPEN-MINDED, so when I see stuff like taht, I don't immediately go, "bullshit!" Plus, i try to be respectful of people's beliefs.

    So I'm reading this submit, all fascinated by its content (because I want to see if it comes true).

    All is hunky dory, I read the 3–4 paragraphs of the post. πŸ€“


    At the very end of the post, the "psychic" goes, "oh by the way... [and she starts giving elaborate financial/legal advice] on how to negotiate his "Doctor Strange" pay]"?!

    What 'psychic' says something like that?!

    I can't remember exactly what was instructed because it was all industry jargon (but it sounded like a down payment of some sort). This was in 2014! Waaaaayyyyyy before DS even began filming. 😐

    Again, I am very open-minded (in fact I believe some things taht would have me persecuted by bigots—and treated like Luna Lovegood IRL) but when I smell bullshit, I smell bullshit, guys.

    The more I learn about Chris Cornell's widow, the more I think that schemer in Benedict's fandom (I'm talking about his fan, not the actual wife he's married to now) would end up just like her...

    Also, if you're in the BC fandom, PLEASE watch your backs because I think one of the fans is keeping tabs of other fans, literally tracking people down (if she deems you a threat for whatever imagined reason). I saw recently (this happened about 2 months ago—I remember the timeframe exactly because it was around the time my parents decided to get a divorce) something that rattled me and realised fans were being monitored. She even basically said something like, "I know who yo lu are in real life." 😭😭😭😭 I don't think she's tracking fans' mobile phone's IP addresses like she is to his wife, but she certainly keeps a Burn Book. She lives in the US, though, so if you're in another country you should be physically fine/safe. But she might try to smear you online (either by bad-mouthing you in anon asks on blogs like the now-deleted Cumberastro and a Hiddleston blog; or accusing you of baseless crimes against humanity of the worst kind, or she will contact other fans and pretend she's "worried" about you to paint you like a nutter and discredit you). So be careful guys! Take care.

    I'm also think that the rumours of Benedict's wife being part of a human trafficking ring and that his wife has been calling Benedict's fans on the phone to "silence" them is NOT true (though I think I know where taht fan got the idea). Stay safe, everyone!

    1. Also Enty should just reveal the BI about 2 fans tracking his wife's iPhone's IP address now because it's not even a secret anymore (I found a screenshot—which I saved—of the fans admitting to it). They're obviously doing it and I hope someone calls the cops on them!

  15. Replies
    1. That's a really good penis name, actually!

      You know what they call Thomas Hiddleston's? The "HIDDLESCONDA".

      Penis introduction:

      "Cumberdong, Hiddlesconda... Hiddlesconda, Cumberdong."

      Oooooh! You know what would make a good pornstar name?


    2. And if he would just make a triple-X with a K-dash during a burro-ride, we could call it "Bonkadick Cumberdong Does Ba-Donk-a-Donk on a Donkey's Back."


      He's no Catherine the Great! 🐎

  16. Happy Noo Year to you, too, Scandi! Don't know how to find my emojis, sorry!

    Arrived back late last night to find half of the NYFD in my lobby! Could smell smoke. Someone yelled at me, "They're on your floor! It was a neighbor's apt. that I don't know. Went inside, no heat! It's like 400 below zero in Manhattan! Kept my scarf, gloves, snow shoes and clothes on, fell on my Futon and went to sleep. Good times!

    Hope your year has been much better! Missed ya!

    1. Well, if you're on iPhone, just click press the World/Globe key on your keyboard/pad until the language options appear including "Emoji" (on Android, it's the smiley face). If you don't see the "Emoji" option listed, go to settings (it's under the "Language" options section, IIRC).

      I'm sorry you came home to see the fire department at your apartment building! I should imagine you'd be TERRIFIED! I'd be. IDK why I always romanticise cold places like NYC when I'm in Asia (usually when I'm in Europe all I do bitch and whine about the cold). But, oh, I love New York!

    2. Also, i use Celsius instead of Fahrenheit so I'm not really sure what you're saying but taht sounds very cold! ⛄️πŸŒ¨πŸ‘©πŸ»☃️❄️

  17. Benedict Cumberbatch of course. Bring on the split

  18. The wife is a gold diggler just like Melania Trump. Lol

  19. FINALLY I can add some gossip!

    Benedict's people went onto a uk escorting forum back when she fell pregnant to demand ALL traces of the wife-to-be to be removed from their forum. She is a former pro, who was spoken about on the UK sites a lot.

    1. Honestly Gator go away, no one believes your lies.

      If Sophie had ever been ah escort, much less someone “often spoken about” on UK punting forums, don’t you think there would be some gossip about it? The fact literally no one has ever heard of or hinted at her being involved in sex work apart from a handful of American women who are coincidentally obsessed with her husband and run hate blogs on every women he dated, pretty much proves it’s not true. If it was something would have leaked by now. And it’s clear no one is “removing” gossip since you literally have an entire blog dedicated to claiming she’s a deranged criminal mastermind prostitute who secretly controls the Church of England and the British Royal Family, and the world media, yet no attempt to “clean up” any of that!

