Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Your Turn

Stealing this one from Twitter.

A movie that traumatized you as a child.


  1. Ladies, here's some dating advice.

    Never date a cross-eyed man. They are always seeing someone on the side.

  2. So January Jones is dating Nick Viall??!!!

  3. I really wasn't a child anymore but Jaws..another one was The Exorcist

  4. Replies
    1. I wish I could see that! IDK where to find a copy.

  5. Nightmare on elm st. Saw it when i was 13ish and it gave me nightmares for years.

  6. The Wizard of Oz,the flying Monkeys gave me nightmares. In spite of that,It is still a favorite movie.

  7. I know, @Boldblonde. Spit out my wine last night when I caught wind of that.

  8. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Halloween 2. Nightmares galore

  9. Suspira and The Fury....It was a double feature my evil ass older cousins took me too. I didn't sleep for weeeeeeks.

  10. A Thief In The Night. Crazy ass Fundamentalists like to scare the "Hell" out of children and the feeble minded to keep them in the flock. Sick Bastards.

  11. The Night Stalker '72

  12. Anonymous10:08 AM

    The Omen movies. They shit the life out of me.
    Also, The Exorcist and also, Rosemary's Baby.

  13. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. The child catcher scarred me for life.

    1. Ditto! Absolutely petrified of him!

  14. Edward Scissorhands, ha.

    Flying monkeys scared me too. Especially in Return to Oz.

  15. St Elmo’s Fire: I didn’t want to face the shit storm that was adult life.

  16. Darby O'Gill and the Little People. The Banshee freaked me out.

  17. The Omen.

    That pane of glass on the back of the truck....I still won't get anywhere near a truck carrying glass.

    1. I'm sorry you feel that way about my origin story... 💔

  18. "Phantasm". I saw it when I was wayyyyy too young, and it freaked me out something fierce.

  19. Anonymous10:25 AM

    The Exorcist.
    The green vomit and head spinning around and the crazy eyes.
    I lost a lot of sleep with that one.
    And whatever happened to Baby Jane.
    Joan Crawford and Bette Davis were scary as hell.

  20. The Tin Drum.

    Also the Flying Monkeys made frequent appearances in my nightmares.

  21. Guesser: Me, too! I was about 5 when I saw it. Nightmares for months!

  22. Episode of the Outer Limits called The Zanti Misfits.

  23. The Neverending Story. Its made even creepier by the fact that it was revealed on ROTC in a segment with Gabe Hoffman of "An Open Secret" that good old Marty Weiss is parading around wearing a medallion containing a symbol found in the movie...

  24. Randomly, the chauffeur from Burnt Offerings also scared the crap out of me.

  25. Wizard of Oz .... flying monkeys scared the crap out of me. My mother would tell me they were in the trees at night so she could get me to come in the house. It worked Love the movie now.

  26. Bambi. WTF was Disney thinking when they showed Bambi's mother dying? I still get chocked up thinking about that damn movie.

  27. Arachnophobia. I can't bear the sight of a spider no matter how tiny it may be, my heart races and I can't breathe.

  28. The exorcist, watched it when i was 7, bad choice.

  29. Neverending Story, because horse drowned in the mud. It's bizarre movie in general. Never again :(

  30. Willie Wonka & The Chocolate Factory (Gene Wilder version) - I was terrified of the Oompa Loompas.

  31. I'll give the same answer I gave on Twitter: The Day After. That movie traumatized me and there are certain images burned, as it were, into my brain.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Salem's Lot. The kid floating outside the window still freaks me out.

  34. My entire childhood was a terror, therefore, if it was made into a movie it would be that.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. IT the original had nightmares for weeks

  37. The Exorcist. Saw it in the cinema when it first came out and went with a friend. She was wearing her 'cross/crucifix earrings' for protection, lol. A man sat behind us and breathed heavily and groaned throughout, especially noticeable in the quiet bits, and we were totally freaked out!

  38. 1. Trilogy of Terror - the doll

    2. As Doc said, Salem's Lot - the kid at the window. I haven't slept with the curtains up since I saw that. I've tried, but I wake up thinking I'm hearing the scratching.

  39. Arachnophobia has left me permanently terrified of spiders but The Shining is the only movie that scared me so much I had to stop it and finish watching it in the daytime. So, one of those two.

