Friday, February 16, 2018

Blind Item #10

Speaking of hotels, this A list mostly movie actor who had a long run on an iconic cable show went off on a publicist with him from a studio. He made her cry because she set up more interviews than he wanted to do. He only wanted to spend one hour promoting the movie and she set him up with two hours of work. He ended by telling her he was walking out of the interviews after exactly one hour. 


  1. Replies
    1. He's definitely been in his fair share of films but is he really "mostly movie"? Looking at his credits it's 2:1 (TV:film).

  2. Maybe Jon had to go film more tax commercials.

  3. Nostalgia would be the film. Everything Hamm has been in lately besides Baby Driver has bombed and his 2018 doesn't look promising.

  4. his drinking is catching up with his face, he looks pretty ragged. At least he will always have his hamm bone.

    1. I've been thinking the same thing every time one of his stupid tax commercials comes on... he's looking pretty rough around the edges these days.

  5. Yeah, but his drinking might catch up with the Hammaconda, too.

  6. Really? God forbid, he has to work a whole 2 hours.

  7. His ex wife always looked like she didn't believe she was his level. I'm sure he made her believe it. I'm sure he dropped her before she woke up.

    1. He never married her (or anyone, for that matter.)

  8. Not buying it's John Hamm. Nothing that he's done previously points to him bring a douche.

    1. There are tons of stuff that point to him being a douche. Rampant cheating, refusing to wear underwear even when co-stars request he do so, letting drinkiny interfere with work.

    2. Look up his history at UT Austin and get back to us.

    3. yeah, repugnant college frat boy to the worst degree.

    4. His past hazing of pledges speaks to his true personality. Anyone who would do that, at any point in his life, is far worse than a douche. And always will be.


      You guys are so funny today. Lucy just posted on a comment about balls dangling between a folding chair that her aunt saw. I love you guys.

      But seriously until your coworkers beg you to swear underwear. I can't stop laughing I'm so immature WTF.

  9. "Speaking of hotels" is a clue? To the cable TV series or the actor's name?

    It's hilarious how much time I spend on this site since I haven't had a TV in 5 years and rarely go the movies. But I love trying to figure this stuff out.

    1. Nope. "Speaking of hotels" references the blind just before this one.

  10. Great logic Sherlock, go off on a publicist, how could that backfire? No wonder we're reading about it now.

  11. Hamm is a damaged and damaging human being but I don't see him going off on a publicist. He's not know for such temper tantrums. Mainly he is a drunk and irresponsible.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. @Glitter

    LOL YES. those tax commercials!

    mad men was his peak, its downhill from here.

    good thing he has a big dick cause he isnt aging well in the face.

  14. @plot

    yes....cause drunks don't get angry.... ha!

  15. People need to stop hiring him. He’s amazing as Don draper and that’s it.

  16. "Baby Driver" didn't bomb. Far from it. Still could be Hamm re: "Nostalgia." Scanning other titles for release in the next month that might fit.

    1. "besides Baby Driver" read the entire sentence.

  17. @beebopcowboy

    Fair point!

    I just don't see Hamm getting angry at anyone who could compromise future roles or work, which a publicist can. Alcohol changes everything, I keep forgetting that.

  18. This is stupid just do the damn job. Pr I am guessing can be boring but is important to let public know about actor work.

  19. Why do all the actors who achieve any level of success whatsoever end up turning into entitled douches?


  20. I like the Cranston guess. Don't know why, just do.

  21. I met him in October when I was traveling overseas for work. He was incredibly kind and had impeccable manners. I ran into him twice on my trip and never saw him act foolish. Coworkers also saw him getting into a junky taxi. I have a hard time believing this, but he does have a history so who knows?!

    P.S. Love all the comments, I found my people!

  22. I would never believe this is Jon Hamm. He's already filming commercials and has nothing else to do, so he would be grateful for 2 hours of work...

  23. Michelle,

    Thanks for sharing that! I don't believe that publicly Hamm would be anything less than well mannered and polite to those around him. He has his private demons but he seems, so far, to keep them that way.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. @plot

    You're welcome!

    I honestly expected him to be douchey/sleazy but was far from it. Super humble, no entourage/bodyguards. Treated hotel staff with equal respect and eye contact. I'll add that this all happened in a foreign country, so he could have really acted like a dickhead if he wanted to since he was somewhat incognito. What impressed me the most is that he chose not to.

    Not to go further on Hamm overload, but I respect his career choices thus far. I love that he is going Indie & BBC rather than mindless blockbuster a la Ben Assfleck. So what if he's doing H&R & Mercedes commercials? McConaughey does Lincoln ads, Tina Fey did Garnier haircolor ads, Samuel L. Jackson is in Capital One ads... I believe he will reach a high again, just hopefully not by selling out doing shitty movies.

  26. Once again, the blind is pretty stupid.

    It's common for publicists to ask an artist to do more promo than initially planned, and the artist sometimes prefer not to. Besides, "one hour of work" is never "one hour of work." The person may have traveled from far across and be jet lagged, they may be doing a tour that mostly consists in promo stuff during the previous days, they may get asked the same question over and over again...

    If the actor agreed to do promo during one hour and if the publicist set up interviews during two hours, it's unfortunately her fault. It's also a matter of principles for the actor to stick to his original commitment, or he would end up being crushed by hours piling up when he's on a tour.

    Especially if it's Bryan Cranston, as some people here have guessed. He made a trip to Berlin for a special screening, while the film gets released in a month. It's an animation film and most of the dialog is actually in Japanese. He's just voicing one dog and he got the top billing, but he's anything but instrumental to the project. Who's watched Fantastic Mr. Fox because of George Clooney?
