Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Blind Item #6

This former West Coast Housewife has been hooking up with guys for money and is not even being coy about it. Expenses need to be paid, so this is the way she is choosing to supplement her appearance income which is minimal these days.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Brandi or Gretchen. Don't care, won't judge!

  3. I've always been a little curious about one aspect of the yatching/celeb escort business. Not all successful men are part of the inside club that knows they are escorts. When some rich guy asks them on a date I wonder how it all goes down if he just thinks it is a date. Does she just read him and when he doesn't talk $$ for her she just doesn't go out again or does she ask for $$ and if he doesn't go for it she drops him (or he doesn't ask her out again.)

    1. I’ve wondered this too.

    2. What about if you’re rich and not in the loop. How do you get in the loop?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Maybe more likely to be Gretchen? Doesn't Brandi still have a podcast? And received child support from Eddie? Whereas Gretchen doesn't really have a job & is probably still supporting Slade so needs the $?

  6. Brandi Glanville is a hooker for sure. Amber Heard is the new Brandi. Amber just has higher clientele.

  7. How much will people pay for a 45 year old, even if a C list celebrity?

  8. isnt brandi a little old to be a desired prostitute? maybe she's cheaper than the young/hot ones??

  9. If this is supposed to be Brandi, that would explain why she absolutely will not shut up about GB. She needs her name out there!

  10. To Texas rose: Speaking from experience the men in the one percent are used to paying for sex or even just regular company and actually prefer to since it clearly defines the relationship. It's best to let him offer the amount then raise it accordingly. Most likely you will be satisfied. Word of mouth from friends on both sides works as well. But if you are out with this one imaginary rich guy who has never paid for sex in his life then enjoy yourself because you two are currently in Fantasyland.

  11. she should wear a #metoo button.

    its not her fault she hooks, its someone else's fault.
