Friday, January 19, 2018

Himmmm Blind Item #2

This studio has admitted internally that it has failed in its efforts at emulating the success of the one that now owns the world.  Their new secret plan? To "split" the properties into two divisions.  One for "kids", basically carrying on with the universe-multiverse they've already created under the disastrous helm of _____________.  And the other division for "adults", to create more realistic-themed movies of the same properties, like their most successful versions.  How do they plan to make this happen? They proposed to hire this family, give them first-dollar gross revenues on EVERY PROJECT; and give them carte blanche and full control over that second division.  At this point, the studio has nothing to lose in that contest.


  1. Warner Brothers with DC - Whedon family?

  2. DC vs. Marvel. There's already been an announcement that DC is rethinking it's strategy after Justice League. No idea about the family ... Whedon stepped in for Snyder on JL, but Whedon's brother and sister-in-law are doing Agents of SHIELD, so ...

  3. Warner Bros with DC and Nolan brothers ?

  4. DC and the Wachowskis?

    1. @Florin The description as "family" makes me think of the Wachowskis too

  5. Mmmmmmmmmm. The only one's they would be willing to give that much controll to is the Nolans. They know they can revived the projects. Nolans slate is pretty clear too , that said I think he wouldnt return to the batman universe.

  6. DC vs. Marvel, obviously.

    _______________ is the unspeakable Zack Snyder.

    Nolan brothers for the family.


  7. The Coens? Wouldn't THAT be just lovely?

  8. I wanna know whats happening to the Scorsese produced Joker movie.

  9. I'd point to the fact that they are splitting the Shazam/Black Adam movies into two properties as evidence of this being DC.

    Jon Berg is/was the person running DC film division

  10. Give it to the Broccolis. Why not at this point?
    Kidding aside, the Nolan boys obvs.

  11. Not sure I understand..aaaagh, why Studios like to make things so complicated? Anyway, no wonder DC failed, because they hired freaking Ben Affleck as Batman, and put Cara Delevigne in Suicide Squad.
    Only Wonder Woman turned out great.
    But it's just my opinions.

    I hope Nolan will take over DC, and Christian Bale returns as Batman.

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  13. Wachowskis bros? Nolan bros? Or Donner family?

  14. It's clearly the Mansons.

  15. Oooh, I think I got it! So they'll continue Man of Steel, Batman vs Superman, Justice League with Zack Snyder and will start new realistic movies with new director. Was confused a little.

  16. Universal, the Monsters Universe and the Kardashian family.

  17. Nolan will never return to the Batman universe. He had a horrible time making Dark Knight Rises and had to ban meddling executives from his set. He will never go back to that. Bale is done, too.

  18. LooLooEasy seriously??? Wasn't there a blind not so long time ago, that Studio will pay him 50 millions to return and 100 millions more if movie will do great?

    And other blind implying that Christian Bale is working out and considering going back as Batman? God, I have such high hopes, don't want other Batman...

    Nolan however, was veeery wishful thinking, I thought so that there is almost zero chances. Someone said that new director was taking Batman, can't remember his name though.

  19. DC and the Kardasians, going full adult w/ that clan of whores.

  20. @Alexandria Anna good memory!!

  21. Why Kardasians are involved in every deal? lol. Or You mean Cardassians from Star Trek?

    Samantha, but I still can't remember that director who will take Batman hahaha. I'll try to google him.

  22. GOT HIM! Matt Reeves I guess. But it's some Netflix deal..I'm confused here.

  23. Where is the Brandon Sanderson Steelheart movie? So bored with this comic bs, how about a different take on what would really happen in a world with superpowers.

  24. Close, Count. But if DC picked up ktrash it would be Super Whore Force: Legends of Venus Fly-Tramp.

  25. I wonder if it's the Russo brothers? They could jump ship once avengers 4 is done and I think (I could be wrong but something recently wrapped) they wrapped shooting and will take a year for cgi but they could well have been offered the job?

