Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Blind Item #10

I don't know if this A- list singer will ever be back to the 100% healthy, kind of pain in the butt, slightly annoying person she used to be. She literally is traveling with a therapist now and is trying to get better but she still has a lot of healing to do. 


  1. Mentally Ariana, if physical Gaga

  2. Good for her, she's adorable

  3. I hope she and the other Nick and Disney victims all get together and bring these people down,once and for all. Safety in numbers.

  4. If it's Ariana, I'm guessing she would need a therapist to deal with the shock of an actual terrorist bombing happening at one of her concerts. Nothing can prepare you for that.

  5. Also, she's from boca raton which is next door to parkland. This can't be helping.

  6. Demi? She posted some photos this week asserting a new body self awareness... I hope she gets the help she needs.

  7. Enty always describes Demi as B or B+ list.
    I didn't know Ariana was having issues?

  8. IDK if this is Ariana Grande, but she's been tormented for quite some time. This 2013 interview with COMPLEX gives a taste:

    Then again in this 2014 Billboard interview:

    Ariana Grande’s mother Joan is President and CEO of Hose-McCann Communications; a communications specialist used by the US Navy and military, Canadian coast guard and other nations. Her manager, Scooter Braun, has also been linked with Justin Bieber, Kanye West and David Beckham’s pop- star-wannabe kid Cruz.

    There was never any footage of an explosion in the Manchester stadium or any aftermath footage of the damage that the bombs had caused, despite the fact that it was reported there was major damage inside the part of the stadium where the bombs went off. Other than limited footage of people fleeing the stadium, there appears to be very little footage of the Manchester attack at all. The majority of the people there would not know or have seen exactly what happened, but would’ve been in a rush/panic to get to safety once they were told something had happened. Also broadcast was an American voice (not a British or Mancunian voice) speaking over the PA system and telling everyone there’s nothing to worry about.

    Perhaps there are several reasons young Ms. Grande will never be 100%, if, indeed this BI is about her.

    1. You really are a crackpot.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Anonymous1:49 PM

      Little known fun fact for you. Jim Morrison’s dad was in command of all naval forces in the Gulf of Tonkin in 8/64

    4. Let me guess, you think the massacre at marjory stoneman douglas was fake too? Take it from someone who lives in parkland and has family going to that school. IT HAPPENED. Just like the bombing in Manchester at ariana grande’s concert. PEOPLE DIED. If you weren’t there then stfu and don’t speak on what you don’t know

    5. Jesus.
      It never ends with you people.
      Please have your meds adjusted ASAP.

    6. @SD Auntie: It's not "free time", I think Ddonna is a hired troll from a troll farm. Notice that in at least two threads today, he's been going around posting conspiracy theories designed to outrage commenters here to "how dare you accuse X of lying about Y tragedy."

      There's a pattern. And an agenda. Just ignore it.

    7. Ahhh! Ok Scandi that's is her Job! Thanks for the advice. My comment is she has a lot of free time. UNEMPLOYED leech

    8. Hey guys and gals, don't feed the trolls......
      Maybe Ddonna will eventually get hungry and leave.... I'm just saying.....

  9. I think the M.E.N thing gave her the kick up the arse she might of needed to realize life it too short to piss about with coke etc. Good for her.

  10. DDonna - you drank the Cool Aid.

    1. All of it, from every source.

  11. @DDonna Tarttty This is some conspiracy theory bullshit.

    Get off yournewswire, it's rotting your brain.

    1. I agree with you but using snopes to debunk anything is laughable. That clown operation is a total joke

  12. Whoever it is - good for you!!!!! No one is ever perfect and all you can do is keep trying to be better. Get it girl!

  13. @Drama: Get off Snopes. It's rotting your brain.

    Snopes is for dopes. As is yournewswire, too.

    As long as people check out the links I provided to Complex and Billboard, I'm happy. Just keep thinking for yourself, everybody. Say your prayers and follow your intuition.

