Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Blind Item #11

This A-/B+ list almost television actress from a long running almost television show has several movies coming out this year.  She’s trying to straighten her image so to speak and is glad to mention her new boyfriend to any journalist who will listen.  But she’s hoping her long list of female exes don’t come out of the woodwork when they realize the actress has spread their secrets around town.


  1. Taylor Schilling??

  2. Probably not Piper, she doesn't seem to shirk away from being tied to females.

  3. Schilling. From Gotham magazine piece 2/23.

    This is the first time the 33-year-old actress has played a mom. “Yeah, I want kids. I don’t know... I liked being a parent [in the film],” she says slyly. And although she’s currently seeing someone, who also lives in Brooklyn, she won’t reveal any names. The actress has been rumored to be linked to both men (Zac Efron) and women (Carrie Brownstein), and said in an interview last year, “There’s no part of me that can be put under a label. I really don’t fit into a box—that’s too reductive. ... I’ve had a lot of love, and I don’t have any qualms about where it comes from.” This new boyfriend is said to be an artist living in Gowanus, Brooklyn. I’ve clearly thrown her by knowing this information: “I’m not gonna talk about it,” she says, chuckling, “but someone special does live in Gowanus. It’s full of special people. It’s a special place.”

  4. But Schilling is being cagey about gender, which seems like the opposite of what the blind is implying.

  5. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Doesn't seem like Taylor is kissing and telling. She's just saying she's not in the closet. She's the go to "I don't have a real guess, so ______" for lesbian blinds, I guess.

  6. I don't see Schilling for this.

  7. First time commenter here . . . hope you guys don't mind me joining the party. Anyhoo, Schilling has publicly dated women, so it seems unlikely it's her unless the concern is that her exes would emerge to say she's never been/would never be into men or something like that? I dunno, that seems silly. Can't be Prepon, though, cuz her relationship's not "new."

  8. hannah john-kamen? She has like 3 movies she's filmed/filming this year so far

  9. Jeez... is there a lesbian on earth that has not dated Carrie Brownstein?
    She is linked to everyone.

    My guess for this is Chloe Sevigny

  10. Lmao at the sad, desperate shipper above, RestingConfusedFace, mentioning irrelevant Prepon out of the blue. Did you read the BI dimwit? “has several movies coming out this year...But she’s hoping her long list of female exes don’t come out of the woodwork when they realize the actress has spread their secrets around town.”
    Clearly nothing to do with Prepon, or most of the main Orange cast, who are straight & have no female exes. Of course you just need to bring up costar who has nothing whatsoever to do with Schilling’s personal live, whether this BI of Schilling is true or not, delusional shipper.
