Saturday, January 20, 2018

Blind Item #2

Let me count the ways this A list singer/wannabe actor hates women. He hates when any woman makes more money than him. Even though he is a crap actor he insisted on his latest movie that he make more than any actress on the movie. When he found out an actress close to half his age was making more he threatened to walk out. He didn't because he is a wuss like that. He hated that his A list ex made more money than him and continues to make more money than him on a per day basis of actual work. He broke up with a former A+ lister because she made more money than him and he would belittle her every day about she was lucky to make that much money and what he did took skill. The guy is an a-hole. 


  1. Timberlake, Biel and Cameron Diaz

  2. Jared Leto just to be different.

    1. Leto isn't acrap actor and he prefers very young lower rung models. I think this is JT.

    2. You are right hothotheat, Leto is actually the opposite: A list actor/wannabe singer, but he's an a***le, so I thought I'd throw him in, just like that lol.

  3. Timberlake and Britney

  4. Timberlake all the way. I hate this guy. Run, Jessica, run! Don’t let him keep you pinned just where he likes you!

  5. ticklebooty

    actually I'm sure this is JT, but the 50 cent guess reminded me of the dumb senior citizen beef between him and Ja fool

  6. Quvenzhané Wallis as the actress getting paid more than him for the movie Trolls

  7. I assume Britney is the one who gets paid more on a daily basis because of her Vegas show

  8. i think britney is actually the A+ list ex they mention. not sure who the A list ex would be. maybe cameron diaz? who else did he date, i think i remember jessica alba?

    what's giving me pause is the "per day basis of actual work" comment. that seems to imply this person doesn't do much or something.

  9. Of course Timberlake, Diaz the A lister at the time they dated,she was a top earner,Britney, because, she's Britney, makes bank. At least this time he didn't call Justin a permanent A lister. But I could have used the laugh today.

  10. Lort, but I now loathe Justin Timberlake. I was ambivalent before but he needs an ass whooping.

    I'm a firm believer that an beating or the treatment that character in "dragon tattoo" gave her rapist would cure a lot of this bad behavior.

  11. Absolutely Timberlake. He also has a hate-on for Ryan Gosling, his co-star in the Mickey Mouse Club. Insanely jealous of his acting career. Try to search for an old interview (Leno? Fallon? I can't remember) where JT describes his relationship with Gosling as "not close" (inferring that it was somehow Gosling's fault), and he then recalls a moment when Gosling was feeling homesick while filming the MMC, and cried about missing his mom. JT immediately starts cackling and laughing at his own story, which is met with silence by the host and audience. JT immediately stops and corrects himself, then mumbles something about Gosling being "a good actor." This was his true asshole-mode on full display.

  12. @laganja, I think it means Diaz gets paid more than him on the rare occasions she does work. She still can make money off her name.

  13. I remember Van Morrison appearing on Letterman the same night Timberfake was there, and when the show was over, the Irishman gives Letterman a big hug and Timberfake sticks out his hand and Morrison just blows right past him, ignores him like he wasn't even there, and goes to talk to whoever the other guest was. It was like Timberfake was a ghost, a shell, a nobody.

    It's disgusting they're giving him the Super Bowl halftime show again after what he did to JJ (and I believe she was in on it, but got thrown under the bus when people realized it wasn't a sexy scandal but a disgraceful one).

    His new song sucks, his new video with Weinstein and Spacey is the height of hypocrisy, and the guy deserves to be booed off the field. He's such a terrible actor, you've got to wonder how he keeps getting work. Or maybe you don't wonder at all.

    1. I just sort of fell in love with you for sharing that story DDonna Tarttty! It is priceless and only furthers my love of Van Morrison(the man/the 🎶). Course I’m Irish ☘️ as well so it’s the cherry on the cake ,or the Baileys in the ol coffee🥂

    2. Anonymous3:15 PM

      Thanks, DDonna. :)
      I had no idea JT was such a tosspot.

  14. Timberlake Brittanyin Vegas and Diaz

  15. What is JT problem? Terrible actor and who cares about his music. Loser

  16. I loved JT but now I think he is an insecure little girl with a Napoleon complex. Little weewee situation

  17. One wonders what Timberlake did backstage, before the show, to piss of Van Morrison. Demanded to sing with Van? Throw a hissy fit? It wasn't trivial if Van wouldn't shake his hand or look at him.

    Timberlake isn't a bad actor, actually. His music is pretty mediocre but that's what people generally like. Still, it seems no one can stand to work with him, at all.

  18. Timberfake. Mediocre in all the ways and given every opportunity to get where he is. I’ll go out of my way to avoid husband “art” tyvm

    1. His* although husband art doesn’t really sound like something I’d be into either 😂

  19. He also broke ties with Pharrell because everyone knew it was Pharrell who was the real talent/mastermind/genius on Timberlake's solo album. Timberlake was jealous of Pharrell and couldn't take the constant chatter, so he broke ties with Pharrell. Such a loser. I just heard that he is now back working with Pharrell, it only took a decade to repair his ego. He must also be desperate. Trust me on this, I was an assistant to a top music executive back then.

  20. All those built in fans he had 10 yrs ago from *NSYNC are trickling down to nothing.
    Now What Justine?
    Yeah The SuperBowl will fix everything

  21. and don't even get me started on his Janet Jackson abuse!

  22. Timberlake, Britney, Wonderwheel. Its funny how hard he is trying with the new album and its all back firing on him.

  23. Article in the DM today in which Timberlake is quoted as referring to Vegas residencies as "planning your retirement". Like he wouldn't jump at it if he ever got an offer. What a skeeve.

