Monday, January 22, 2018

Blind Item #6 - SAG Awards

This B list mostly television actress who appears on a still hit almost television show has filled this space many many times. Last night at an after party she would not stop hitting on a waitress and kept cornering her and hitting on her. She kept touching the hair of the waitress and tried multiple times to grope her.


  1. it's cool if women grope, cause feminism innit

    1. I didn't see where Enty wrote it was cool? You sure are bored, aren't you? All these faaaaar reaches to find a platform for your social and political activism- when are you (and the few others who do it) going to realize that we really don't care? I mean, I'm sure a lot of people do- that's great - but know your audience for shitsake. This is a gossip blog. And from what I've seen , most are very smart around here, at least smart enough to not think something as stupid as what you're suggesting. Really, it's getting old.

    2. +1000 thanks

    3. Exactly! But dumb libtards bitches (like Rosie and her sheep) will defend these duke offenders to the death...

  2. Replies
    1. She loves the peen. Not her.

    2. Since when pug? For drugs maybe?? Taryn probably has a golden ticket!! Dint belueve she has had a peen unless its for something.

  3. First guess is Ruby Rose, but I don't think she was there. Then again after party, not show, so maybe no pap pics were taken

  4. @Don,I think Ruby is recovering from surgery.

  5. Guessner - thank you. I guess my answer to the next blind is wrong too

  6. Oh cool... Two women flirting #equality

  7. "This should too, a gender bias would destroy the cred of #metoo."

    Someone is taking blind items waaaaaay too seriously. How do you know this even happened?

    1. Geico, how do you know ANY of the accused are actually guilty, you dense cunt! But you will willingly burn them at the steak anyways...

  8. Some say if women had penises they'd be raping a lot more people, but I don't think they're that aggressive.

  9. LMAO, somebody got her knickers in a bunch, I hit a nerve I see

    Aren't you supposed to march somewhere, against Trump taking away women's rights, such as......erm.....
    hold on...... errr........ I'll get back to you when somebody will explain to me what those marches were about blossom.

  10. Rosie has a fan club as meaningful and powerful as Hillary's fan club LMAO

  11. Hey, can the moderator actually start moderating? Do we need to be giving schneiderisnext a forum?

  12. Pick any of the "Orange" gals, Zzzzzzzzz.

  13. this is still sexual assault even if its female-on-female. the above commenter talking about its fine bc #feminism...uh, thats only coming from you dude....we sane think it isnt ok. tho i dont know who it was, taryn was there last night? it didnt look like it.

    @ boredatwork boredatwork

    keep trying, babe. keep trying. sounds like you're a little TOO bored at work. maybe try to improve your life?

  14. Do the new people not understand that there is no moderator? lol the comment section is read at your own risk over here. And just because someone has a different view than yours doesn't mean the moderator should shut them down lol

  15. Feels inevitable that Trump and Clinton were mentioned...

    Anyhow, the groper sounds like Taryn Manning. Hope her pervy, scummy behavior gets outed.

  16. can you block or mute people on here and never see their comments again? asking for a friend.... 😒

  17. I would never block @Count Jerkoffula. It would be like losing my seat at the Algonquin round table! Why did you push your water away today, Count?

  18. oh it's not the count i would block. i would never

  19. My guess would be Natasha Lyonne!

  20. +1 Rosie and Wendy. Love it!

  21. Taryn Manning. The girl is a known predator and shouldn’t get away with beating up her partners then lying that their stalkers and getting them jailed. One even says Taryn raped her and when she went to get a RO She was denied because of jurisdiction rules.

  22. @Epileptic Spudmonkey .."Geico, how do you know ANY of the accused are actually guilty, you dense cunt! But you will willingly burn them at the steak anyways... " I was coming here to say something about your vile insult to Geico, but then i saw your spelling mistake and laughed so hard I forgot. Let me know when you finish your introductory 101 Esl class. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA!! thanks for making my day, woman-hating little boy man.
