Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Blind Item #14

This A list actor is probably permanently A list now. He is also a huge a-hole and has been for going on pretty much his entire career. I'm not quite sure how his current wife deals with his a-holery. Probably drinks a lot. Of course she was incredibly thirsty so that might have overcome her distaste. Anyway, he is the one I am most excited to see go down which will be happening any time. All of his words/defenses are going to come back to haunt him.


  1. Alec Baldwin and Hilarious fit this

  2. Baldwin seems like a good fit. Given his public statements

  3. Alec did double down on the Woody Allen love. I have no idea how he can be so openly repulsive but still respected. (I still think he's great as Match Game host, but that's mostly due to his perverse mind fitting the role)

  4. And he was accused of "victim shaming" Rose

    Man, am I tired of selecting images today.

  5. Mark Wahlberg? I'm such a bad guesser.

  6. DEFINITELY alec baldwin

  7. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Sandybrook has it, I think. Baldwin for the giant A-hole.

  8. @cheesegrater - "current wife" hints that you need to be on the prowl for someone who has been married multiple times. That helps you narrow down your guesses. Marky Mark is on his first marriage.

  9. Can't think of many women thirstier than Hilaria! Good call.

    I like Alec as an actor and hope he isnt an abuser too (his temper is a known issue), but they all need to fall, no matter who they are.

    Glad to hear another one is going to bite the dust.

  10. Didn't even see the "current wife" part. Also, didn't realize he was on his first marriage. LOL, I'm so bad at this!!

  11. I agree w/Alec and Hil guesses.

    The ONLY rival to Hilari(ous) in terms of extreme THIRST is that insufferable "model" Chrissy Teigan.

    I just don't quite understand how Alec can so unequivocally support Woody Allen at all costs and insist on Woody's right to due process, yet he comes down so hard on Trumpy's porn star dalliances and allegations of sexual misconduct. Pretty sure that both are examples of men who have used their power and wealth to behave questionably. How can Alec justify supporting a pedophile, in good conscience?

  12. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Alec Baldwin or Matt Damon
    Alec, you fucked up. You were almost perfect physically. Then you had to open your mouth and talk.

  13. You don't understand that our current president is capable of doing so much more damage to our country, our rights and our political system than the sniveling little nebish Woody Allen?

    Really? REALLY?

    No, recognizing that does not make Baldwin a hypocrite. I haven't heard him say a word about Donny's sex life, btw, though maybe you could enlighten us.

    1. Anonymous12:52 PM

      Chill out Francis.

  14. I like Chrissy Teigen and don't see her as thirsty at all. She found her love and they seem to have a great relationship. She is very funny and get's PR without having to try. Not to mention offering to pay McKayla Maroney's $100k fine for breaking her NDA and naming her abuser.

  15. @Plot

    Hey, if Epstein gets taken down maybe it'll be two for one.

  16. Plot, have you read Baldwin's interview re: Toback? He did in fact call Trumpy a sexual predator (to deflect from his own defense of Toback). He truly is a hypocrite. I'll post the link and excerpt below.



    By Stav Ziv On Tuesday, October 31, 2017 - 11:12

    The actor wasn’t content to limit the conversation to Toback. “I would be heartbroken if you didn’t print this angle of this in its entirety,” he told Whipp. “Many many people are rightfully focusing on this, but there is some veneer to it of complexity because they can’t get the guy they really want to get.”

    “[President Donald] Trump is a sexual predator,” Baldwin went on, pointing to the man he portrayed to great acclaim onSaturday Night Live (the role won him an Emmy). “On the record, there’s all kinds of evidence that Trump has behaved this way, and he’s the president of the United States and that being just one of the things that is horrifying people about Trump, his opinions, his behavior, his methodology and there’s nothing you can do about that. You cannot touch him.”

  17. Jeez, Plot.


    it's interesting to see Enty say, "he is the one I am most excited to see go down." I wonder in what context Enty means it. Like, among actors; among all Hollywood types; among all offenders in all BIs (probably not this one). It's hard to imagine Baldwin being worse than a Singer or HW, but I'll believe anything with proof at this point.

    1. Enty has been pretty upfront about his dislike of AB. His blinds about what a terrible person he is usually contain a personal observation or note. e.g. "I can't wait for him to be brought down."

  18. Well, yeah, Trump is a sexual predator. He admitted it himself.

    And there is absolutely nothing we can do about it given the GOP Congress which is willing to destroy the country for the party.

    Baldwin did have a personal relationship with Toback. I just read the whole interview in the LA Times with Baldwin, where the interviewers dearly wanted Baldwin to say something bad about Toback, to repent or something, I don't know. So what does anyone expect here exactly? Baldwin never says Toback didn't harass women or that Toback is innocent of the accusations. He says he does not know. Baldwin doesn't even defend him in anyway, just talks about his personal relationship.

