Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Kindness

December 5, 2017

Other than me including a description of the actor, I'm just going to post this as it was written by the person telling the story.

When a friend's son (who was, so tragically, dying from an incurable illness) made a wish: to meet this former A list mostly movie actor but was probably C- list outside that iconic franchise, it fell on me -- the only person the dad knew who worked in the film business -- to make a call. I called his agent and explained that this lovely boy watched the franchise every day and wanted to meet NOT the actor, but, rather, the actual CHARACTER that he played. The agent begrudgingly said he'd call the actor, but also said not to get my hopes up. 90 seconds later I got a call from the actor, who immediately said yes and gave me his home address. He not only met with the boy, but spent hours answering question after question (sometimes the same ones repeatedly), AS the character. Even posting this now makes me teary. He was compassionate, kind, and patient. And it literally meant the world to this kid and his family.

Mark Hamill/Luke Skywalker


  1. Ive never heard a bad word about Mark H. There is hope!.

  2. Not surprising at all, but still gets me in the feels.

  3. I still think he was lying to his uncle when he said he was going into town to just "pick up some power converters."

  4. Lovely story. Mark has always come across as a great bloke in interviews, and this goes some way in proving this.

  5. I love him. He was pigeonholed as Luke Skywalker and therefore banished from Hollywood for so many years. Completely ripped off of the role of Amadeus (saw him on Broadway...sooo good) because Milos Forman couldn't get past it. Yet he remains such a good guy. (I think of him as the Anti-David-Cassidy). Great story!

  6. He's an actual angel. Love him so much.

  7. Such a kind thing to do, and unsurprising. His son Griffin was a student at the lower school when I was at the upper one, and they always seemed like a very nice family. Disappointed to find that dad did not drive him to school in a landspeeder, though.

  8. Thank you for this blind. It's always refreshing when you post the kindness blinds/reveals

  9. He’s great as the joker.

  10. Holy Moly, the guy had over 300 IMDB credits. Mostly voice but damn. Not only did he do this for this kid, he appears to be working nonstop.

  11. It was a beautiful story on it's own. It's also heartwarming when the heroes children look up to on screen are actually heroes in real life. Luke the Jedi stopping the Empire with his Force skills was impressive, but Mark the actor playing a role so well for an audience of one for no gain, that is admirable.

    1. And he had to make up some of his own lines, not work from a script. He REALLY knows this character.

  12. Made me cry with gratitude. Not everybody sucks.

    He's great as both the Joker and his "Flash" ripoff, "The Trickster."

    1. Just WOW, even on an EPICALLY KIND kindness blind you still have to say something nasty.

      Go back to the thread where you bitched about "transgressive humour about the dark arts" and carry on there.

  13. An amazing family man too. We need more of him.

  14. Love love love this post! Thanks for sharing!

  15. This is a great break from the usual death and damnation. So sweet

  16. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Mark is too good for Hollywood.

  17. And the last thing that poor kid experiences is that horrible atrocity of a movie. What in the H were Disney thinking approving that awful script?? Mark Hamill is one of the rare people that actually is a nice guy.

    1. Anonymous11:42 AM

      One person needs to be in charge. There’s too many cooks making this soup here.

  18. Very nice kindness gesture.
    Way to go, Mark!

  19. A coworker of mine produced a couple of his indie films, before the new Star Wars. Mark would regularly invite over the costars and producers to just hang out at his home. Not party, just hang out. Like dinner, talking, games, etc. Just a regular nice guy.

  20. Such a touching story and what a kind and generous man he is. Thanks for making my day!

  21. So this was a blind item on this site the exact same day THR published the story after a series of tweets from the night before? Running a blind item blog is easier than I thought!

  22. Story was posted to Twitter, person doing the asking was Ed Solomon author of Bill & Ted films, Men In Black & now HBO's Mosaic. I watched it get posted live.

  23. I’m glad he has gotten more work in recent years, great gesture of compassion.

  24. For all the deplorable behavior I read in this blog, it’s ones like this that keep me coming back.

  25. Mark Hamill is good people. I can listen to him talk on stage for hours. I don't know about his private life. I hope he doesn't do drugs anymore...but his raport with fans and his stories are great. I'd really like to see the industry give him one more GREAT role. That would just be fantastic.