  40. Poltergeist. The clown scene and when they fall in the pool hole with the skeletons.

    Now that I know poor Heather O'Rourke's story, it's even more traumatizing. :(

  41. Beneath the Planet of Apes and the Exorcist.

  42. Poltergeist because the evil clown. Now maybe for another reason.

  43. Bonnie and Clyde. Saw it when it showed on TV and it was way too violent even then.

  44. Jaws...i'd come home from school alone and if it was raining I was sure jaws was in my closet and I'd have to run to my bff's house for the afternoon.. my bff's mother loved to recount this story at her yearly xmas party up until I was 45 yrs old and she passed.

  45. First was a Twilight Zone episode where the doll came to life when the little girl was asleep. Egads! Secondly was Jaws and thirdly was The Exorcist. My parents wouldn't let me see it when I was a teenager so I finally watched it as a 21-year college student on HBO. I couldn't believe how that movie scared the living crap out of me and I was an adult! I was crying for my Mama during that movie! lol

  46. I don't know the name of it, but it was some 70s horror movie that was on TBS in the mid-80s. It was something like the devil came to Earth and possessed all the snakes or something. I specifically remember a scene where a woman was taking a shower and the camera panned behind her to reveal a snake in the tub with her. Fucked me up for years. I was in college when I could stop looking behind me every time I took a shower.

    1. Holy fucking shit. What kind of snaaaake? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 When i was small I had a phobia of blue whales and my imagination got too vivid and it started to feel much too real, and I'd have a panic attack and jump out of the bathtub. *Shudders*

  47. The Exorcist. When it first came out it was in a big theatre in my city in somewhat of a roadshow production. Big speakers and sound, which if you remember the movie there are very quiet stretches then all of a sudden mayhem. I didn't sleep for 3 days; then left the light on at night for a month

  48. It's Alive--killer babies!!

  49. Quite a few gave me a few nights of nightmares, but none traumatized me (and my younger brother) more than IT. I was 8 and he was 6, and I don’t know why my dad thought it was a good idea to let us watch it, but he did. Terrified of sewers, drains, toilets, moons, under the bed, the basement, the sink, the shower... you name it, I was scared! Then around 12, I got up the nerve to watch it again, and became obsessed and watched it like everyday for a year and read the book in 8th grade. Now IT is in my top 3 all time favorite books and I am a lifelong Constant Reader (Stephen King fan 😉). Go figure.

  50. IT (the original) - made me afraid of clowns

    Poltergeist - Another nail in the clown fear coffin

    Wizard of Oz - flying monkeys

  51. Wizard of oz, when the lion jumps put the window. Any movie with the crucifixion. Start bawling like a baby. No horror movies either

  52. Oh! And Lady in White - made me terrified of the sweet grandma from Who's The Boss.

  53. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Hocus Pocus...I had to leave my friends and sit in the lobby of the movie theater by myself because I was too scared to continue watching. lol.

  54. "The House of Dark Shadows" my little sister and I slept with the lights on for months afterward. Dark Shadows the TV show was in black and white, we were not prepared for the color movie and the blood. I remember vividly just how scared we were and we walked home in the dark and fog after. Every time a leaf blew across the road we screamed and ran. I never bugged my Mom and Dad to let me see scary movie again until "Jaws" came out.

  55. Many of you have brought back so many memories as I read which movies tramautized you.

    Satan 666 - I was kicked out of the school library when I was 6 because I cried too hard when Bambi's mother died. As an adult, I watched the movie with my now-husband while I was PMSing really bad. Since I didn't see the rest of the movie, when the hunters shot at Bambi's father I cried, "HIS FATHER DIES TOO???" My husband made me leave the room.

    Do Tell - I remember seeing Burnt Offerings in the theatre. It was bad enough both Karen Black and Oliver Reed were in it (for some reason they've always terrified me), but that chauffeur? I had nightmares for a week.

    Whatever Happened to Baby Jane and Berserk swore me off of Joan Crawford forever.

    One movie that scared me silly was Reptilicus. I didn't see the whole movie until I was a teenager; then I laughed so hard I cried. It launched me into years of watching bad B-movies.

    1. You are too cute shake! I cried during Bambi too and my boyfriend thought I was being silly.

  56. Poltergeist & Children of the Corn.
    Never was the same after those f+cking movies.
    They both still terrorize me.