    So where is the hypocrisy?

    1. Anonymous10:25 AM

      Trump said “you can” he never said “ I did”

  19. Started to write a few things and changed my mind. Not worth it. WELL, one small one. The biggest take down would be, finally, AK Willy. A rapist, with a willing, wedded accomplice it seems.

    1. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
      And that’s all I will say 😘
      I stand with Juanita too.

  20. @Don, Chrissy is definitely a courter of media, big time, thus why she always inserts herself into narratives that don't concern her - all for publicity. There have been numerous blinds here and over at BG about her desperation for fame, attention-seeking tactics. I.e. purposely showing up to premieres with body parts exposed hoping to make front pages, relentless campaigns for her own reality show, cooking show, trying to land herself on one of the morning talk shows, calling paps and "leaking" news about herself and John to the tabloids, and then turning around and ranting about these leaks as being a privacy invasion on social media. She is VERY very much so a "LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!!!" type. She isn't content with just living the luxe life as a celebrity wife. She wants fame for herself independent from her husband.

    As for her marriage, I can't speculate. Hopefully she truly loves him, and it isnt all for show (to land that reality gig). John Legend himself said that he tried to break it off with her once, but she went beserk and refused to allow him to leave her. I could be wrong, but my gut reaction was that Cheissy would NEVER allow her meal ticket to get away. No one was checking for her before she and John married, anyhow...

  21. "The biggest take down would be, finally, AK Willy."

    Naturally, since everything bad in the world is connected to a Clinton

  22. @Diana
    Wrong. Big D!@× Willy never raped anyone. They gave it away for free. Tell the truth, shame the devil. But I will say this, at least they were all over the age of 18. Not so much of the prez.

  23. I don't see this as Alec. His wife is expecting baby #3 or 4 in as many years! Even if it is him, no way she is leaving him. She probably drives him up the wall anyway. He married his bad karma. She's loving the heck out of it.

    1. Gah! Is she pregnant AGAIN? I must have stopped paying attention.

    2. Yes, she is pregnant again. It works out, because she is a hot preggo and she posts more bra & panty pix while preggo. She loves seeing herself soo much, Alec must have a whole library of sex tapes w/her.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. @Plot, I replied below. Not trying to start another huge argument (really). Baldwin is a POS, and problematic to the progressive platform just as Lena Dunham. He isn't worth either of our time, seriously. Nonetheless....Ive replied below, but beyond this agree to disagree with you.

    ** Well, yeah, Trump is a sexual predator. He admitted it himself. **

    What relevance does Trump have to a pointed conversation regarding Toback (the primary subject of the interview). Baldwin DEFLECTED by circling back to 45.

    ** And there is absolutely nothing we can do about it given the GOP Congress which is willing to destroy the country for the party. ***

    Again, this is a separate and unrelated issue.

    ** So where is the hypocrisy? **

    The hypocrisy is that Alec is quick to defend, deflect and question the merits of allegations of sexual misconduct, molestation, pedophilia and predation when said claims involve his close friends and allies (Toback and Allen). He is quick to victim blame and his go-to response is that people such as Woody Allen deserve due process before public vilification. It is obvious that he does not apply this same logic to the claims against Trump. It's brings to question Baldwin's moral integrity and character when he essentially says that CERTAIN people deserve due process and others do not.

    It's hypocrisy in the same vein as Lena Dunham's most recent mishap...defending a writer on her show 'Girls' who was accused of raping a minor and insinuating that the 17 year old victim was lying (while trying to present herself as a die-hard feminist touting the "We MUST believe ALL victims of sexual assault" position). It's insulting.

    If you blast one for bad behavior, then blast them ALL - even if that includes your friends. It's not that hard...

  26. "The hypocrisy is that Alec is quick to defend, deflect and question the merits of allegations of sexual misconduct, molestation, pedophilia and predation when said claims involve his close friends and allies (Toback and Allen)."

    As would you and I if we had friends accused of anything. Alec's statement isn't any different from Jodie Foster's about Mel Gibson - "That is not the man I know". Fairly honest if you ask me.

    Who made Alec (or for that matter the fame whore Lena Dunham) the mouth pieces for progressive politics? Not me. Not any liberal I know depends on their words or support.

    "f you blast one for bad behavior, then blast them ALL - even if that includes your friends"

    No. That's not how it goes. Sarah Silverman had a brilliant statement concerning Louis CK, a friend who she loves very much. She is obviously conflicted and I think that is very honest. But no one should be forced, on cue, to perform condemnations of friends to the press no matter who those friends are. They have to work through this like everyone else.

  27. @Bunny Hunny, what about Juanita Broaddrick?

