Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Blind Item #15

This foreign born B+ list mostly movie actress who should have been nominated for an Oscar this year is getting a consolation prize from the group instead. Anyway, she says that she went on a date recently and when she told the guy about her past, he beat her.


  1. Amira Casare/Call Me By Your Name

  2. This literally made me LOL!!! Sorry...

  3. And why she let him do that?

  4. I love Amira Casare. Why would the guy beat her?

  5. Daniela Vega. Chilean. Presenting at the Oscars = consolation.

  6. @Chris: To be fair, it did take a sudden turn...

  7. I doubt any woman would let a man beat her, voluntarily. Please rephrase your question. @Rafael

  8. Carey Mulligan is married to one of the Mumford Sons. It's Hollywood, though, so that doesn't always mean much.

  9. Was it a "Donkey Punch"? While having sex doggie style?

  10. Daniela Vega. First openly trans person to present at the Oscars.

  11. that makes sense @Bagel

  12. If it is a tranny, he prolly beat her for pretending to be a chick.

  13. Re; Daniela Vega perhaps it was a situation where the guy did not know she was a trans woman and like most transphobes went nuts and beat her upon her disclosing her past?

  14. Anonymous12:40 PM

    +1 on Daniela Vega. Discovering your date is trans would definitely cause a narrow-minded asshole to attack her.

    1. I wouldn’t beat it, but I wouldn’t be continuing the date. I’m not a transphobe but I am straight and I like my woman to be woman not freakshows

  15. It's less about the lie and more about the frustration that they were attracted to a trans person.

  16. It's less about the lie and more about the frustration that they were attracted to a trans person.

  17. He probably beat her because he can't accept himself. This kind of thing really pisses me off.

  18. Thank you, Bagel for providing an answer that unfortunately, makes sense. Poor woman, I hadn't heard her name before but will look her up now.

  19. Yeesh she should report him. I doubt it's the first or last time he's been in denial about what he likes.

  20. Hey all, HIMMMM showed up in the Elvis blind a few mins ago!

  21. Has anyone noticed that Enty hasn't tweeted in 4 days?

  22. That's horrible, hope she files a report.

  23. I think that is something you should bring up before sleeping with someone.

  24. Diane Kruger (and if so, very glad she's looking for someone new instead of the gross Walking Dead guy, even if this one wasn't mr right either).

    Or else probably Dame Judi Dench

  25. @VRWC It sounds like she did.

    Regardless, the guy who beat her needs to be charged with hate crime assault and take a long look in the mirror about his own self-identity issues.

    Poor woman. What the hell is up with men who beat women when the woman says something they don’t want to hear? That doesn’t make anyone look like a more masculine “catch” or whatever. It makes them look like insecure sacks of rotting garbage.

  26. That is information that should be given before having sex with someone. Most men are homophobic and do not want to have sex with another man, even one wearing a dress..

    1. @Water Lily

      Trans women are women, hence the distinction. Not men in dresses.

      A quick primer:
      Transgender: a mismatch between gender and genitalia. May or may not be rectified via hormones, surgery, etc, or not.
      Transvestite: A man who likes dressing In the accoutrements of a woman because he simply enjoys it. Otherwise identifies entirely as male.
      Drag Queen:* An artistic form of expression, most popular with the LGBT community, where a man dresses as a woman for performance of the gender role as a form of entertainment.
      Man in a dress: A man. In a dress. For any purpose at all.** Transvestites and drag queens may fall into this category. Transgender women do not.***

      *or King.
      ** I really want those Venn diagrams
      *** If you insist on reducing people to the current and past state of their genitalia**** I suppose you could make all four of the above categories fit into a Venn bubble of “people who have or at one point had something generally regarded as a penis***** and who are currently wearing clothing generally recognized as marketed toward women”
      **** Seriously? Whatever.
      ***** Don’t get me started on gender assigned incorrectly at birth for the many categories of individuals born, for whatever reason, with ambiguous or extraneous genitalia or genitalia mismatched to their chromosomes.

    2. Please waterlily, enlighten us with how you manage to know most men and what they like and dislike. You do not understand how statistics work. You cannot extrapolate to all men from your limited exposure.

    3. Not wanting to have gay sex or tranny sex does not make one prejudiced. Jesus you lefties are freaks

  27. Nowhere did it say she disclosed after sex. They went on a date. During the date, she opened up and he beat her. Horrific.

  28. Yeah he should not have turned to violence BUT a man has the right to know if someone he wants to sleep with has/had a weiner. It might not be a PC opinion but men do not have to be attracted to trans people.

    1. @Orange:

      Gonna correct you there. A man has NO right to know the status of the genitalia of everyone he “wants to” have sex with.

      However, if you have gotten to the point with a woman where the question of sex becomes mutual, not just something you want, you go right ahead and ask.

      If you find out you’ve been attracted to a trans person who is never going to have sex with you and has no interest in having sex with you, possibly doesn’t even KNOW you, regardless of how badly you want to have sex with them, and you are disturbed by the fact that they may have or have had at one point a penis, that is solely your problem.

