Friday, January 05, 2018

Blind Item #12

This former one season wonder turned celebrity turned reality star turned celebrity has been hooking up with an assistant which is probably news to his A list celebrity wife/former host/former reality star.


  1. Guliana Ransic and her husband

  2. Elisabeth Hasselbeck Tim Hasselbeck

    1. I ant this to be so bad. Hate Hasselcrack

  3. Bill/Juliana Rancic

  4. +1 to Ghouliana and hubby

  5. I don't blame him, she's a disgusting cadaver.

  6. No way Rancic is healthy enough to get it wet.

  7. Got to be Guliana and Bill. Feel bad for her. Bill is well known around Chicago.

    Tim H and Elizabeth H wouldn't work as Tim would have to have had a great season and he never did.

    1. I hope not the Rancics, i think they make a cute couple. He seems controlling to me. Especially since she basically gave up her career to move to his hometown. I think she is just naturally thin. I always have been too. Not everyone is anorexic.

  8. ABC Canceled a Rolling Stone special, due to sexual assault allegations against Jann Wenner. I hope a bunch of reveals on him come down tomorrow. Hate that guy and his fugazi Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

  9. Guiliana Rancic looks healthy compared to the latest bikini pictures of Tara Reid

    1. She’s lost all hope of abdominal muscle tone due to MANY, POORLY PERFORMED liposuction procedures.
      Her stomach looks like the bloated bellies I see in the poorer countries of Northern Africa... her overall appearance from the abuse she’s dished on her body, quite scary looking.
      She used to be a very cute girl.. now she looks like a woman with the body of haggard 50 yr old woman trying to be 19 again. #flabbyfail

  10. Good God, that is a scary picture of Tara Reid. It is so sad. But no one is as Anorexic is Guiliana Rancic. Bill should have never married her...

  11. Ohhhh Tara needs help. Rancic is a mess, but she has a large family who'll support her.

  12. Entern I hope you will do randoms Monday for the Golden Globes and try to hold the blinds to less than 25 and 6 hours

  13. that Rancic woman would look alot better with 20 pounds more.

  14. Dearest Enty, dashes, the use of dashes. I thought 2018 would be the year.
    Ho hum.

  15. I love @Count Jerkula

  16. Taras look is due to excessive drug consumption. Ghouliana is just from not eating and maybe throwing up, laxatives and over exercising. Sounds like a party

  17. Ok so this will be both morbid and mean, but speaking of “Ghouliana” (not to mention all the other recent celebrity deathwatch BIs), CDaN/Enty should do an annual ghoul pool. Everyone picks 3-5 celebs that they think will pass away during the calendar year, with a point system based on age. 100 & up = 1 point, everyone under 100 gets (100 - their age) points. Winners announced at end of year.

    1. Itttt: Enty tried to do a death pool once and less than an hour after the post went live, i think it was Pete Seeger who died, so there was backlash and the post deleted.

      I am all for it though, because i am pretty mich soulless and figure them people were put on earth for our entertainment.

    2. And also @ltttttt generally says shitty things 😒

  18. How did Guiliana get to "A". C+ is more like it.

  19. Do the Doug Stanhope Celebrity Death Pool instead. It's already set up.
    Despite the site listing some old dates, trust me, it is very active. I don't play, myself, but there is a dedicated guy who runs it. There's a Twitter if you have questions, @StanhopesCDP.

  20. Off topic I’m in la for the first time in ages and we’ve already hit broad, obligatory trendy restaurant, ucb and in n out....beach tomorrow but any suggestions? I’m out of practice 😘😘

    1. Dinners at sunset towers hotel and dolce vita, hamasaku on Santa Monica for sushi, burger at fathers office, stroll on Montana, shopping and a movie at Westfield in century city, drink at top of Huntley hotel in SM, ice cream cookie sandwiches at Diddy Reise (sp?) in Westwood...assuming all of these still exist! Lived there 9 years ago and still miss it. :)

    2. If you want good eats, guglezeta or chicken Itza.for authentic goid food. Hit up Thai town too. Yummy. So many places. Have a great time Liz

    3. Awesome!!!! Thanks guys 😘

  21. In defense of Guiliana, i have heard from someone who knows people that have worked with her that she is a really sweet woman. If true, sad she got the ED.

  22. I've always thought that the backlash against Giuliana for saying that dreadlock-wearing Zendaya smelled like weed was ridiculous. It was a frickin' JOKE on a show that lampooned celebs and their fashions. Zendaya, while adorable, did that thing that she always does and climbed on her high horse and shot down the haterz. If you want to be a public figure, Z, you need to toughen your hide, not take comments (especially internet comments) personally, and learn to accept the fact that not everyone is gonna love you.

    That said, Giuliana needs to eat a sandwich.

    1. lol they probably both do. I don’t have a horse in that race but Z’s fashion choices > ghoulia’s x1000

  23. @LizOz if you are into getting away from the rat race of LA and eating well, go down to the south bay 10 miles south of LAX on PCH and go to Redondo Beach. Eat bfast at Eat at Joes on PCH and Carnelian street (or lunch or dinner), have tacos at el burrito jr at PCH and Avenue B, and take your tacos down to the beach two blocks to the west and gaze at Catalina Island offshore (if the air is clear) and just enjoy a more chill day in LA. In the south bay. Keep going south on PCH until it turns east and turn right on Palos Verdes Blvd. Follow that for a couple miles until you hit Palos Verdes and just cruise around the peninsula and back. Stunning views of a part of LA people rarely see.

    1. I saw this too late but thanks - will definitely do next time (I’m usually down a couple times a year - always go to mb but I need to explore further south!!)