    I wasn't supposed to watch either of them, but
    caught one at a girlfriend's house and the other at a relative's
    during the holidays.

  57. Dr. Terror's House of Horrors, the Disembodied Hand gave me nightmares for years! I still don't sleep with my hand under my pillow in fear of a discovering a hand there! Lol! That and Dark Shadows, the original tv show.

  58. The Wizard of Oz, I had nightmares about the witch and her flying monkeys for weeks.

  59. Two.

    It was on HBO in 84 about 5 in the morning. It showed the Zombies attacking Louisville. When the army was called, the president (supposedly Reagan) allowed the nuking of Louisville. Guess where I lived? YOU GUESSED IT! Louisville. Scared me to death.

    Second is "Testament". A movie about the first few months after a nuclear war in upstate New York. It was dark and depressing. A mother stands by and watches her children die, one by one.

    Or as my mom called it. THE FEEL GOOD HIT OF THE 80s!

  60. Don`t Be Afraid of the Dark. With Kim Darby. Gave me nightmares for years.

    A neurotic housewife named Sally and her business exec husband move into Sally's family house, a spooky two story Victorian mansion. When Sally starts the redecorating along with her pompous decorator she comes across a locked room in the house. After arguing with the handyman who insists she should leave the room locked, she finally gets the key. But once she opens her father's old study and has the bricks from the fireplace removed, strange things begin to happen. Sally begins to see small creatures everywhere, but no one will believe her. Her husband dismisses her as neurotic and her friend thinks Sally may be losing her mind. But things take a deadly serious turn when the decorator trips at the top of the stairs and falls to his death. Sally sees a rope lying across the place where he tripped, but when she picks it up to take it, a horrifying little creature pulls it from her grasp. Is she crazy? Or has Sally released demons in the house, demons her father summoned?

  61. The Legend of Boggy Creek

    I was very little but it stuck with me.

  62. “The Haunting” 1963 Julie Harris best best ever. The breathing walls !

  63. Pet Semetary. Zelda's scenes were so terrifying, and also little Gage slicing Jud's Achilles tendon with a scalpel... Makes me shiver even now.
    It was my first horror movie and after that I read compulsively all of Stephen King's books and rented every horror movie available in my video club. I must have been about eleven or twelve.

  64. Salem Lots and some 70's Franknstein movie I shouldn't have been watching in the first place.

  65. The original Fail Safe with Larry Hagman and Jack Lemmon.
    Oh God did that scare me....I saw it the first and last time late one night one TV when I couldn't sleep. It was 1990, I was 16, but still...it scared the holy poo emoji out of me. Could not bear to watch that movie again especially the way things are now.
    And I had watched a lot of horror movies thanks to my selfish mother forcing them on me because she was gonna watch whatever she wanted regardless of whether I was in the room or not. Those movies revolted and sickened me but didn't "scare" me. Mention the word "nuclear" though and I automatically see a very young black and white Larry Hagman.

  66. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

  67. I can´t believe someone here (Spider Rico) was also traumatized by 1972´s The Night Stalker!! That movie scared the bejesus out of me!

  68. The Faculty, Scary Movie (yeah i know), the opening of a random episode of X Files where a guy just starts bleeding out of nnowhere, I know what you did last summer, also when i was 14 the teacher's death in Final Destination gave me a panic attack

  69. Not a movie but Meg Foster in Quantum Leap. Her pale, icy blue eyes and that stoic look she could give just made me feel fear I'd never felt before

    THAT and The Screaming Face in the X Files intro. That contorted bastard.

  70. Dressed to Kill. i didnt close my eyes in the shower for 30 years.

  71. The Lottery. I was a really little kid and it was on PBS... I'm still not a fan.

  72. That very last scene in Carrie did me in for a loooong time...

  73. The Watcher in the Woods
    The Peanutbutter Solution (pretty sure it was on Disney)

  74. "Gone With The Wind" (my parents were watching it on video). I was very small, about 5 or 6 years old.

  75. You guys mentioned my two trigger-scary movies: Don't be Afraid of the Dark and A Thief in the Night...both equally terrifying

  76. Ghostbusters. I noped right out of the theater at the librarian ghost.

    1. But nowhere near as bad as Watership Down. I think I blocked that from my mind until this moment.

    2. Yeah you know something has seriously messed you up when you have to block it out of your mind that you never talk about it. One thing gig I had traumatised me so bad, I erased it off my brain, that a mutual friend had to remind me I was in it. The baffled look on his face when I genuinely couldn't recall working in it, it was priceless.