  26. Obviously the Duffer brothers, they need a hail mary

  27. Coens!!! They better not be perverts.

  28. They already have a broad ranging Television universe that is separate form the cinematic universe. They also have direct to dvd animated features that are not in any shared universe, the existing cinematic universe, and now they want to make a 4th wing?

    Why not just make their cinematic vision the same as the dvd animated one. Do good, unconnected stories. Let's make a teen titans movie with deathstroke at his best. Do a family friendly shazam. Do a justice League movie that's just a good story about the justice league and doesn't need to set up other films.

  29. Uggh...DC/WB is pathetic. So they’re going to keep Zach Snyder running the family friendly DCCU, but create a new (lemme guess, Vertigo branding???) adult themed DCCU...oh and let’s not forget the DCTVU. What a shitshow.

  30. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Can't wait till the stupid Comic Book fetish runs its course.

    It's thrown up some entertaining movies, but time to move on as a culture.

  31. DC and Marvel. I hope it's Nolan but I won't get my hopes up. I luv superhero movies but was very disappointed with JL. Come on DC, you can do better.

  32. Anonymous2:48 PM

    I’m a big Zack Snyder fan. His works are more complicated than people think. They’re stuffed to the margins with visual overload.

    Clearly, audiences have expressed they are very uncomfortable being asked to question the motives of our comic book superheroes. People just want to see shit being blown up. I happen to dig meta, deconstruction and Greek tragedy shit.

    But in my opinion with the level of fuckery Warner’s did to BvS and JL with the chop jobs and reshoots, they deserve to fail.

  33. i'm not really sure of the family- russo bros would make sense. Wachowskis have had the majority of their projects since the matrix tank with critics and with budgets so i doubt it's them, and lmao @ anyone who thinks the Coens would take any amount of money to direct superhero movies, they're rich and have complete creative control on all of their movies, they aren't about to enter their 60s working for a studio that is known for sending executives to breath down artists's necks.

    1. No but watching superheroes being stupid like the idiots in "The Big Lebowsky" and "Fargo" would be so awesome. They should hire The Dude to play Batman.

  34. They need to think "outside of the box" for a new actor for Batman. Someone different, never before seen/used, someone surprising, not someone regurgitated. I realize the $$ people don't like to gamble on a sure thing, but they've GOT to think outside of the box.

  35. DC and Marvel are not studios

  36. Dreamworks, which has failed to market to children successfully.

  37. Checking to see if I can post. This is just a test. :)

  38. @Alexandra Anna, Christian Bale has done at least two interviews now where he has stated for the record that WB has never even approached him to return as Batman, let alone offered him $50M to do so. The blind about him working out 5 days a week to prepare for the role seemed fake to me.

    1. LooLooEasy, I'm disappointed then. 😔 I was really looking forward to this, dammit!

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  40. Anyway, on a personal level, I'm not too heart-broken about this blind item. I had a stalker wearing a Superman shirt COME ON STAGE during a dress rehearsal with a live audience and tried to rub herself against me. It traumatised the fuck out of me. It's going to be a loooong time before I'll ever embrace anything DC.

    To be fair tho, I also saw "Stalked" (Michelle Ward's show) season 2 episode 2, so I should feel icky about American comics companies in general because they don't do a very good job protecting their employees from stalkers, do they? I mean that was a comic artist of theirs... But I can still deal with Marvel (I kind of have to, don't I—because coping mechanisms). But dammit, I can't bring myself to like anything DC because that stalker ruined me.

    Did you know that Benedict Cumberbatch has a woman who thinks they're meant for each other because apparently she "eye-fucked" him from stage at a Comic-Con? I mean, I've never been to a convention before, so I don't know what the setting looks like, but stage lights are supposed to be so bright that YOU CAN'T EVEN SEE WHO'S IN THE AUDIENCE! Benedict could've just been looking into the darkness... Mind-blown. And now she's wrecking havoc in the fandom and she's really mean.

