Tuesday, January 02, 2018

Your Turn

Will we see any A listers or above go to jail in 2018 for sex crimes?


  1. Waiting to see if the blind about the politician's wife, Don Henley, Jerry Brown and the claimed impending lawsuit is true.

  2. A listers and above usually manage to stay out of jail

  3. I hope so but unfortunately, I doubt it. They just have too much money to wiggle out of it.

    I think we will see a few scapegoats, but the true criminals? They are well padded with lots of sacrificial bodies ahead of them. :(

  4. i doubt it beyond possibly weinstein or bill cosby. and even they will more likely than not avoid it

  5. I agree that it will be low hanging fruit. We might see toxic names like Singer and Weinstein charged but they are washed up and done. We'll probably see a lot more has-beens and people with a lot of flops to their name sacrificed while those who are still making big profits will be protected.

  6. @SDaly, same here and according to the blind, that should happen any day now.

  7. It's up to you, "Enty".

  8. Anonymous10:18 AM

    I hope they will, but, unfortunately the rich always get away with their crimes.

  9. enty, after that heather o'rourke blind (and the obama/ari emmanuel one), I dont even want to be on this planet anymore.

    I cant believe not even the fucking medical professionals that treated her at the hospital raised a red flag.

    the world is such a disgusting place. these men that anally raped and killed her, all those men in the audience, all of those predators - free as a bird, out enjoying their lives.

    there will never be enough rotting.

    unless more shoes start to drop revolving this ped0 crap in hollywood, im starting to lose hope.

    we keep getting low hanging fruit meanwhile THE WORST PREDATORS: not a f/ing peep.

  10. I doubt it. It is all too much he said, she said at this point for anything to happen in the courts

  11. No.

    In fact, this whole present circus is just that; a circus, a warm up if you will for bigger fish, one of which TPTB hope to impeach.

    Look, I would love to see Winestain and singer get theirs in the cornhole in prison but think: how is it someone untouchable is now accountable?

    Basically, imo, we are being had.

    I wish we weren't.

  12. i agree, nothing will happen in 2018. Maybe in future year, but this is a political spoke in a large wheel.

  13. Let God sort it out. Seriously.

  14. I really hope so, but highly doubtful any will do any jail time or even get outed. Cosby - free. Singer - free. Polanski - free. Simpson - free. God will not sort it out @Jack. He's been asleep for a loooong time. We're on our own.

  15. We can only pray that they will all pay for the crimes that they have done. But I don’t have a whole lot of faith in the justice system. But the more they are outed and have their livelihoods messed with is at least public humiliation and punishment of a certain kind.

  16. @Jack, I pray that whoever killed Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington for what they were about to spill - be it Geffen, Esrailian, or some other music industry giant or Armenian thug - get what's coming to them. They only wanted their fame/money to help kids like the ones revealed in these blinds. Cornell especially got a horrendous payback for being a good guy.

  17. Bryan singer
    David Geffen
    Don Henley
    James Franco
    I'll be happy as long as they go down!

  18. Realistically, i would say, no way we'll we EVER see any big name in jail..on the other hand...who expected this waves of accusers, exposures, all these dirty " games" and persons revealed? So, i say, no, but...perhaps we will be surprised again.

    Anyway...IF these people don't end up in jail( likely), i hope at least they loose jobs, careers and fans

  19. Probably no one will go to jail in 2018, but maybe at least they will be exposed.

  20. No. Regular people rarely go down for sex crimes. Why would famous people be any different?

  21. Nope. Enough money, good enough lawyers, there's no way the penal system can compete. Famous enough, you don't go to jail for murder much less rape. Checks will be cut but that's the extent of it.

  22. Nope. Years old sketchy stories, statute of limitations, lack of evidence aside from he said/she said. They may lose jobs and may pay out for lawsuits, but jail won't happen.

    Doubtful anything even gets to trial. No DA is going to take one of these cases unless it is a complete lay up, because anything other than a conviction will be career suicide.

  23. Their lawyers will seek delays and try to get the charges thrown out

  24. No. Charges? Maybe. Jail? Hell no.

    I expect them all to weasel out of being punished. Some might have their careers ruined, tho.

  25. I hope they all go to jail - but I am realistic. In the meantime, I hope that victims still speak out and hopefully David Geffen (King Pedo Predator) and Dan Schneider the pedo-pig are exposed next.

  26. not holding my breath, entward. But I'd love to see people freely naming the POS abusers and watching them squirm. Shine a spotlight and watch the cockroaches scatter

  27. Anonymous2:17 PM

    I agree, A galley - Those two names need to be exposed.

    I think they are all protected too much, but hopefully, some justice will be served.

  28. I don't think anyone will go to jail. Face it, only the little people go to jail. Hollywood and DC have different rules. I sure am glad that I didn't push my children into acting.

  29. I don't know if anyone who is A list will ever go to jail but, a bunch of us are supposed to go see the Eagles and Jimmy Buffett this summer. Wondering if the Eagles would perform without Henley? Does Buffett know what is going on???? I would rather see Jimmy without another performer but beggars can't be choosers. This will be my 18th Buffett concert, yes I'm one of those.

  30. I wish! Sadly, I don´t think it´ll ever happen. Not in 2018, not ever.
    At least I sincerely hope there´s a scorching hell waiting for all of them in the afterlife...

  31. Jail? No. Would be great if people who deserve jail were jailed but no, won't actually happen.

    The worst that will happen really is public embarrassment and gardening leave/'rehab'. Sad but realistic.

  32. Nope. Sadly, money talks & monsters walk. 😞

  33. it depends Enty-Law. we will see more accidents and suicides. people will lose everthing even their lives even if they are golden geese a-listers, as long as it protects the snuff-underage traffick ring if it exists to the extent it is implied by events in centres of powers in London and East coast,.

  34. Nobody is going to jail. The best we can do is destroy careers.

  35. I would love to see these scum fall like dominoes. For them to start turning on one another. I wonder how many secret films of this depravity exist with everyone being so involved in the film industry???

  36. I'm too cynical to say "yes", but I'm hopeful (that at least 2–3 big names go to jail for an example).

  37. It's not that simple. If jail (etc), they'll be made into martyrs. We need counter PR evidence, bring down the toxic hive!

  38. If someone can provide incriminating proof (video, photo, etc.), then I think it could happen regardless of position or financial status. At the VERY LEAST, the guilty should be exposed & careers/income ruined a la Weinstein, Spacey & Singer. They are criminals and should not be rewarded or appraised in any fashion, especially those that have molested children. If I were in a position to bring down the towers these bastards have built, I wouldn't hesitate for a minute!

  39. Once we break Trump's pedo ring and get the Oligarchs out of our country, I think we may have a chance.

  40. No, most likely they won't be jailed. But something else happened: Hollywood has lost its' shine.

    Hollywood, the music industry, the media, and politics, will never ever recover from this scandal. Not all rapists and pedos have been exposed, but what has been exposed is the culture of appeasement and collaboration between the media, entertainment and even DC.
    People are rejecting them, rejecting their rants, their spitting, their hypocrisies and fakery and advice on life, which many love giving us common plebs.
    Rape enablers telling us whom to vote for?
    Pedo enablers lecturing us on political activism, to finance other pedos?
    Sluts who suck for parts, and then cry rape for publicity?
    All of them marching with fucking pink hats with a motherfucking terrorist?

    Get the fuck out of here, times have changed, everything has changed.
    There may be no jail, but they still lost big time.
    Viva le Donald.
