Friday, January 05, 2018

Blind Item #2

This flash in the pan A list one hit wonder turned music and publishing executive always wanted to keep performing. He did not get along with the legendary one named permanent A list singer so she made his life miserable the last two decades of his life. If they were ever in the same room, she would say horrible things about him and, in my opinion, eventually caused him to kill himself last year.


  1. Well, Madonna or Cher, obviously. Not sure on the exec, this will take some googling.

  2. Tommy Page and Madonna

  3. Tommy Page/Madonna

  4. Suicide is almost always a confluence of many factors. I sincerely doubt that one person's nasty remarks would be the only reason for a man to take his own life.

  5. Lookit Moose, keyboard lightning! :)

  6. Suicide does have many factors, but if you have someone hammering away at an already unstable person, to me, that is similar to a beaver chipping away at a tree until it falls.

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  8. Madonna and Tommy Page (who I never heard of personally, even though I practically ate ‘Smash Hits’ magazine at that time)
    Point being he was later an exec at Warner Bros when Madge was signed with them.

  9. He had a big hand in Alanis Morrisette's early career - and Alanis was signed to Maverick, which was the label Madge started in the 90s. That might be once source of where something happened between Page and Madonna.

    He was also on the same label as Madonna (Sire).

  10. Did Madonna ever tweet/instagram anything right after his death like all the other musicians/artists who worked w/ page in the past? It appears droves of artists tweeted about Page right after his death reveal their devastation of his passing, but haven't seen any from Madonna.

  11. As I have written before, suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

  12. Boo, that is the first and only, actually interesting and true thing, I have seen you write here. Well done you.

  13. Really? I enjoy Boo's input, although I don't always agree with her.

  14. @Nutty Flavor, Agree with you on Boo,the stories are always entertaining, @Boo, not all problems are temporary. Mental illness is behind most suicides, and that problem does not go away.

  15. @boo hearne. No. You don't understand suicide at all. Depression can be long-term and intractable. That makes suicide a permanent solution to a permanent problem. Also, it's starting to be believed that at least some cases of suicide are due to major anxiety attacks - something most people have no control over. And depression and anxiety go together like peanut butter and chocolate.

    1. One of the most perfect & accurate reasonings I’ve ever seen in describing suicidal ideation. I am Bipolar & it is a permanent problem. So I understand how some people get to this point
      RIP Tommy Page.

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  17. What an enlightened perspective one must have to trivialize suicide. How truly educated and insightful you both are about the human psyche.

    How sad for his family, especially husband and kids.

  18. Just one more reason to hate Madonna.

  19. Aip - i bought 'smash hits' as well! madonna gets more obnoxious the more we know of her.

  20. Does anyone else hope that Boo actually *is* Phil Donahue? OMG. :'(

  21. I'd feel sorry for Boo if he was Phil Donahue. Imagine pointing out your wife every time you are at a dinner party by having to say "That Girl".

  22. Someone should give a look at all this “charity" orgs for kids that Madonna is involved in asian and african countries.

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  24. @chickensashimi is right. Depression is not temporary for many of us. It can't be cured, only managed. A friend of mine shot himself because he was in chronic physical pain. No one said "it's just a temporary thing." But when my other friend hung himself due to psychic pain, the "temporary" excuse came out from a few people as if they could have cured him right then and there. I've lived with depression for 30 years now and I've had several friends die by their own hand.

    I like to tell people: Unless you've held the gun in your hand, you have no idea what it's like.

    1. I’m terribly sorry for the loss of your friend, but I absolutely understand why he did it.
      I’m Bipolar with a history of dementia on both sides of my family. When my mind starts to go, I’m moving to Oregon & arranging for euthanasia. I saw what those diseases did to my loved ones & I just can’t/won’t live like that.

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    1. Man, leave Boo and Tricia alone! You don't know anyone's struggles. Is that offensive or to "general" as well?

    2. Your stories and perspective are appreciated Boo! Haters gonna hate and they are irrelevant around here. Much respect from this 5 feet lady too.

  26. This has to be Tommy Page/ Madonna. Page did a song written be Donna DeLory,Madonna's backup singer, in 1992. Maybe Madonna wanted the song for herself or something happened related to that.

  27. @ Boo - I'm not sure why you are being attacked by some posters. I've heard of that 'Temporary' saying too, years ago, - not from Dr Phil! - I'm British in England and have never seen his shows - and I still see that saying online from commentators on certain stories on online news. Maybe some people jump to conclusions and think that the person saying that thing is being flippant, simply because they perceive that saying as flippant - and not thinking it through - in other words, just assuming.
    I've had serious depression where the only way to get through the day was by planning my suicide. I've tried in the past. The only things that stopped me was 1) the thought of my mother's pain and 2) religion (I'm a Christian but not Catholic, but what if Limbo exists? My depression & anxiety is managed now.
    Sorry you went through that horrible experience. I for one love to read your stories! Sorry this post is so long.

