Thursday, January 11, 2018

Blind Item #12

This permanent A list singer who has done a lot more "singing" the past few years rather any actual singing says the first time she had sex was with this other permanent A list singer/wannabe actor and that it was not consensual. She also says that when she had sex with this A+ list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee he slipped her some kind of drug and she doesn't remember much of the encounter. She won't call it rape, but when she was describing it, she says she wasn't aware of anything until after.


  1. Britney/Timberfake/Ben Affleck

  2. Timberlake is permanent A now Entwat? And Brittany Spears for the"singer" and Brad Pitt for the actor?

  3. I immediately thought Brit/JT. Why do you say Affleck? Did I miss a whole chapter?

    1. When he was with Gwynnie.... he used to look up with her (probably cause she’s way nicer and had a body lol this was when Goopy was super saucy). It may have contributed to their end.... though that was doomed from the start,really. She famously said “Ben wants a woman who will serve him and his friends a beer in a bikini and heels ( when he started dating Jlo😏)

    2. Super waif-ish*

  4. Britney/Justin Timberlake/Colin Farell

    1. Ooohh good call on Colin..I forgot she was with him.

  5. "singing" as in lip synching

  6. Hi, I'm a long time lurker and I know that this is off topic and in the wrong place for which I apologise, but I just saw this and the first thoughts when I saw the headline were of Enty & Co. I thought you might enjoy the notion of That One baptising That One "Ambassador Of Empathy". I wonder how that quote's going to age?

    Best of luck everyone, and keep up the good fight. 2018's barely hatched and there are many beans yet to be spilled.

  7. Timberlake permanent A list!😂 Britney, maybe, I think this is Ben, she was sort of into Colin. Ben was obsessed with her,and after she seemed unhappy with what happened. Even at the time there were rumors she was date raped, but it was rumored to be a producer.

  8. Is this blind referring to three people, or two? It can be read to be just two I think ...

  9. Upon reflection, I guess it is three people.

  10. I don't remember Britney being with Ben? I like the JT/Colin Farrell answer.

  11. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Timberfake! Good name, Trisha.

    It seems to fit Britney and JT. The rumours about him disappointed me, I had not heard anything up until recently. And ben - I never even knew they were involved.

    1. Thanks@PG! Yeah they happened. It’s been written that’s what caused the JT/Bs breakup but that was actually her choreographer Wade Robinson,I think. I believe she used to go visit his home he shared with Goop when she wasn’t there....(and I certainly hope the blind isn’t true in that can’t imagine why she would ever spew to him let alone .... continue to hook up).

  12. britney & timberlake - I remember her and her 'virginity' being a big deal and then he said on TRL or some show that he and her had had sex and took her virginity, but she contested it? i cant remember, I heard about that way back when.

    dont know who the date raper is...

  13. Brit-Brit, JT and? Maybe Jared Leto to be different.

  14. Poor Bit-but.
    But I do doubt the A-lister was Colin. The man was always a slut (Dublin’s a small town, everyone knows someone who knows someone. And we’re same age, so I knew people who were in his a relative of a gf).

  15. So many BI and comments that JT is gay and in a lavender marriage. What about him and Brit? Did she just not know? Did I completely miss that it was a manufactured relationship? Is the rape implied here between them a Mickey Rourke thing?

  16. I, too, doubt it was Colin. He’s a slightly reformed slag, not a rapist.

  17. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Tricia - I only recently heard about Wade Robson being the reason they broke up - always wondered who it was.
    But the Ben thing is new to me. Thanks!!! I get the impression there's a lot more about Affleck than we know...hmm!

    1. No worries!
      She dated or had a date with Colin so everyone who mentioned him is totally correct.. he never has been nommed /won an AA though and probably isn’t entys idea of A+although I think his talent is very deserving of it (more than Affkecks,actually)

  18. The audacity he had to write Cry Me A River then, jeez. As far as the date raper.. it sounds like Ben. He is pretty skeezy. A man who cheats on Jennifer Garner is an all-around dirtbag. I guess creep runs in the family.

    1. Anonymous3:05 AM

      Oh please. Jennifer has plenty of skeletons in her closet.

