Friday, January 05, 2018

Your Turn

Do you have any superstitions? 


  1. Only one. Honestly, I'm superstitious of superstition.

  2. Last night, Wolfie and I added some spice to our lovemaking.
    Wolfie dressed up as a cop with a taser. I thought he was quite stunning.

  3. I never talk about a business venture until the cheque is in the banque. I learned that lesson the hard way.

    1. Haha! I won't talk about being cast in anything until official promotional material (from production/company) is released. πŸ—½πŸ‘©πŸ»πŸš•πŸ‚πŸ’›

      Usually because I'm always the least bankable person in the cast, I make my own promotional material to make up for the lack of bum-in-seats power. And I have that stuff scheduled to post on social media.

      But one time, I wanted to post a lookalike joke (and BTW mentioned how I could never tell Stan Lee and Hugh Hefner apart). My gut told me to post that particular piece of promotional material NOW (because if I did it later, it would be innapropriate to tell taht joke anymore—but for some reason, I misinterpreted what my intuition said as meaning "Stan Lee would pass away the next day", I was horrified). So I posted the photo but I somehow managed to "lawyer" (talk about the play I was supposed to be promoting without actually telling you anything about being cast in it).

      Anyway, the following week I kept my eyes in the news to check on Stan Lee... Nothing happened. It was sort of torment because I couldn't tell anyone about it (or explain the weird way I promoted my play) because of how morbid it was (it's an uncomfortable topic) and I was afraid someone would judge me and ridicule me for being "superstitious". After a full week, I'm waiting for the performance to start at the ballet gala and I shrug it off like, "MEH FALSE ALARM!"

      Guess what happenened a couple of days later?

      Hugh Hefner passes away. I couldn't believe it WTF.

      It was like the Universe was teasing me, "you're so bad at telling those two apart that we tell you that something's going to happen to Hugh Hefner and you mistook it as Stan Lee, haha!" 😭😭😭😭

    2. *Kept myn eyes ON the news (not IN). What am I, a fameho? πŸ˜‚

      My God whenever I see taht photo on my Instagram, i baffle myself. 😐

  4. I believe in the karma gods

    1. That's a legit spiritual belief tho. Someone I look up to spiritually once taught me to look at every shitty thing that happens to me in terms of bad karma. So instead of being angry/falling into an abyss of self-pity, I question: "What did i do to this person in a past life to deserve this?" And then I feel bless angry about it! πŸ’›

  5. My mother had several:
    Don't open an umbrella in the house because it's bad luck.
    That's the only one I follow.
    @Boo I'm the same way. I won't talk about it until it's a done deal. I also don't put a sold sign on one of my listings until we make it past building inspection and appraisal.

  6. I play soccer a lot and never tie my shoe laces until the very last second before the game kicks off.

  7. Nanna Crowley always said "It's bad luck to be superstitious".

  8. Salt over shoulder when spilled, automaticaly

  9. Sock and a shoe, then sock and the other shoe. Just like Meathead from All in the Family

  10. When I board a plane, it HAS to be right foot first, over never touching where the jet way and aircraft meet up. I've only forgotten once, and I turned around and redid it correctly. Can't remember when I started it but it's been for years

  11. I completely believe on knocking on wood.

  12. I'm not Catholic, but whenever I see an ambulance I cross my heart

    1. That makes you a good soul, imo Maude:)

  13. Too many to list, really. I come from an EXTREMELY superstitious culture. I try to ignore most of them, because it really is silly, but still do a lot of them without thinking.

    1. I come from a very superstitious culture too. But I was raised to believe that there's a scientific explanation for everything. I recently watched a video on YouTube where AI mocks Elon Musk. A couple of minutes into the video, someone explains taht AI have one brain (all teh info is stored in a cloud—so if one robot learns one thing, all the other robots learn the same skill). Anyway, I think that there may be a similar "information cloud" taht applies to BIOLOGICAL HUMANS too.

      So when we dream/have "flashes" (like when a random clip just starts playing in your head) and then it comes true, it's likely that we've just downloaded information from taht information cloud (my theory is that it's a parallel dimension too, probably).

  14. I'm very superstitious about everything. Ghosts, dead people, and revealing too much about love life. Mine is cultural also. Grandmother was extremely superstitious about Deceased relatives

    1. But when it comes to ghosts, it doesn't count as a "superstition" if you've already seen them with your own eyes. I think there's another dimension that you can tap into (it's like layers on Photoshop). Once you're in a certain wavelength, you can see everything.

  15. Spilled salt thrown over left shoulder, don't walk under ladders, knock on wood. Always say "White rabbits", the first thing to say on the 1st of the month for good luck the whole month. (I believe 'A pinch and a punch for the 1st of the month' is also said - brought over to New England by the Pilgrim Fathers. Plus, do you have magpies over there? A superstition here in the UK is it's bad luck to see only one, so you should say to it "Good morning/afternoon Mr Magpie, and how's your wife?" and you are supposed to bow to it as well! I'm not making this up! If you don't have magpies there (they are very common here) they are large black & white birds, very intelligent, and I think are in the Corvid family alongside crows etc.
    Yikes, I'm very superstitious!

  16. What goes around comes around ;)

  17. No actual superstitions, but a highly attuned intuition, which can act as one in the sameπŸ˜‰

    13 is a great number. My favorite (clearly) holds much meaning and is actually,quite lucky in many contexts

  18. Just before going on stage I bounce on my toes three times and repeat my first three words under my breath as I bounce. For some reason, if I do that, I don't seem to have a problem remembering my lines. Weird, I know!

    1. Oh wow. Very cool. It's like jump-starting a car battery except the battery is your brain! Thanks for sharing! ✨

    2. Oh by the way, did you know taht Nikola Tesla used to curl his toes to stimulate his brain cells? I fractured both my pinky toes (one of them was so bad taht I can't fully bend one of them anymore—I guess I've lost 10% of my brain cells. LOL). Anyway, you bouncing on your toes reminded me of taht.

  19. Never say never: any sort of absolute statements are sure jinxes in my book -
    this ship will never sink - titanic; these doors will never close - the short-lived Astraea bookstore in DC - As soon as I saw that phrase above the doors, I knew they were doomed.

  20. Oh gosh, a load. I was raised with them via my mom. But the one that really really stuck with me is no shoes on the bed, its bad luck. There are never any shoes on any table when im around. And i dont have to know you either!

    1. I've always been fascinated by how westerners can wear shoes on the bed (that never happens here in Asia because we take our shoes off at the door). I even tried it once because I was curious (it felt dirty, I even have a photo of the occasion).

  21. Scandi, the only person who knows I've auditioned for something is my hubby, and that's because he's usually helping me prepare. That way no one can 'commiserate' if I don't get a part!

    I'll have to remember the toe trick, there have been a few times I've not been able to do my bounce and it plays with my confidence. Thanks for the tip!

  22. @Joshg g I think about that episode every morning....but I'm a sock, sock, shoe, shoe kinda gal.

  23. I am one extremely superstitious person. I could spend twenty minutes listing all my 'stuff' but couple years ago ,for first time in my life ever I broke a mirror. I about died. I spent the night combing the internet trying to undo the juju . I ended up swirling and twirling into wicked wild medieval monkey dance complete with chant but I was living in an apartment and unable to bury the shards of glass (ideally during some certain phase of moon)so it ended up in dumpster. I feel like I have made everything worse. total funk with years to go :(
