Friday, January 26, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 1, 2017

This alliterate flash in the pan former A+ lister says she dumped that crazy religion of hers back during the peak fame days when she caught a guy pleasuring himself while she was supposed to be unburdening so to speak. When she complained, a person there said it was her fault and that she should plan on signing up for $100K worth of courses to make up for it.

Sharon Stone


  1. Wow, didn't know she was in $cientology.

    Blaming the (female) victim could be literally any religion, though.

    1. I'm guessing a lot of people mistakenly fall into it because of its misleading name (I myself used to think it was a group of people searching for scientific explanations for the mystical experiences we've had). Apparently the group of people I was looking for was "non-dualists" (people who are open to believe science and spirituality are one).

      I was so embarrassed taht I almost fell for a cult (because, like many people, I'd like to believe I'm smarter than that) that I wasn't really able to talk about it until I found the appropriate group of people late last year.

  2. She managed to get out and not face consequences?

    1. Maybe she hadn't been "audited" yet (so they had no dirt on her)?

  3. Miscavige or some other dirt bag?

  4. I knew some New Age types who were into something related to Scientology, but without the pyramid scheme. Check out The Secret, for something close. When you believe that your intentions literally create your universe, you kinda are to blame for anything bad that happens to you. Most of them just don't apply it to the bad events in their lives as faithfully as they apply it to the good ones.

    1. That's actually a pretty common concept, here's a video of Jude Currivan discussing the "Cosmic Hologram":

      Often I find when I book a trip somewhere and I have someone specific in mind, that person's birth year (for example, if he was born in 1976) can start popping up on my accommodation's booking code, the total amount of the bill, or the telly would be on with "Air Crash Investigation" on the Niki Lauda episode who had an accident in 1976 and whose Boeing 767 crashed).

      Sometimes I wonder if the theory about life being a game being true and I wonder where the reset button is! LOL.

  5. The Secret is nothing new and been around for decades under various names, ain't a religion. Check out Wayne Dyer and Abraham Hicks, just to name a couple, but there were people before them.

    Sharon calls BS when she sees it, especially for victim blaming. She's had other sh*t happen to her, that she got blamed for bc she was a model/actress, or the way she looked, her youth when she was younger, etc...Not to say she ain't a high maintence b*tch like Halie Barry.

  6. She's still not a flash in the pan actress. Unless you count flashing a Panoramic movie camera.

  7. What an idiot. The Secret is not a religion.

  8. Sh/S isn't really alliteration, is it?

  9. Perhaps they did this to her on purpose in order to drive her away? If it was obvious she was not taking to the brainwashing and they were not getting black mail material they may not have wanted her around the other A-listers they had already hooked.

  10. Her new show is bad really slow uninteresting she's the only familiar actor. Did I saw bad? I would rather see her on a cop show or night time soap.

    1. Give her a break, that's her "comeback" show. She just recovered from a stroke/brain aneurism and she had to learn how to walk and talk again.

  11. I imagine she takes no shit and I hope she says more. My other half was watching that action movie with her, Stallone and Gross James Woods in the other week - I noticed in the scene where Woods has to hold her character in place that he was creepily grabby and placing his hands in certain areas.

    1. Boo Hearne mentioned she was on some show, so I looked it up on YouTube. The interviewer asked whether she'd experienced any #MeToo crap, and she starting LAUGHING ENDLESSLY. Not in a maniacal way, but it was chilling. And after she was done laughing she was basically like, "child, I wasn't born yesterday, I've been in this business since the '70s, do you know what kind of world Hollywood was back then?" Gave me goosebumps. 😱😱😱😱

    2. Actually, I have a bad mentory and I'm not remembering this correctly: I didn't look it up because Boo Hearne said so, YouTube recommended it and then it rang a bell that it was the interview she was referring to, so I guess the video was a hit?

      I liked it. It was the most badass thing I've ever seen since the #MeToo movement started. I mean we have whiney assholes being jerks about Aziz Ansari's lack of red wine, and this woman just... Wow.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Jeez @Scandi Sanskrit, you weren't joking about it being chilling - from the 5:09 mark if anyone is interested

    1. No, I wasn't. I'm usually not that great at social cues/reading faces/body language (like when someone says someone has "dead-eyes/lacks chemistry with their supposed significant other", I usually don't know what the hell they're talking about—I'm much better at analysing people weird/creepy Twitter behaviour LOL). So when I do notice something, it's usually very obvious to most others). Chilling laugh indeed. She's so classy.

  14. Back in the early 90s I filled out a scio questionnaire I got in the mail. I filled it out and mailed it back. Got a call for an analysis. I was probably 20 and had no clue what they were all about. I decided to keep the appointment because it was on the way to my boyfriends house and I could easily slip on and off the freeway from their office. Went in and met with the poor guy assigned to me. He read through my results and showed me a chart of areas where I was weak. He went on to tell me how troubled I was. He wasn’t skilled enough to dig and find my actual weaknesses, so I quickly saw through the whole strategy, told him he was full of shit, walked off, got in the car and went on my merry way to have sex with my boyfriend. I can’t see how people can be fooled by such crap.

    1. Well taht was a happy ending... 😏

  15. Enty majored in English obviously.
    (S)haron (S)tone ba(S)ic in(S)tinct (S)cientology.....I guess that is the answer to the clue of "alliteration". Very clever Enty. I'm on to you son.