    1. I wish we could "thumbs up" things.

    2. Shut up donna.

    3. Seriously.
      Shut up, Donna.
      We can all find conspiracy theories on thousands of websites.
      This site is for entertainment gossip.

    4. Ddonna- you come with facts & doesn't matter. The cognitive dissonance is too much. The Wizard Mind Control is too strong. The people can't handle it.

      If you really want your mind blown with facts & experts around this stuff, please check out Greg Carlwood & his "Higherside Chats" podcast. And for people to think that hollyweird is not an arm of the deep state/cia/government; that viewpoint is terribly terribly naive.

      Also, for more about Morrison & the Laurel Canyon crew, please check out the work of Dave McGowan...may he rest in peace.

  14. This is so not Ariana Grande. She couldn't possibly pull her head out of her ass long enough to even register that there are other people on the planet, much less the bad things that happen to them.

  15. If it’s Ariana Grande, might be relevant that she was supposed to be performing at the Brit Awards in London this evening but pulled out on medical grounds very late in the day. I feel sad for her.

  16. ariana grande

    you know, enty had a blind a while back implying ariana grande and jeanette kurdy were going to speak out together to accuse dan schneider. not sure what happened to that. though if she is fragile maybe its too soon...obviously ariana will probably be scarred for life :-/ your fans as young as 8yo massacred in the lobby after the show, some of the parents too. ugh.

  17. I try to not say ugly things on-line but Ariana (and her brother Frankie) seem very entitled & mean. That footage of her spitting on the donuts and leaving them to be sold to an unsuspecting customer....who does that? She doesn’t get a “pass” for being an awful person because her fans were senselessly & tragically attacked in Manchester. #sorrynotsorry

  18. @Cee Kay: It also can't be Ariana because it says she's only "slightly" annoying.

  19. DDonna Tarttty you are a sick person, get help, get a life or preferably just get the F out of here.

  20. It's bizarre ponytail Grande would be considered A list. If this is her, maybe she could travel with a talent coach and a new stylist too.

  21. I like Ariana, talent wise she is amazing. Yes, what she did at the donut sho was disgusting, but....she was / is young. Come on who didn't do stupid stuff as a teen. Me, I burned my report card and got in trouble for a few other things. The girl apologized, sincerely.
    That being said what happened in Manchester after her concert is heartbreaking. I know she feels that pain still.
    Give this teenage girl a break.
    I am proud of her, if this is about her for getting a therapist to deal with all of this. Everyone can use someone to talk too. I didn't know she was so close to Parkland, that sucks.

  22. Ariana. She pulled out of the Brits last night.

    Ddonna, stfu, the Manchester thing was 100% real- my cousin lost a friend there. As us Brits say "Wanker"

  23. Ddonna: you mentally ill piece of shit! I'm British, parents lost their children and kids saw their parent's limbs blown off. You fucking cunt.

  24. Never have I wished Liam Gallagher on an individual more than Donna this morning

  25. Ddonna- LOL. You sure know how to "blow up the spot" (no pun intended) the saying goes, "they could be pissing right in our face & most would think it was rain"...

    Please keep posting...If you are a troll, you are a troll who was paid to speak truth. Don't give up.

  26. Ddonna. As somebody from Manchester, I take great pleasure in telling you that you can just fuck right off. Insofar as Ariana, she hasn't been on twitter since before Christmas, and cancelled the tribute she was going to do last night at the Brit awards for the Manchester victims. Sounds to me like she freaked out and bailed last minute.

  27. @Sarah, I’m so sorry for for the horrible attack on your City & the innocent lives lost and/or destroyed.
    I didn’t realize that Ariana hasn’t be able to perform or to interact with fans since the tragedy.
    I judged her too harshly and I apologize for minimizing her grief.
    Sending love and light to everyone

  28. i'd believe ariana but i'm surprised nobody guessed kesha. isn't she touring with macklemore or is that over now
