Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Your Turn

Did you get up and look at the moon today?


  1. Of course. We live high up on a Ridge in Maine. It was cold as shit. We didn't get a lot of the eclipse - was just happening as it sunk below the horizon, but the color and size was amazing.

  2. I barely get out of bed early for a fire alarm

  3. I saw it last night from my bedroom window it was directly in front and above it. Shining like a bright light on the street.

  4. From Thailand! Beautiful.

    1. Hey, I'm in the same timezone! 🙌🏼 *High-fiiiiiive*

  5. I wanted to and woke up briefly during the eclipse but then I realized I’d have to get dressed and walk out past a few buildings and decided it was a rare celestial event I could, regretfully, miss seeing in person.

    One of the many down sides of city life.

  6. Someone asked if I knew a good salt joke. I said Na.

  7. I look at the Moon every night and the Sun everyday. I soak them both in and try to be like them. Bright and steady.

  8. I totally did, saw it halfway eclipsed.

  9. I tried but it was cloudy where I live :(

  10. I was already up when it happened but I did not go out to see it. Eclipses bring bad luck. Watch the news for a while and you will see what it brought.

  11. I got a great shot of it on my Canon.

  12. I am up at 5:00 AM every weekday, take the pup out, then walk down the river to work around 630. ET. Looking down the river to the Atlantic over downtown, I always have a conversation with the moon in the morning. This morning it was especially beautiful red haze. So I did not get "up" for it, but we enjoyed our morning walk together.

  13. I watched it all night...bathing in the glow

  14. No.

    But I usually look at the moon in the evening.

  15. I got up and accidentally mooned my girlfriend. Does that count?

  16. I only change back at dawn so I don't remember.

  17. I live in California and it was not foggy so I was able to see it from my backyard. I am usually up at that time anyway.

  18. Absolutely. I'm up at 5am regardless so I made some coffee, sat in the solarium and bathed in the glow.
    I made moon cookies afterwards (buttery sugar cookies with a yellow iridescent glaze).

  19. I'm up at 5am and was outside with one of our dogs. It was beautiful. Wish I had taken pictures.

    1. I was the opposite, I wanted to NOT take pictures and "enjoy the moment" (pretentious as that may sound). But I ended up Instagrammimg it with commentary because I'm an Instaho. 🗽👩🏻🚕🍂💛

  20. Yes, and it was beautiful!

  21. Yes the dawg and I went for our morning walk in the park by our house. Its covered in snow, which made the moonlight even more beautiful. The moon itself was huge!
    (6am outside of Boston)

  22. lmao "did you get up and look at the moon today?" reads so funny to me. no enty, too much work .. it is all I can do to roll over. wtf LOL

  23. I don't need to "get up" because it was 20:00-ish in my timezone. But of course I went to the balcony to look at the A-list triple-threat blue-blooded Moon that was eclipsed by the famehoes on Midgard and some clouds cock-blocking its shine. 🌕

    It was cloudy and the lower part of it was covered by clouds (but the parts of the sky that wasn't covered by clouds, you could see stars TWINKLING/BLINKING really bright). I was a bit star-struck. I meditated a bit on the balcony. 🌟

    ☁️ The clouds on an eclipse reminded me of clouds in my coffee, clouds in my coffee... ☕️

  24. Yes! Not orange but gorgeous

  25. Woke up at 7 this morning and radio dude said it was going to be a thing for only another 10-15 minutes, so I ran to the door and had a look. It was kinda cool.

  26. Yes I did and now I am eclipse tired.

  27. Hella, they even tried to drop chemtrails and I prayed them away.

  28. Uhhh...yes, indeed, Enty.
    You might could say that ;-)
    lmfao. I WOULD post THAT in-flight experience, but don't think our friends here would enjoy that particular NSFW story.

    Scandi - "triple threat moon" lol. That's awesome when you apply CDAN terms to describe celestial events.
    Sandybrook & SpiderRico & Truthseeker - I can imagine that view. You're fortunate my friends to recognize how special it is.
    Lucy - hilariously funny. My experience made me laugh thinking things too.

    It warms the cockles of my heart to read those of you who take walks and look at the moon. Knowing no matter where another person is on the planet, that at that exact moment - they see the same moon you see (if they can see it that is). It's poetic and beautiful. Even if you only view it to bark at it :-)

    I personally recommend Pink Floyd's Brain Damage/Eclipse (or the whole DSOTM album) when viewing those events. With the cheapest bag of wine available, and someone who enjoys a good moon as much as you might. (Then again - if you play Toto's AFRICA while viewing, then right at the 1:16 moment when the chorus kicks in? Then you...oh, never mind Enty).

    1. Dude(ssss) thanks for the song recommendations! 🎶

      I can't take credit for the "triple-threat moon" thing, tho, because I didn't coin it (I read it in the news and I was just repeating what I saw in the news). 🌙

  29. Look at it? I'm living on the Moon, Enty lol.

  30. And would bark at it too 😛

  31. Nope. I thought January 31 was when it was going to rise, not set. I was a day late.
