Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Blind Item #4

Speaking of denial, this A- list mostly movie actor who also hosts a "show," is pretending to be all high and mighty for the way he handled a situation. He forgets of course that he know all about the sexual assault and abhorrent behavior claims about a certain initialed comic a couple of years earlier but chose to ignore it because there was no outrage. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Zach Galifianakis on Louis CK.

  3. Galafanakis? Between 2 Ferns for the "show"?

  4. Louis CK and Kevin Hart?

    1. They hosted a show called “The Secret Life of Pets” apparently

    2. Tricia: Secret life of pets was a movie.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Its Zach Galifianakis on Louis CK. He just publicly said that what Louis CK did grossed him out.


  7. Galafanakis, there are a dozen stories out about how the Louis C.K. stuff grosses him out. He's highly overrated IMO.

  8. Surely not the same Zach G who claimed credit for nixing the proposed Mel Gibson cameo in one of the Hangover sequels!

  9. You guys got it. I retract my guess!

  10. Anonymous8:43 AM

    High and mighty? My first thought was Ricky Gervais - he's extremely full of himself and patting himself on the back. And he was best friends with Louis. We don't know what "a situation" is. Has Ricky been in the new lately? And his "show' - The Oscars, or his show on Sat. radio, or his podcast.

  11. I agree it is Zach but I didn’t think he was all high and mighty. He just said it grossed him out. Which it probably did at the time. Not enough to turn down $$$.

  12. @DBrown yes, that would be the same Zach who claimed moral opposition to working with Mel because of the way he treats women after once already working with convicted rapist Mike Tyson - and then working with Mike yet again. That Zach. I always wonder - is he that genuinely stupid or does he think we are all that stupid?

  13. Louis was a producer on Galifanakis's show Baskets. I guess "the way he handled a situation" means removing C.K. from the show, but I think that was FX's decision anyway.

  14. dammit, we just discovered Baskets", and its brilliant.... sigh. nothing is good anymore. We don't have just one Caligula, we have an entire generation (or 2) of them.

  15. it's still weirds me out to see Zach Galifanakis as a Funny Guy. I first saw him in Tru Calling and his character was so painfully serious all the time that to this day it still causes whiplash to see him do humor.

  16. Don’t shit talk Zach.

    Also, seeking emotional support crew for the next “This Is Us”.

    Showing Jack’s death to the exact moment of it on the anniversary is too much!
