Friday, January 26, 2018

Blind Item #12

I feel like I have been telling you about this A- list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee forever. The sometime singer and permanent jerk is finally about to get busted for at least some of the underage and legal women he has assaulted over the years. One he tag teamed assaulted with that awful photographer is about to sue them both.


  1. Uncle Terry Richardson the Douche for the photographer

  2. Jared Leto & Terry Richardson

  3. FINALLY Terry's ass is getting handed to him.

  4. Leto and Richardson. Totally happy with this.

  5. Leto and Richardson. This will be interesting.

  6. Jared Leto & Terry Richardson, absolutely

    I hope all those underage girls he pulled out of his concert crowds and then into his hotel room while touring come forward. He does tons of cities all over the world - there could be hundreds of victims....

  7. He is an "academy award winner forever"??

    1 academy award in 2013 doesn't really qualify for that does it?

  8. LOL sentence structure. He's been telling us about him forever.

  9. I can't stand Jared Leto. Years ago (We're talking My So Called Life was just hitting big) he was at the Mill Valley Whole Foods At the time I worked for WFs) with his brother and mom. He was a total dick to the people that worked there and to his new fans that approached him. Fuck him.

    1. I used to want to fuck him (during MSCL days), but not anymore. Apparently, even when you're willing, he uses force.

  10. Someone is tweeting something to Jared Leto about Alejandro Burzaco, Elisa Lilita CarriĆ³ and I guess something involving FIFA,etc scams? I don't know what the poster is talking about, but she keeps tagging Leto

  11. I feel like there have been quite a few 'about to get busted' blinds.... anxiously awaiting to see these come to ... busted!

  12. I live in Mill Valley. So beautiful... I'm fortunate.

  13. About time Jordan Catalano got his for being so mean to Angela.

    1. Jordan was conflicted. Jared is just an asshole.

  14. Frankly, I'll believe it when I see it. So many of these "victim is about to expose the abuser" blinds just seem to die. Don Henley suit?

    1. Its coming... Patience.
      It's much easier in the real world like ours, but not so with all the wealth and power and influence some of the people in these blinds possess. It will happen. Maybe Geffen and political people will escape justice, but I do believe we will see a lot of these creeps be held accountable
      I hope so

  15. @SDaly is right

    LA Times piece was SO SOFT ON FRANCO. Its like they published it prematurely.

    With the 'Paying To Be Assaulted' blind, and w/talk of the underage victims going public together??

    That seems like a pretty f'ing solid case. And yet....? Where is it? THEY HAD A F/CKING RAPE ROOM, HELLO!

  16. @SDaly, according to the blind, the Henley one isn't supposed to break until soon before the primaries, which are June 5. So that could still be a few months off. But I agree: at this point we have a whole stack of claims that people are "about to" either out someone or be outed. It's setting up for an avalanche or a massive disappointment.

  17. Haha Violet, I think a lot of girls did. Just out of curiosity what is the difference between being conflicted and being an asshole. Might need it for a future defense ;)

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. god i hope it's Jared Leto, it's way overdue. Fucking creep. And definitely with Terry Richardson. I think he shot with him at least once.

  20. If Richardson is finally getting taken down for good I will be SO pleased. I’ve been reading about his disgusting behaviour for several years now and his dumping by a couple of magazines was not good enough.

  21. I never understood "Jared Leto." He's repellent onscreen, seems ant--charismatic, and is just an okay actor. Nothing special at all. Guessing there's some dark occult shit going on there, and his place of residence backs that up pretty solidly.

  22. I think a lot of people are going to be (or have already been) paid off and we won't hear much. Which is sad if true because then the abuse will continue. Major heads need to roll and wind up in jail before anything is done.

  23. there ya have it

  24. "The sometime singer and permanent jerk is finally about to get busted for at least some of the underage and legal women he has assaulted over the years."

    By BUSTED dies this mean criminally, or bylines posted on outlier blogs?

  25. I remember this blind enty put out after the Weinstein saga started, and I can't get it out of my head because I wonder, will this all be for nothing, will the huge most horrible monsters stay free forever, meanwhile small beans comparably get taken down?

    "After the Harvey Weinstein scandal , I have head that there are several big news outlets that are prepared to expose three other Hollywood honchos: that kid show producer, that openly gay director who escaped charges in the past and the biggest one of all: that billionaire mogul who has had buildings named after him. I don't know when these accusations will start appearing in rapid succession, or if they will appear at all, but after the Weinstein fracas it will probably be sooner than later."

    Enty, Im losing hope everyday. Some of these blinds make me want to die, to be honest.

    1. @beebop - don’t die. These assholes, and others like them, aren’t worth it.

  26. I too never got the Leto hype. He might be a goodish actor, but he's so unattractive, something about his bland uninteresting expression and his eyes being too close together. He lacks the je ne sais quois.

  27. If you ever get to meet him, let us know if you actually do refuse the money and fame.

  28. Anonymous8:53 AM

    I wish I could afford to live in Mill Valley...

  29. @beebopcowboy Steve Wynn just got called out hard!