    2. Oh really?? Do tell...

  19. @AIP nope, her new name is bit-but.

  20. The third person is Affleck. They are rumored to have "hooked up" but never seen in public. Britney & Colin were all over each other in public, so I doubt it was him. Also, remember Ben and Harvey were really close.

  21. 20 years ago it was a long standing rumor in London that Colin Farrell got his big break by sleeping with Kevin Spacey. Colin is an actor who should only be allowed to do an Irish accent as his Dub accent comes through every time he tries to do any other.

  22. True story about Timberfake. He hit on me in a salad restaurant years ago in LA, some guy owned it that runs that Au Fudge place with his wife now. Anyway. I didn't respond to him because he was just so gross and creepy. Literally didn't answer when he said hello in such a gross and flirty way. He was so pissed off at my unresponsiveness that he stormed out of there like a bat out of hell. He seemed like such an entitled douche. Why did he think I wanted him? He was shaking his head on his way out the door like "the nerve of her!" Vile.

  23. Interesting @secrets yet not surprising! I really feel for Brit Brit - more than 99% of those in the public eye. She just didn’t have anyone in her corner from such an early age, and I still think we’ve only heard a fraction of what she endured. Notice it doesn’t say how old they were...didn’t they meet as kids?

    1. I feel bad for her too! Good point re: Brit. Could have been Mickey Mouse days sadly. And if any of the Jamie Lynn - Dan Schneider stories are true there's a lot of tragedy in that family!

    2. 😢 I think we can safely say most of the Dan Schneider stories are true. How he’s escaped a takedown thus far is mindboggling

  24. Shawn Combs / JLo / Ben Affleck

  25. Kalamota Kook - welcome! Your question raises alarms. What a triumvirate of evil Oprah-Spielberg-Geffen (allegedly!) would be if they get her into the White House. And I'm so afraid that all of our Presidents are going to celebrities from now on, with a liberal the next one, so she's really got a chance. (shivers down my spine.)

    So far there's been zero traction in the press re the effort to bring Spielberg to light. Much less Geffen. The fact that Oprah "accept yourself" Winfrey is gay and denies it says so much about her false nature and ambition. One can hope that everything will be exposed and the quote will look funny in the future....we'll see.

  26. Anonymous3:40 AM

    Thanks for sharing, Secrets. How dare you turn down a huge star like JT :-)

    just sayin' - I totally agree there. They're campaigning for it now, trying to get their grubby hooks into power.

    Have there been many blinds about the untouchable one, Oprah? I am relatively new.

  27. Anonymous3:48 AM

    Isn't Coombs in the closet, or bi at least? I have seen lots of rumours about the gay hip hop casting couch and he's been caught (allegedly) a few times.

    @tricia - I agree about Colin's talent.

  28. Britney dated fred durst as well Ewwwww.

  29. If I'm to believe everything on this site, the only people in Hollywood that are not gay are Harvey Weinstein and James Franco.

  30. @Tricia13 "Super saucy" lol. :-)
    Autocorrect has a wonderful sense of humor.

  31. Uh, @Zenny, I've heard rumors about Franco. So that leaves us with Harvey Weinstein. And don't forget Pill Cosby. He hasn't been accused by any men.

  32. @Sharper Teeth: 😂

    @I’m just curious; Sort of, the story I heard was that Spacey introduced him to Bruckheimer. I trust that source.
    No hating on Colin, after Australia he did what he needed to do. I mean he did worse than shag that pair, like teach line dancing! But come on, his grasp of accents is still better than Fassbender who always winds up sounding like the Bull McCabe by the end of the film! 🤪

    He hasn’t been nominated for the Oscars, but should’ve (I reckon he’d gotten a nom for Best Supporting Actor for “Crazy Heart” but he left his name off the credits supposedly to make sure Jeff and Maggie had no distractions. I think he should’ve gotten more credit for Saving Mr Banks, he was so good for the bit he was on screen.
    I’m actually not a Farrell fan-girl (they scare the bejeebus out of me), and he annoyed the crap out of me when he first got popular. But he’s actually a decent old skin and has turned into a fine actor.
