Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Blind Item #14

This A+ list couple are using one of their children to launder and hide money with all kinds of companies and accounts created in her name.


  1. Replies
    1. Their daughter Ella.

    2. Anonymous1:24 PM

      So the rumors are true? She’s running guns all over the Middle East?

    3. Yep. Also has that Jorge Ballooney charity Foundation in Malaysia which” donates party 🎉 🎈 🎈 favors/decorations to impoverished children”(but actually deposits funds into an offshore account 😉

    4. Read the links in this thread. Money laundering & Trafficking. It’s what they do

  2. Beyoncé & Jay Z. Daily Mail talked about a Blue Ivy clothing line, etc.

  3. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Jared Kushner/Ivanka Trump

  4. Kushner and Trump. It's just how they do business.

  5. Will and Jada, Willow.

  6. Trump thinks he's invincible and is too greedy/selfish to even hide his money in a family name. I think Weinstein or Lauer here.

  7. Neither Weinstein or Lauer is part of an A+ list couple though.

  8. Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton.

  9. Clooney. Read the links in this thread. Money laundering as “humanitarian” is how they roll

  10. Donald & Melania and Bill & Hillary only have one child, so not them.

  11. A+ list couple is using one of their children, so it could be Clooney, West, or Bey/J.

    Does jada qualify as A+ ? If so add the smiths, but do they have the need to hide money? I would assume CoS hides/takes it all.

    feels like Bey/J/Blue

  12. Blue Ivy owns everything on paper. That's why she can tell her parents to STFU.

  13. Lol, they should make a big brother type show with celebrity kids! I would watch Blue Ivy on lockdown with Suri Cruise, Harper Beckham, random Afflecks and maybe Prince George thrown good. They could call it Celebrity Little Brother or something dumb like that.

  14. SteveD,so true,she knows who the boss is now! I think they are hiding money because he will soon be sued. Can't touch the kid's money.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Technically, hiding money in a child's business of name is NOT money laundering. It's fraud, but not ml.

    Enty should learn what these terms mean. Nobody, assuming this is Jay and Bey, is cleaning money through Ella Blue's interests. They are stowing it away.

  17. So this is why parents make kids have piggy banks and savings accts, they're tax dodges!

  18. @Plot Thank you. I'm glad someone said it. Now say it louder for the folks in the back. :)

  19. If enty does the work he's reported to do, I guarantee he knows more about hiding money than any 10 of us.

  20. This is so much the Clooneys. They are global criminals. Jay/Bey are small time. Not nearly as smart, not close to as respected, don't roll with the same level of glamor. The Clooneys are war criminals. Jay/Bey are regular old gangsters.

  21. "The Clooneys are war criminals. "

    Explain please.

    "Jay/Bey are regular old gangsters."

    Because they are black?

    mighty white of you!


      The other day DDonna was doing the same thing with Beyoncé/Jay: Said they were overrated artists because they weren't "street enough" and I was like, "since when do African-American artists have to be 'street'? Should I be 'exotic' just because I'm Asian too?"

      I can't stand it when the mainstream wants minority artists to "know their place and stay in it", to me it screams "insecurity" (because guess fucking what? If African-American/Asian/Latinx artists started doing non-niche/race-specific work, they'd probably be better than YOU. Can't have THAT much competition.

      I don't turn everything into a race issue on this blog, but some people are so blatantly racist. "OMG PoC make it to the Grammys and I didn't wheeeeeee!"

    2. the fuck would @DDonnaTarttty have to explain shit to you?? Really?
      Can you fucking read? Good. How bout you take a little looksy at the blinds Enty has written about here, there's plenty of shit on Clooneys and J&B to warrant BOTH of ddonnaTarttty observations. Why she racist?? Jesus Christ already, do you EVER stop? How do you know what race OR political affiliation anyone is?? Blah blah blah plot: nobody. gives. a. shit. Mmkay?
      Call your mom. Ask for a hug. But stfu already.

  22. If this blind is true, the couple isn't too smart. The Feds will always search for assets under the kids' names. Hiding money under the kids' names is a more effective tactic to hide money from your spouse.

