Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Blind Item #12

This A list celebrity chef and her husband must have an open marriage. He spends more time with other women than with his wife and now she is sleeping with some assistant director from a television show.


  1. I first thought Paula Deen and then I wished there was a way to slap my own brain.

    1. I just cackled out loud😂

    2. @Maude it’s only funny as long as I’m wrong!

  2. Rachel Ray fer shure

  3. How is this news? The National Enquirer broke this year's ago, complete with highly embarrassing photos. Enquiring minds know they frequent sex clubs. Must be a slow gossip day.

  4. The National Enquirer had this story awhile back. I don't know why they are so maligned. they do get it right much of the time

    1. So does Star. I found a blog recently dedicated to posting all the articles that turned out to be true to and there were TONS.

      I think it is because they are telling the scandalous gossip you find here, but actually naming names. Because they are so crazy, we automatically shut them down, but they frequently are dead right.

  5. Rachel Ray is a lil pork roll. I'd like to rub her down with baby oil, then tell her to struggle.

  6. Hmm, "do you think it tastes like chicken or fish?"

  7. is Rachel Ray sleeping with Brenden (Suzannes husband) from the Wendy Williams show? They film in the same building..

  8. didn't her husband get a literal ball busted recently?

  9. This is 100000% Rachael Ray. Their open marriage is a poorly kept "secret" and has been common knowledge in the food world for over a decade.

    Speculation is that she and her husband are so intertwined professionally (He is her business agent and lawyer and has been for her entire career) that its best for them both financially to have an open marriage. They both win, as they can do whatever they want and still rake in the cash.

  10. Yeah, but how does Rachel Ray keep her wig on during sex? And, why does she wear a wig everyday?

  11. Yeah, Rachael, I presume. Since I'd not guess the pioneer woman or ina or Valerie B or Trisha. As for the NAtional E, they did get some celebrity stuff right years ago but these days they are just political lapdogs with stories as laughable as ufos shopping at the mall.

  12. Some people wear a wig every day because it is SO much easier than trying to make real hair behave properly.

  13. Rachel Ray? Who'd wanna sleep with that cow?

  14. I cannot stand Wretched Ray and her fake munchkin cheerfulness. Every book is her "favorite" and she makes me want to puke, especially with her hair/wig in all her food.

  15. Still not giving away my Rachel Ray cookware. Girfriend knows quality and stands by it. Wig or not.

  16. Jerkula, I agree. Rachel just reeks of "down for dirty."

  17. I resent your calling Rachel EVOO Ray a chef. She is a deli counter girl

  18. @count jerkula... Rachel Ray is a lil Taylor ham. I'd like to rub her down with baby oil, then tell her to struggle.

