Monday, January 22, 2018

Blind Item #15 - SAG Awards

This foreign born B+ list model/actress said she was filming a movie a couple of years ago with this foreign born A- list mostly movie actor who has a very very busy franchise for the next few years. She says that even though he was married, he counted down the days while filming until our actress turned 18 and then would not stop hitting on her. He tried to get her drunk. He tried to get her to do coke with him. She is fairly sure he tried to drug a drink or two of hers and made life just unbearable the last couple weeks of shooting.


  1. Chris Hemsworth and

  2. +doido, cause Avatar.

  3. Sam Worthington Moon Bloodgood

    1. She was 34 in that movie and he wasn't married til 2014 and it came out in 2009

  4. Chris Pratt does have both Jurassic and Guardians franchise movies in post production. I completely ignored the foreign born part because there are a few people that could fit and I haven't made one correct guess yet today, so why break the streak. Obviously Shelley Long for the actress

  5. Sam Worthington, Mia Goth, Everest

    1. She'd have turned 18 in 2011, it started filming in 29

  6. No wait, she's too old.

  7. Sam Worthington is filming 3 Avatar sequels back to back

  8. I would bet those "Avatar" sequels never happen. No one I know gives a shit.

  9. TomHardy/Courtney Eaton-Mad Max.... she just turned 22 this year

    1. The 3rd installment is in development

    2. Anonymous11:19 AM

      Woof. She’s lucious.

    3. Fury Road finished filming in the spring of 2014. Tom and Charlotte didn’t get married until July 2014.

      Could make sense if you consider reshoots, but the timeline is a little messy if this blind is about Tom Hardy.

  10. It's Sam Worthington and Odeya Rush

    1. What movie were they in together?

  11. +1 mem I like that guess

  12. The Hunter's Prayer.She would have turned 18 at that time.

  13. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Or maybe Worthington and Jordyn Ashley Olsen while making The Shack? I just can't find her age.

  14. Not to get off track, @Tricia13, but "Avatar 2" is supposed to open in less than 3years and they haven't shot a frame of film. With the Disney/Fox merger on the docket, spending a billion on four movies (the latter two of which Cameron is already hedging on) sounds unlikely.

  15. No studio is going to tell Jim Cameron no on Avatar sequels.

    Look up the box office on the first movie and then come back here.

  16. With the money Disney invested in Pandora at Animal Kingdom, they are counting on the films being made.

  17. I also don't know anyone excited for more Avatar, but it's a bit like "No one I know voted for Nixon".

    At this point Cameron gets to do what he wants.

    If that also included producing the first good Terminator movie sine the 90's, I'll take that, too.

  18. I care about Avatar sequels. In fact I hope they get made sooner rather than later. I loved the original and cannot wait to see the rest.

  19. So he waited until she was 18 so he wouldn't be breaking the law...but then he goes and drugs her??? pretty weird.

  20. +1 mem
    Odeya Rush & Sam Worthington.
    Hunters Prayer was released in 2017, but it was in the can for a couple years. Odeya would have been 17/18 during filming.

  21. +1 mem
    Odeya Rush/Sam Worthington - according to Wikipedia, filming began on Hunter's Prayer in Nov 2014 and she would have turned 18 in May 2015.

    Not Tom Hardy/Courtney Eaton - Although she did start her career as a model, Mad Max Fury Road finished principle filming in 2012 when Courtney was only 16 and reshoots were done in 2013, but Courtney would have still only been 17.

  22. Even worse is that Sam Worthington got married in Dec 2014, so right at the beginning of filming for Hunter's Prayer...San was still very much a newlywed at the time!