    1. Why the fuck did I just say "live" audience? Im such a dumbass.

    2. You NEED to go to a con! I am very, very biased...But I haven't been to one yet I haven't loved (including a Brony con)

    3. Scandi, not surprised, Benedict Cumberbatch have some crazy fans lol. He must be really overhelming, because they're losing their minds for him 😂 There are legends circulating about his fandom, and there even was one blind about them.

      I envy You guys that You have ComicCon. I would love to go, even if that meant being stalked by Superman, Batman, Robin, Cap' America and whoever else they have lol!

    4. @Maude: I don't think I deserve to go to a con (except "Sailor Moon") because I've never read an American comic book before. LOL.

      @Alexandria: There must be one in your city if you're in the US? The comic artist that was feature on "Stalked" went to one in NY (I know legit there is one there) and Miami and one other place. The biggest one is SDCC, I think, tho? They even have limited editions Funko Pop toys they only sell at the event. I wants... 😭😭😭😭

    5. France here, there is CC in Paris, but these in USA are the real deal. Yeah, the San Diego one is the CC I hear about all the time.
      I want one with all superheroes, Star Wars characters, Blade Runner ect...but I guess all franchises will end before I'll ever get there lol.

    6. ...Or I'll admit, I just wanted to meet Ryan Gosling LOL 😂😂😂


  41. Blogger Easy D said...
    Can't wait till the stupid Comic Book fetish runs its course.

    It's thrown up some entertaining movies, but time to move on as a culture.

    Agreed the genre has run its course, same goes with the Star Wars/Star Trek franchises.

    1. I'm still excited AF about "Black Panther", but then I saw the "Infinity War" trailer and I was like, "who the fuck are all these people? I don't have the time or energy to remember all their names and i don't want any new friends so GET OF MY LAWN!"

      That's how I feel about "Infinity War". FFS.

    2. But then Doctor Strange is in it, so I have to go. 😔

      I'm dreading seeing him interact with certain other characters (I didn't like seeing them inside the NY Sanctum and felt strangely territorial about it). 😣 Let's say if I was inside and I saw them at the door, I wouldn't open the door for them. 🗽👩🏻🚕🍂💛

  42. I think I need this dumbed down, I am not following. is the message that a failing studio is splitting into two entities expecting the stronger half to carry the weak? to which purpose does this serve? break even? is that sound business practice? is the smug son directing/siding with the omnipresent manipulative father? (now I am just making stuff up) oust this madness! seriously though it screams throwing good money after bad,no? I fail to understand the logic although I am wholly feeling the desperation and aha nothing left to lose in the contest echoes throughout and just like that it is all coming together, unlike them and their measly maniacal plan?

    actually before I hit that (next!) arrow I pause to think how shit like this happens. not knowing any of the backstory I wonder what led to such astronomical failure, it's evident once upon a time they were successful venture. can those on the inside point to exactly what caused the fail or was it a culmination of stuff? see this is why some stuff is so frustrating to me I truly want to know how and why of alot of stuff. is this one deep or Jimmy got pissed because Ferdinand didn't return his jeans so he blew off logging the invoices so now million dollar empire destroyed and now Sears is closing so no one gets to wear Wrangler huskies ever again. bitches (triple snap)

  43. This is actually a good strategy for DC. The WB animated versions of the DC heroes reignited interest in those properties for the younger members of Gen X and the millennials. Now, if it's done all wrong they will look ridiculous. But the Nolans are solid creatives, shouldn't be a problem.

    The strategy is for the "serious" superhero pictures to find their audience and the "family friendly" movies to find theirs. It's like what Marvel is doing with Guardians/Spider Man vs the Avengers stuff.

    the only problem I see is that the Nolans could easily create one of those fanboy vs studio battles that could hurt a weaker film because of their willingness to go their own way and throw out what's useless in comic book canon. Movie marketing is buzz driven now, the studios have less control. They usually end up riding waves, as with Wonder Woman and Black Panther. The fanboy grumbling couldn't match the fan excitement for those movies.