    3. Wait isn't "Watership Down" the one with the rabbits? My favourite Boyzone (the Irish boyband) member, Stephen Gately, sang "Bright Eyes" for it. I haven't seen the film. Hm. 🐰🐰

  77. Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte. Saw it at five, had nightmares for YEARS. Tried to watch it again at sixteen, figured now I knew it was all fake blood and body parts it would desensitize me. Made it through the first 10 minutes before I gave up. Then I had nightmares AGAIN.

  78. The Little Girl Who Lives Down The Lane

  79. Ameityville. Who lets their 6 yr old watch this?!

  80. Psycho - Yes, I'm old! As an aside, to all of you traumatized by The Exorcist, I work at a place where part of the real story happened. Not the hospital or the house, a small part of the story. We get occasional calls asking about it :)

  81. The Nanny with Bette Davis

    The Wizard of Oz

  82. The Omen, Poltergeist and all those movies like it!

  83. Poltergeist. Jeeeezus. And now reading the blinds about that poor little girl makes it a thousand times worse.

  84. The Birds, Mark of the Devil, TV show Twilight Zone.

  85. The Serpent and The Rainbow

  86. A few...poltergeist with the clown scene, some weird movie where giant spiders were spinning webs around people, and even though this isn't a "movie", the Thriller video scared the crap out of me. As an adult, The Ring gaves me nightmares for weeks.

  87. Anonymous9:38 PM

    wizard of oz. the tornado looked so real, the angry apple trees were shocking and those flying monkeys!

  88. Nobody mentioned Corky the dummy from Magic! Holy crap, just the commercial alone was enough to give me nightmares.

    Original trailer:

  89. Jaws. I was afraid to go in the swimming pool for a long time.

  90. OK, I'm a newbie, posted a few times. I'll participate!

    The movie that traumatized me as a child was "THE BLOB" (really dates me!) - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0051418/

    When I was about 5-6, my Dad used to go out of town on work assignments about once a month. When that happened my Mom would pop the popcorn, pick up her sister, and we'd all head to the Drive-In. It was always scary movies. I always got the back seat. At the tender of 5 or 6, THE BLOB is terrifying. I developed a lifelong fear of the empty space where your feet go in the back seat. I thought for sure a Monster was going to come up from there and GET ME.

  91. Do Tell - regarding Magic. I was babysitting the first time I ever saw the commercial. I was always a little afraid of being in this particular house anyway, and then the commercial came on and I completely lost it.

    I called my mother and I was crying in absolute terror. She stayed on the phone with me for the rest of the night until the people finally came home.

    What a good mama she was. I probably didn't even thank her.
    Wish I could now, but it's too late. :-(

  92. A show that was on British tv in the 60's. It was called Myastery and Imagination, I think, but the episode with Struwwelpeter was absolutely terrifying to me. That and the Crawling Eye and The Great Behemoth. The month I spent at a chalet we rented in Davosdorf was anxiety-inducing due to that damn one-eyed monster and my four brothers. Every time we crossed over London Bridge I was on the floor in the back seat because of that evil reptile monster. Teen years was definitely The Exorcist. The night I saw it, my 120 pound German Shepherd decided it was a good idea to sleep under my bed which she had never done before. I believe I went catatonic.

  93. The Birds
    Still terrified of birds.. Italy, and getting pic of pigeons on outstretched arms, in piazza in Milan, was horrifying!!

  94. Guess I'm the only one that was traumatized by Deliverance.

  95. Thank you, SD!

    Rob Horine - you're right, Testament really was quite frightening. One of the saddest movies I have ever seen. AND - once when watching the original War of the Worlds, I was scared because they mentioned various cities where communication was knocked out because of the aliens. One of them was Montreal. I asked my brother (who is 3 years older than me) if that meant our grandparents were dead. He smirked and said, "It's just a movie." He was 8 or 9 years old, I believe.

    I don't think I've ever seen Serpent and the Rainbow. A friend of mine told me about it years ago. Maybe I blocked that movie out of my mind, lol.

    Thanks for this thread, Ent!
