Saturday, January 13, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Kindness

January 4, 2018

This former A+ list tweener turned A- list adult singer was out to dinner with his less famous sibling. A young woman approached the table and told the more famous sibling about her health condition. The more famous sibling shares that health condition and spent a good 20 minutes just being a really nice guy as they commiserated over living with the illness for their whole lives before taking a bunch of pictures.

Nick Jonas/Joe Jonas/Type 1 Diabetes


  1. Long time reader, first time commented. That's great to hear about Nick Jonas. My 12 year old son was diagnosed almost 5 months ago and it's been awful trying to manage it (it has nothing to do with sugar, my son was 11 and super skinny). Any kind words and encouragement does help.

  2. Agree Mama. My son diagnosed age 11. Its an AWFUL disease which I never realized until he was diagnosed. He is now 27, has passed out in public, had seizures, almost was killed in a car accident when his pump malfunctioned and have had to call emt many many times in middle of night for extreme lows. The teenage hormone years were awful. He now has the new pump and cgm which is a dramatic improvement but pray every second for a cure.

  3. He also was super skinny, a healthy eater, never much for candy and junk, his fav snack was raw green peppers. Very active, played every sport and was great at it, and it doesnt run in the family anywhere. No idea where he got it from, I always think the fact he got chicken pox at a year old may have killed his immune system, mentioned it to doctors and researchers who kind of brushed it off. Good luck w your son. Not to mention they can never be spontaneous and have to carry a bookbag everywear and constntly have to worry and monitor themselves.

  4. Enty, you're an idiot. Nick Jonas is not more famous than Joe Jonas. They're probably about even, actually. Kevin is the one who isn't famous anymore. Yes, I hate that I know this.

  5. @Marlin Diagnosed my son at age 6 with JD. (On the anniversary of my sisters passing, from complications of JD. She was 13. Diagnosed at 3 yo) Is your sons pump MedTronics? If so, please file a lawsuit. My daughter has a 21 yo patient whose MedTronic pump malfunctioned. He's in a vegetative state. 2 months ago, his cousins MedTronic pump malfunctioned. He was also in his 20's, and passed away. I know my sons pump has malfunctioned at least 6 times in the past 3 years. Taking him off of it.

    1. Thanks for the info on Medtronics!@ Clarks world. I really feel for anyone who has JD and hope there will be a cure someday!

  6. Nick Jonas can get it!