  28. meanwhile, madonna killing herself would make the planet a better place. its ok though, bc I know it hurts her when she realizes my generation and younger think of her as a hasbeen grandma who was popular in that decade with a lot of weird clothing.

    (the 80s)

    1. Meanwhile, when security for an after-Grammy party turned away Paul McCartney, Beck, and the Foo's drummer, McCartney shrugged and said,“How V.I.P. do we gotta get? We need another hit.” Not quite so insecure as Madge? Maybe because music, not just hype.

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  30. Boo, thank you so much, and you are very welcome. I do try to stay away from negative people and depressing places - I agree with you about London - I hate it. I lived there until 2 years ago, and I now live in my beautiful home town with friendly people and I can walk in the beautiful park that I played in as a child, feed the birds, and be by the river. I live alone and prefer it. I do love books and always have. I have a few very loving and supportive friends, a wonderful mother and lovely brothers, so I count myself very lucky and am grateful for all the good things.
    Peace and blessings to you, wise lady.

  31. Any way to contact each other privately? It's really not very interesting and tends to stifle the thread. And conflating situational depression to severe lifelong struggle is not helpful either.

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  33. For those who are contemplating suicide it might help to keep the Buddhist teachings in mind.....'Life is for learning lessons , no matter how hard they may seem at the time, to attempt to evade the lesson via suicide is pointless, you will only have to come back and do it all over again'.

    1. Beautiful Emerald City! Thank you

  34. I have been reading CDAN since about 2006. I left during the time when it became impossible to read it on my phone, although I did check in occasionally. Some of the commenters were --- horrid. Since I've returned, I only make occasional comments, but I definitely enjoy Boo Hearne's comments and really don't understand why anyone would attack her. Incidentally, I am way too aware of depression and how suicide can seem like the best answer. Also, I agree about people with emotional pain. We let people with cancer or other chronic illnesses refuse treatment or even participate in assisted suicide. But someone who has had depression for 30, 40 years? No, they are not allowed to end their pain. Anyway. I appreciate Boo Hearne, and also the new mix of people posting here. I'm lucky enough to have developed some friendships from the "old" CDAN through Facebook contacts, and I think we should all just be kind to each other on here. Life is too short, whether it's ended through suicide or not, to spend a lot of energy bashing each other. Just my two cents.

  35. @Dannette, actually it does add to the thread,whether you agree with them or not. I was wondering, is there a reason that this is brought up now though, the Tommy Page suicide didn't get as much publicity as you would have expected when it happened, is there more to the story?

  36. I think many of you are right; this is Tommy Page and Madonna. They were connected at one time by record label(s). Tommy was gay, had a husband and kids when he died. She may have tried to get with him but he wasn't interested; M always did hate rejection.

    I remember his song back in the day; didn't know he passed away.

  37. @Boo Hearne

    PFFT on the haters. Your comments are always interesting, and something more that's lacking from many, well-written with good grammar.

  38. He should've asked for a restraining order.

  39. Boo is my favorite poster. The attack on her made me actually log in.
    @Boo-- you are a CDaN icon. Thanks for keeping it real and sharing your great stories. Don't change!

  40. There’s some really empathetic & wonderful people on here.
    @Boo, I always appreciate your posts. You’re clearly appreciated around here. <3

  41. There’s some really empathetic & wonderful people on here.
    @Boo, I always appreciate your posts. As one of my fave quotes goes, “Illegitimi non carborundum”. ❤️

  42. @boo. I'm sure you're a lovely person and I enjoy your comments. I lurk and don't comment much and I hope my post didn't sound like an attack. It wasn't meant to be. Intractable depression/anxiety and suicide are three things I know well, and I just want to let people know that it can be a lifelong battle that just wears you down over time. I wish it was a temporary problem. But happily we know a little more about brain chemistry now, so it isn't the necessarily an unrelenting burden it was prior to antidepressants, but it's still a struggle and I know you know that. Best wishes to you.

  43. Boo I enjoy your posts. I, like many others, have suffered from mental issues and I was not offended

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  45. Boo, please keep commenting. Your posts are always fun and interesting to read.

  46. @boo Yep, what you said is what every suicide counselor will tell you when you are devastated at the loss of a loved one. I know it bc I've experienced it more than once. Though it may have taken years for it to come to fruition from depression, drug abuse, or just whatever has tortured their soul, it still comes down to never being a true escape and it is, indeed a permanent solution to a temporary issue bc no matter how dark and deep you are... there is someone that will step forward to help dig you out. You just need to find the courage to ask. We are not helping by attacking each other. Cruelty has never solved the state of this world.

    I do admit, I cringe at some of these blinds bc they're so flippant about suicide and it often spurs others to be dismissive or nasty about it. These people, regardless of who they were while they were here, have relatives and friends that will always be scarred by their sudden loss. I wouldn't want someone to stumble upon this blog and read that about anyone they ever cared about deeply. I get caught up in it sometimes, but going forwad, I will try to think about what I'm commenting before hitting send.
