Friday, January 26, 2018

Blind Item #14

A one weekend yachting excursion to the Middle East for this former A+ list reality star. Oh, she is going to work too, but is getting paid pennies for the work gig and just about six figures for the weekend's other activities.


  1. Anonymous12:05 PM


  2. Wouldn't it say something about her being engaged though?

  3. Paris, this must be fun for her she ain't exactly broke.

  4. There's only 2 A+ list reality stars. Paris and Kim.
    Since it's not Kim who's travelling, it's gotta be Paris.

  5. I can't believe anyone would still want to hit that used, diseased snatch after all this time, much less pay that kind of money for it. Why don't they get a piece of old cheese and just hit that?

  6. what happens if a yachter f/cks a client and the the client finds out the yachter gave him herpes...

    one night in Paris = a lifetime STD , just sayin...

    pennies for DJing :-D

  7. She's going to be spinning on tables all weekend.

    1. Anonymous1:24 PM

      I see what you did there

  8. pennies is probably like $25k lol. I'll take those pennies haha

  9. If ENT would fucking stop talking about Parasite "Valtrex Vagina" Hilton, she would disappear. Same goes for Blohan.

  10. Surprised she’s doing for only high five figures?! Figured it wouldn’t be worth it for that much.

  11. She's (Paris) got a ring and a "wedding" to pay for y'all! Girls got trick to pay those bills! Which tells me, she and her family are as fake as the stories they put out.

  12. ughh so much for "finding love". She's always been fake, but @ her age you'd think she'd be over sucking D for $$$$ . Not like she needs it AT ALL. Plus, unless you're marrying a cuck most normal people wouldn't be down for their significant other...unless your scott dirty disick

  13. Lohan. She is always in the middle East for the past few years, selling herself basically. Heard the other day she's making a film in Saudi Arabia about women's rights. And her family did have that weird shitty reality show a long time ago