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. @Plot, I can truthfully say that I have been in a similar position to that of Silverman and Baldwin. I had a friend I had known since middle school, who I still regularly hung out with through my twenties, suddenly disappear and quit coming around to our regular social outings. When probing around our shared group of friends as to this guy's whereabouts (and looking on court dockets online) we discovered that this guy had been charged in both state court and federal court (different laws broken so not double jeopardy, as fyi) on possession of child porn, and after pleading guilty he was sentenced to serve the time on both sets of charges concurrently in federal prison. We were all immediately sickened and angry, amd easily cut all ties with this person. There were no "conflicted emotions"....just rage and fury. This guy was dead to us in a matter of minutes. We all sympathized with the poor victims of whatever material he had in possession...not with him. It was cut and dry, very black and white.

    I guess I just can't see why it would be so hard for others...especially when they get upset at one predator, but excuse other predators. I can not wrap my head around it.

    1. Thank you for thinking of the victims.

  30. @April, my heart is ALWAYS with the victims of crimes, and also with their families.

    Though my former friend didn't directly assault those children or produce the material in question, his possession of, procurement of, and dissemination of this material ABSOLUTELY caused irreparable INDIRECT harm by continuing the sick chain of supply and demand for it. How ANYONE can ever be so callous to think that their own sick, deviant need for gratification is of more importance than the emotional and physical well-being of another human being is beyond my scope of comprehension. Quite simply...THERE IS NO ROOM IN MY HEART FOR FORGIVENESS.

  31. @YummyBoogers

    That's a really interesting perspective. I'm so sorry you had to go through that, because it is sort of a death...of a friendship at least.

    I don't know what I would do, especially if I was interviewed by the press about it (though it would probably be best to STFU, honestly, which Baldwin seems incapable of doing - le sigh.) Would I automatically say "he is dead to me"? I really can't tell. One thing, I've sure written people off for a hell of a lot less.

    Since Baldwin has to be the know-it-all in every situation, he probably couldn't say something like "I'm confused as hell and I have to know more, read more, about what is going on here. This is not the friend I know." Instead he gives a fucking densely packed interview with many things that could be taken out of context. Idiot, for sure, though not really a hypocrite.

  32. The trouble with our Liberal friends is not so much that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.
    ~ Ronald Reagan~

  33. @ Yummy What about that 12 or 14 year old at the mall? You'll always throwing stones and then hid your hands. Trump is just as guilty as the rest. If they go down then so should he.

  34. @Tricia I can say the same of a conservative.

    1. Respectfully, feel free bunny honey.
      I simply think it’s a good quote in general:) One can inject what term/party they wish I imagine.
      The thing is-Fact don’t have feelings,or morph to fit a narrative..... so I’ll “err “ on the side of rationale,I suppose.

  35. Hilaria has been pregnant for the past 4+yrs, when she gonna drink.

    I pick Marky Mark, cause he is a giant douchebag.

  36. alec baldwin & his annoying wife hilaria

  37. Given the clue about the thirst wife, this is definitely Alec & Hilaria. I suspect Enty's glee over his take down is due to Alec Baldwin's hypocrisy. Enty might also be friends with Neve Campbell.

  38. This blog has been occupied by The Professionals.
    Martial law has been imposed.
    Civil liberties have been suspended.
    Habeus corpus has been overruled.
    The brothels are operational.
    You cannot win.
    You can only admit.
    You can only submit.

  39. WTF, Hobutt? How does it amuse you to post the same nonsense over and over again? Are you *really* that bored? Are you 12? Or maybe just a 'bot that has learned how to click on the "I am not a robot" checkbox? :-P

  40. This could be so many people, lol but yeah, probably Baldwin

    @Cheez Whiz: THey have: https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--bpxbtgdZ--/c_scale,f_auto,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/fuasj15wvqmlfbk0yf65.gif

  41. I would love for this to be Marky McDouchebag

  42. Honestly, I thought of Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas

  43. After reading the comments, I can say that obviously there are too many options of a - holes out there to pinpoint. That is truly sad and scary.

    Also, I can't imagine anyone thinking that all of Clinton's conquests were legal. Was he able to resist all the temptation on the Lolita Express and the pedo island?

    Also, Trump is a s**tstain too. I don't discriminate. :)

    1. I am right there with you. The partisan bs is ridiculous here. Trump and the clintons are an embarrassment to us all and I’d love to see all them go down. Nobody gets a pass when it comes to this stuff.

  44. Obviously Alec Baldwin, because his statements in Woody Allen/Dylan Farrow case.

  45. So Alec Baldwin is a sexual predator? And he impersonates the sexual predator president??? Lmao the irony

  46. Yummy - I like reading your posts, but FFS, your blogger name makes me throw up a little in my mouth.

    That said, this is probably Baldwin who i hope doesn’t stop his Donald Trump impressions on SNL until that fucking orange fool is out of office.