      Besides your entire claim that she was an escort was based on slightly sexy photos that were proven to be from a cover shoot for a German arts magazine taken years after the Haters claimed. Not escort photos, unless you think Sophie is so stupid she’d use copyrighted photos that had appeared on the cover of a major magazine on an (imaginary) escort website.

  20. R Bee- really? I find that hard to believe.

  21. it is rife in thie UK and not that frowned up because of the rigid class system here. it all depends on your clientele level and your discretion. up until recently i thought Yachters were all but pre3cluded from marrying into aristocracy but anything else was fair game

    1. You’re obviously not British! What utter rot.

    2. Neither Tennant nor Cumby have anywhere near enough money to have “millions” go missing.

      Though Tennant’s wife did have him fund a dodgy “movie” as a vanity project for her.

  22. puhlease hamburgler. you're wholly unequipped to understand british wealth esp new old money celebrities.

    due to the perceived relative supertax brackets in UK, many clebrities appear to have very little in the bank. if the celeb works qbroad or holds dual US citizenship or with foriegn movies , with irish or non eue passports then even better. and if they are old money then even better and taht is just off top of my head let alone the advanced loan/ launderimg schemes available here and in BVI/USVirgin islands

  23. If anyone is like Cornell's widow it's Sophie Hunter, sounds like someone is scared that her cash cow is slipping away and tried moving the funds she embezzled from both SunnyMarch and his estate to Swiss accounts. I don't know if anyone recalls that BI that Enty posted right after their wedding? The one were Hunter brought lawyers the day of the wedding to pressure Cumberbatch into making her a beneficiary in case anything happened to him. Why the rush? It was also implied that he feared for his life and FYI HER people DID make overt death threats against him. Fast forward a few months later and we got word that he was killing himself with drugs and had to seek professional help to get clean. Ask yourselves who was plying him with drugs and stood to benefit the most from his demise? SOPHIE HUNTER. She's trying to divert attention from her own criminal acts and her partner in all of this: CONRAD SHAWCROSS. Not that it matters as the relevant legal etc. parties are already on to her.

  24. Look, I'm not saying that his wife doesn't confuse me (I remember how it felt like she came out of nowhere and we were all so confused). But it doesn't change the fact that there are some scheming fans out there who are just like her—and, possibly, if those fans were in his wife's position they would be EVEN WORSE.

    And my warning to other fans still stands (but I'll get into detail with taht later—I'm still trying to piece the puzzle of how this fan determines which fellow fans to target, like what her criteria is). The fan is ruthless, if she considers you a threat, she will smear you (imagine my relief when I realised the Tumblr blog Cumberastro had been deleted—because she would FLOOD that blog with nasty comments about me, which were all baseless accusations).

    The accusations of Benedict's wife being involved in a trafficking ring and calling fans to "silence" them are similarly baseless.

    But yes, apart from that, something was just not right from the get-go. I have no idea who this Conrad person is, but I think if anyone should be looked into, it should be that sketchy pianist friend if his, JR. I first became aware of him when he tweeted Benedict's Time cover in 2013 and IDK, just something was odd—my gut just told me this person wasn't to be trusted.

    It's considered 'sacrilegious' to criticise St. JR within the BC fandom (even amongst the "skeptic" fans) because he was abused as a child. Even the vilest fans (who will say super nasty things about Benedict's wife) will defend JR if you dare question him. Plus the fact that there was some 'injunction' (?) to prevent his book from being published (or whatever you say in the Common Law system). But what people are forgetting is exactly WHO didn't want that book published: NOT the Vatican, NOT the Government, NOT some powerful institution, NOT some megacorporation... But his ex-wife, the mother his child (who I understand was a minor during the release of the book).

    Think about that for second. Because, to me, that makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD.

    It has one wondering exactly WHAT parts of that book his ex doesn't want their son to see, and why? Is it revealing of his character somehow?

    Because I truly don't understand what people see in him! Back in the day when I used to frequent skeptic blogs on Tumblr there would be these all anon asks on Tumblr skeptic blogs saying how Adam/Martin/Amanda were just "users/bad friends", and that Benedict should only hangout with JR (because supposedly, JR was the only "good friend" Benedict has). Like, who in their right minds would want a man to isolate himself and only have one friend?

    I just don't get it!

    IDK. Something is just so seriously 'off' about that character? If there's some sort of long-game (and I'm NOT saying there is, but hypothetically IF there were one), this is one character that should be looked into. He could be in on it: I remember when the shock engagement happened, he seemed to be the only one person who kept subtweeting/talking about/supporting the new couple (when everyone else in Benedict's circles seemingly wanted nothing to do with his new fiancΓ©e). He even hinted that he knew/saw when the first baby was born on Twitter as if to bait/troll the fangirls. Sometimes I think JR comes off as wanting people to think Benedict conceived his first child from a hook-up at his wedding (I think it was in the autumn of 2014, IIRC) or something. I swear something isn't right. I often doubt my intuition, but I am totes trusting my gut on this one.
