Thursday, January 18, 2018

Blind Item #12

The boyfriend of this former A- list singer turned B list reality star/actress/celebrity is not just her boyfriend. He is also the guy who makes sure she comes back to the hotel when she is supposed to. She has done literal yachting and figurative yachting in the past month. It has been almost nonstop. 


  1. Birdman being Toni's pimp?!?!

  2. +1 Tricia! She is looking pretty amazing in Miami.

    1. She does look kinda spectacular.... apparently the ol horizontal mambo is the best form of excercise💃🏼

  3. I'm getting a yacht.

  4. Know why god invented pimps? Because most whores are complete messes and need a pimp to keep em in line and earning.

    1. Lol we giving god credit for pimps now?

    2. God created everything. Pimps, pedos, whores, victims, even new coke.

    3. Ha ha! I came for the yachting blind but I stay for Counts comments! What’s up, Count?

    4. Hey beckywiththenametoolongtotype - Count is one of my favs too. A total pig, but without the skeezy factor. (Dont know what that says about me but ....)

    5. Thanks becky & dahling.

      I think it only gets skeezy/creepy if ya try to hide it. If yer out in the open a out being a perverted degenerate, it aint as bad.

  5. She's practically living in France now.

  6. And here I thought figurative yachting required at least one literal yacht somewhere in the general proximity. Haven't seen many blinds for yachting in the midwest.

  7. Lmao "horizontal mambo" I am so using that today somehow, somewhere...

  8. Anonymous1:12 PM

    What's literal yachting ?
    And if it's Christina, she is going out with Matt Pokora, the discount version of Timberlake in my country France. Apparently that dude is gay and in the closet. He said recently that he is logging of social media to "reconnect" after a long (awful) career that i would gladly have avoided at all fucking cost. Damn that dude is whack. And guess what, he is "staying' in the US so the blind fits. He wants to record the "best music ever". Please if you guys love praying, pray for our sorry french asses to avoid the motherfucker !

  9. It must suck to become famous with NO talent cuz eventually that becomes apparent and then you are reduced to working as a whore. Which is not an admirable profession and should not be something one aspires to be.
    These people are ALL pathetic.
    And I work in the adult industry and have my whole adult life so I speak from experience. These 'famous' people are worse than any regular working girl as these 'famous' people have/had money but no talent or smarts to keep it coming in. So they resort to what those of us who found ourselves homeless and starving did.
    It's awful and no matter how 'good' you look, you are nothing more than a whore if you chose to not get educated, hone a skill or have actual talent.
    Just goes to show these people didn't get anywhere due to 'talent' to begin with.
    They whored their way to 'fame' to begin with.
    Nasty bunch these Hollyweird people are.
    Quite the bottom of the barrel, running around whoring for money acting like you are 'famous'.
    No, you are a whore and if you didn't whore it up you would be BROKE.

    1. The yachters are worse. They readily do things a desperate crack-whore would balk at.

  10. A pimp's love is very different from that of a square.

  11. All women are whores. Some of them are smart and monetize it. lol

  12. I can't judge these women. If Laurene Jobs offered me $50k to hang out on her yacht and bone her for a few weeks, I've got my sailor suit on in under 10 seconds.

  13. You can't have a conscious in the pimp game

  14. It's hard out there for a pimp

  15. M ztylesv. Work in adult industry, doesnt like whores....director/producer? Are you Khan Tusion or Duke Skywalker?

  16. Also just wanted to add, first comment have been a lurker for a few months now. Awesome guesses. :)

  17. Christina Milan can actually sing though. She has talent. What she’s never had is star power. No matter what song she puts out nobody cares.

    Literal yachting = actual yacht involved, figurative yachting being paid to be somewhere that’s not a boat?

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Oops! Sorry, not in Miami, she's in Dubai right now.

  20. Am I the only one who had a hard time figuring this out?

    "...literal yachting and figurative yachting..."

    She's literally on a yacht! (She is on a yacht.)

    She's figuratively on a yacht? (She is in a hotel room next to the docks where the yachts are moored?

    Okay. I get it now.

    Sorry, some days I'm just slow brained.

    (I spent a lot of time today writing an offer for a small casino today that's heading into foreclosure. We'll see what happens.)

  21. @david howes - figurative yachting means escorting.

  22. @texasrose:
    I knew that.
    I made a bad joke.

  23. @texasrose:
    I knew that.
    I made a bad joke.

  24. @Newbomb; I've said in the past here, had this "Yachting" been a thing in my time, I'd climb aboard, 2 seconds flat. That being said, my next life if it's NOT a "thing" I'm making it a thing!

  25. @David: I've not been here but for months, but I was a tad worried for your mental yachting health.

  26. It's Christina. If you offered me 50k I'd sleep with you to.

  27. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Dubai seems to be a hotspot for escorting.

  28. Bob Denero must of sucked a shitload of cock to get his roles

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Spending summertime in the Mediterranean on a YACHT sucking and fucking a shitload of cocks is what is known as YACHTING.

  31. Newbomb..sailor

  32. "I work in the adult industry and have my whole adult life so I speak from experience"

    I'm listening.

  33. Count calls em like he sees em

    "The church" blinds are where the action is

    Read the comments. The mormiin church (LDS) are sex trafficking through DREAM CITY

  34. Riggghhhht Rafael 🙄

  35. Dubai has lots of prostitution. Lindsay live in Dubai now, and is designing an island. What are the odds she names it "Whore Island" ?