    Re Chrissy Tiegen: Major fame whore and I saw her once years ago on Andy Cohen’s show, high out of her fucking mind. And I hate her husband’s schlocky music.

    1. Too true. John legend suuuuckkkks

    2. @Mango, thanks the compliment (and sorry my username gives you the barfies!). Lol. Whay can I say? I have a juvenile sense of humor at times. Haha. ;)

  47. It's possible to be a victim AND a convicted pedo Victor Salva backer hypocrite.

  48. Tricia, I love you more and more. You are my sister from another Mister. <3

    Chrissy Teigen annoys me. She's as loud and opinionated, as she is stupid and uneducated.
    She should be the poster child for 'be quiet and just look pretty' models.

  49. Enty really dislikes Eva Longoria, too, which is a bit irrational.

  50. “Of course she was incredibly thirsty” makes me think it’s someone who peddles a liquid. Mila Kunis does ads for whiskey, Jen Aniston does ads for Smart Water, are either of their husbands known db’s?

  51. Yes. Definitely Baldwin. There is no one with more expertise at douchebaggery than Baldwin.

    @Yummy, I had to LOL at the post about Chrissy Tiegen. I too have wondered with GREAT wonderment how this Yoda look-a-like ever became a 'model'. I'm shocked at how badly people dissed Sarah Jessica Parker over her looks and made harsh jokes that her husband was prettier than her...yet Ms. Tiegen gets called 'beautiful'.

    I guess it must be true that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder because Chrissy Tiegen is one of the ugliest chicks ever. And all the plastic surgeries and ridiculous makeup make her look even worse. And, to top it off, she's a very stupid individual. A pseudointellectual who has no education but loves to get into arguments with people who are far more intelligent than she is. Her husband could certainly have done a whole lot better than her. He is an attention whore too, but at least he can sing. Chrissy's talents seem to be limited to two things: not wearing underwear beneath her revealing clothing so that the paparazzi can take pictures of her coochie, and leaking stories about herself to the media so that she can drum up drama to get her name in the news.

  52. I will say I have met Baldwin and Hilaria numerous times and they're really delightful. Hilaria, although her image is incredibly offputting, is actually really smart, funny and sweet. I didn't like her before I met her either.

  53. Hilaria seems she'd be a blast to hang out with!

  54. "she's a very stupid individual"

    Yet smart enough to put up the 100K for the fine of McKayla Maroney if she chooses to testify against the predator gymnastics doctor. VERY savvy and smart if you ask me. Teigen is no idiot.

    Hey, I thought most around here were supportive of abused children and their abilities to safely confront their abusers?

    1. That doctor is f’d beyond belief with or without her testimony. There are countless woman that the doctor abused, but 100k is no joke.

  55. @Bobby Digital

    Yeah he's fucked but there is a larger point here. McKayla Maroney sued US Gymnastics for covering for their doctor and settled for $1.2 million and a signed NDA. They promise to fine her $100K if she talks, even to report the abuse she suffered to authorities.

    Tiegen isn't an idiot rich wife. She is being extremely smart here, upping her profile and commitment factor through a just cause. I'm kinda shocked no one like Oprah or Ellen or the wife of Tom Hanks or the ex of Larry David didn't come up with this first. It's gutsy and wildly popular.

  56. @Plot, thanks much for your concern re: the mess with my former friend. It was definitely traumatic (and a HUGE mindf**k!) for me and our group of shared friends to realize that we had been close pals for 15 years with a closet deviant, and NONE of us ever had a clue as to his sick predilections. We knew he had bad luck with trying to land relationships, was prone to squirrelly, awkward behavior at times (and had horrible self-esteem), but he was always generally kind and respectful when around females, and many people in our group felt sorry for him and felt that he just hadn't met the right person yet who would appreciate him for who he was.... Needless to say, when "who he really was" was revealed to us, we all felt betrayed, and foolish for being so ignorant. How had we not picked up on that?!?! One of my friends was really struggling because she had actually hooked up with this guy once. Ugh. Just a bad situation all around. I would not wish it upon anyone.

    I agree with you re: Alec. You nailed his personality spot on - he's a tool who has to have the last word, which is going to bite him in the arse. If he could just keep his opinions to himself, he would be doing himself a huge favor. Saying nothing is the better choice here. Everytime he opens that trap, he feeds fuel to the firestorm of people blasting him for hypocritical views. Close your pie-hole, Baldwin!! Lol

  57. @John Doe, I also don't get Chrissy's appeal, and do not find her attractive in any sense. His opportunistic personality doesn't help matters either. While it is great that she is helping Maroney...WHY PUBLICISE IT? She seems more into philanthropy and social causes for the accolades and adulation than anything else. This woman wants press and headlines, and it's clear as day (to me, anyway).

  58. He was vicious to his former wife and she has pretty much stayed out of hollywood and the spotlight.