  24. Look, Timberlake is absolutely a terrible actor but let's not pretend he isn't talented.

    Remember that 20-minute set he did at the Grammy's or the AMAs a few years ago? He's an incredible performer, excellent singer/dancer and all that. Yes he's a screaming douche-canoe but he does have talent, it's just not in the acting horizon.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Timberlake has always been such a squirmy, insecure little wuss.

    Biel is getting great reviews now and might see a resurgence in her career wonder how he’ll take it?! I have never thought much of her one way or the other but I’ve loved her since she started voicing herself on Bojack Horseman. They are merciless on her and she plays it perfectly.

  27. @hunter yes he is talented, but he is NOT michael jackson. He thinks he's michael jackson, but he is not. He did not invent a moonwalk. He didn't make Thriller. There is nothing revolutionary or historically significant about him, Britney is an icon and is much much more significant in pop history than Timberlake. He's just a good artist, but he's not an icon. You can see with this new crap he's releasing he's trying to make a historical mark like Michael, but can't. Filthy is a lift from George Michael or Prince. They are icons. He is not. He can bitch and moan all he wants but his jealousy won't make him an icon. Icons are icons because they're true to who they are, he's so fake he doesn't know who he is.

    1. By the way, Michael made the moon walk famous, but he learned it from others, he didn't invent it. Thriller was famous for the video, the song was alright on it's own. He was in it, and it was his song,but he did not make the half hour short film/video. Not down playing the guys genius, just keeping facts straight.

  28. I thought Timberlake was pretty amazing in The Social Network, but then that was an entire movie about douchebags and tools, so many he fit right in.

  29. @hunter,+1,and I would add he is very good at short sketch type comedy,but really,the point of these blinds isn't his talent,it's the way he is always jealous of everyone, including his wife,and they way he dismisses others talents. When you hear from truly gifted artists,they all are in awe of their talented peers and idols.

  30. Tried to find the Letterman video, but turns out I misremembered the host. It was Jimmy Fallon's very first night, when Robert DeNiro, Timberfake and Van Morrison were Fallon's debut show's guests.

    All video has been ax'd from the internet of that show, apparently. Probably because it was kind of a disaster, if you'll recall. Fallon flop-sweating all over the place (super coked up? That's his rep, right?), gags not working, DeNiro acting weird (as usual), Timberfake insufferably phony (as usual).

    At the end, Van came out and sang "Sweet Thing" from "Astral Weeks," then we had the classic blowoff moment and then it was over.

  31. JT fo sho. I wish everyone would Van Morrison him.

  32. I am surprised people say Justin Timberlake? The only thing that seemed like misogyny was the whole Janet Jackson fiasco from over a decade ago. He never supported Janet there. Justin Timberlake seems like a nice guy? The press never talk about this kind of stuff?

  33. Ddonna I didn't know Van did that, I like him even more now! Time for karma to visit Mr Timberlake

  34. a humble man would hone his skill and vow to improve. earn it. this makes him out to be total asshole and he comes off weak. I have no real opinion of him , I am not a fan of his dad is. however, I did find him extremely comical on Saturday Night Live. he seemed like real performer. and now I'm thinking to the time I called my dad and asked what he was up to and he said he was in line to return Justin Timberlake CD..he accidentally received two. lmao um.. ok just call me back later.

  35. DDonna: I agree that Janet Jackson was in on it and was thrown under the bus. Shocked Timberfake was chosen for Superbowl. Is he really that A++++++ that that's who they went with? It's as though they just recycle the same 6 people over and over. He talks as though he's "ghetto" or "gangsta," whatever it's called.
    I personally thought the the station should've acknowledged and apologized to Janet Jackson. Instead they just let the chips fall where they may and was made a bigger deal than what it should've been. IMHO
    That's my worthless 2 cents.

  36. Well, I can't argue with the blind. It is what it is. But Dick in a Box is so freakin' funny that I find it hard to hate on him. But if you all say I must, then I must.

  37. I keep forgetting JT did Dick in a Box (on purpose?) Yes, probably the funniest SNL skit of the decade.

  38. Ugh you make a good point @chickensashimi but let’s just pretend he had minimal creative input and was interchangeable 🤷🏼‍♀️

  39. I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the time Ashton Kutcher made him cry on tv. That was brilliant.
    'waaaaa Mom they took my cars Waaaaaaaaa'

  40. Timberlake. I like his music but he's a gigantic asshole

  41. Who cares who makes the money - it all spends the same way.

    DDonna, I love your posts.

  42. Yes, Dick in a Box (pretty much the only work of his I'm familiar with) was hilarious. Of course, nowadays giving your girlfriend dick-in-a-box for her birthday would be assault if she wasn't in the mood for dick at that moment, unless you got her recorded permission first, which would totally ruin the surprise.

  43. Secrets - michael jackson didn't invent the moonwalk either, it was jeff daniels of shalamar.

  44. After reading stories on this site esp about Britney I have to say it really changed how I viewed Timberlake. I mean if Brittney was being pimped out it really changes the whole breakup between Justin and her if you think about it. He was mad she cheated, but did she have a choice? Kinda sounds like she didn't and he would have had to of known how it was, so his whole bashing of her publically when they broke up and how emotional she was as a result. really makes him look bad. Remember this is the same time period Enty said her viginity was basically autioned off.

  45. I revel in Enty's incessant hatred of JT.