  23. There is nothing gangster about Bey and Jay left that life behind a long time ago.
    It's been your privilege chatting with you.

  24. Beyonce and Jay Z

  25. Kyle Richards and Mauricio Umansky daughter Porsha, or any of the other daughters.

  26. Heather Duke -- your Celebrity Big Brother idea reminded me of "Suri's Burn Book". What a loss to the internet!

  27. The original gangsters were Italians.

    Very Race Card Throwing of You

  28. Looooove triggering the shills, frauds and paid propagandists. ;-)

    1. And which troll farm did you come from?

      Which fraud hired you?

  29. LOL! Please don't stop. This is awesome. I have a stalker!

  30. "Looooove triggering the shills, frauds and paid propagandists. ;-)"

    Just so long as you don't imagine you are original, smart or edgy with your commentary, it's all good.

    You ain't that challenging.

  31. Beyonce and Jay Z.

  32. Crawford and Gerber, though all the guesses make sense. They probably get ideas from each other, so this isn't a new thing.

  33. @PoliticallyIncorrect71 Thank you very much for that wealth of information. A rabbit hole for days. You can make an entire corruption diagram on this info, as the outer rings are pushed forward and fall, one by one, sacrificed to the power players in the center, who will do anything to stay alive. We've already seen the outer layers begin to fall in media. Simultaneously, the FBI lambs are falling/will fall--tomorrow, Thursday the 1st of February. This will all come in handy soon. Excellent research.

  34. I love how easily Angry Liberal is triggered, so obsessed with Trump, the epitome of TDS.
    The more he foams at his mouth, the more fun for me.
    Time to change that name to AngryLibtard , pet. xoxo

  35. As for Clooney: his broke ass (all those payouts to rent boys for silence) married a muslim with family connections to arms dealing for terrorist organisation Hezbollah for a reason: as thick as a brick.
    You can't be this stupid and think people are not going to side eye you.
    Unless there's ppl even dumber than yourself, such as plot.

  36. Ddonna Tarttty- your posts give me the tingles. So much common sense, logic, critical thinking & snark . Gurl, I think I'm in love.

  37. Bill and Hillary Clinton

  38. All these one per centers game the system, all the crap talk about working hard please you just have to afford the lawyers and accountants who can help you game the system if not out right fraud for which these people rarely ever go to jail for -at most they pay a fine which they can afford, though once you are caught you are on the IRS radar forever but have no fear Trump is going to kill the IRS too because who do you think has been on their radar for decades- at least since he was caught Money laundering at the Taj Mahal casino, twice. Second time got a $10 million fine, first time was a settlement of a couple hundred thousand dollars.

    Madoff was an anomaly they were no way they couldn't NOT put him in jail.

  39. Madoff hurt the rich, so naturally he was going to jail. If he hurt normal average people, like Wells Fargo has over and over, he would have been absolved with a fine, perhaps, and weekends in a halfway house...oh and MAYBE lose his license to operate in finance or investing (even though he never did either), MAYBE.

    Whenever a Hollywood actor or social 1%er talks about working so haaaard, I want to vomit. The only benefit to being rich is to NOT work hard and they all know it. The only reason for claiming otherwise is to try to make a fake bridge with the rest of us. They have more in common with people who refuse to work and live in poverty than they do with you and I.

    Trump has already effectively killed the IRS with his new tax plan where the rich are protected from any claims of tax evasion while we lose our home owner's and education credits. He has systematized the hoarding of wealth by the 1%.

  40. Ironically, both Clooney and Gerber sold their tequila business for a fucktonload of cash.
    I hate tequila.

  41. This one is very interesting
    so the parents are A+ and the hiding money is mostly likely due to Trumps EO in Dec
    So not the Clintons because they have only one child and the blind says children
    Could it be one the reps that just resigned ???? But would they be A+? Could this be connected to the CA politician who wive was beaten and raped as teenager who plans on exposing the perp who also killed her friend?
    I don't know but can't wait for this reveal.

  42. Oy. Busy week all over the internet.