    2. *footnote for “you go right ahead and ask”: Just don’t be upset if that takes sex off the table entirely whether she’s trans or not.

    3. It's just a body part, not some incurable STD. Such entitlement.

    4. It's also bad etiquette to ask whether they've had an operation. It's a question you don't ask.

    5. @Scandi: yeah, I know, but we’re never going to convince this kind of dude.

      So I emphasize that the onus is entirely on them, as are any consequences.

  29. Why is it Homophobic to not want to have sex with a man?

    1. @Michigan

      It’s homophobic to be so paranoid about any hint of the gay that you feel the need to question a woman as to whether she both has a vagina and was born with said vagina.

      It is ESPECIALLY homophobic to beat up a woman you have merely had a date with upon her disclosure that she, at one time, may have had a penis.

      And It’s transphobic to misgender, as well as just plain impolite.

  30. You don't have to have sex with a man if you don't want to but you don't have to beat him just because you don't want to have sex with him. Hes openly trans too so i dont see how he tricked anybody. Compromise.

  31. I agree, She's an open Trans, he should have known whats up before they went out , but Yikes she should of made a police report

  32. Only a rancid asshole would imply that she "let" him beat her.

  33. I have never been so glad to be 61 years old in my life as I am after reading these posts. I'm a female - I can very well understand why a man wouldn't want to find that out as an "oh, by the way". That being said, there is never any reason to use violence.

    My ex told me after 16 years of marriage that he liked to cross dress. It destroyed our marriage. It's about trust, nobody likes surprises.

  34. To add to the primer since "intersex" is a term I have just learned in the last few months:

    "People who identify as transgender or transsexual are usually people who are born with typical male or female anatomies but feel as though they’ve been born into the “wrong body.” For example, a person who identifies as transgender or transsexual may have typical female anatomy but feel like a male and seek to become male by taking hormones or electing to have sex reassignment surgeries.

    People who have intersex conditions have anatomy that is not considered typically male or female. Most people with intersex conditions come to medical attention because doctors or parents notice something unusual about their bodies. In contrast, people who are transgendered have an internal experience of gender identity that is different from most people."

    You learn in sex ed that fetuses do not become truly male until the testosterone kicks in at the 2- 3 month mark, the peen being the extended format of the female genitalia, and if the process does not go as usual, things go wrong. It's all about the hormones IMO when it comes to gay, bi, transgender, intersex which no doubt impact the development of the brain.

    So intersex people may see themselves as different than transgender. Those that were born with obvious male and female parts and the doctors made a decision at birth but the brain doesn't agree with the doctor's decision. Other times, the problem does not show up until later. I think now the rule is wait until a child is older to make that decision which way to go, but I can see in the old days the doctors and parents would be horrified and you always feel like having the surgery as a baby is less traumatic than later in life.

    Not sure if intersex people see themselves as transgender or transsexual now that this term intersex has gained usage. I tend to think of a transsexual as someone who has completed their transition.

    In any event this man had no need to beat this person up. If you are angry, you can express it verbally and walk away. I can see being angrier if sex or sexual acts had taken place without disclosure but still no justification to beat anyone up. Ah the fragile male ego.

  35. PS good point on the Venn diagrams Han Niam LOL

    1. J@Jen IKR??

      I did include intersex, but not nearly in the detail you did. The answer about whether Intersex people consider themselves trans or not is that some Intersex people do ID as trans because they are, and some don’t because they aren’t. :)*

      *And those who aren’t may ID as Intersex, male, female, hermaphrodite, gender neutral, Noneofyourbusiness, medically mutilated after birth, etc etc etc so many options.

  36. @terryb

    You might find this helpful: https://gendertrender.wordpress.com/tag/my-husband-is-a-crossdresser/

  37. I believe trans women MUST tell their male partners they were born male. I do not agree with violence. However, for straight men the macho type they certainly would be offended many of them if a partner is trans. Although I will say there are other straight guys who look for trans women who still have a penis. Michael Phelps is rumoured to have dated a trans woman once she told the press about their relationship.

  38. Orville, that’s not making much sense or some punctuation is missing. Phelps dated her ONCE she told the press about the relationship?

    And TerriB, I’m glad you’re thrilled to be 61, but what makes you think an out trans actress who played a trans character in a critically acclaimed film “oh, by the way”d him? She went on a date with the man and was telling him her truth. How do you compare the trust that should exist within a 16 year relationship to whatever trust you think should exist between two strangers 16 minutes into a damn date? Hopefully you knew more about your ex than either of these people expected to know in one night. How about people learn to manage those expectations.

    And orange soda, men don’t have to be attracted to any body, but they usually are, and like most people have no control over what they’re naturally drawn to. Men all over the world have been attracted to trans women as have women. The only difference is most lesbians don’t get violent once realizing they’ve been crushing on a trans woman because their sexuality isn’t already on a questionable plateau that they feel the need to bolster with an attack to “prove “ something.
