Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Blind Item #15

This A- list mostly television actress has had two big television hits the past decade. She is currently stars on an almost television show. What most people don't know is that she is closeted. Some people who do know though, would out her in a second if she ever decides to cross them.


  1. Ellie Kemper? Not that we should be going against our really old principles and outing people Entern!

  2. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Aw, she seems really sweet. Hopefully she is able to come out on her own time in the most drama-free way possible.

  3. Krysten Ritter? I want to say Alison Brie but I think it would say she's married.

  4. Anonymous12:29 PM

    I like the Krysten Ritter guess more. Currently on Jessica Jones. Had a short but very significant (and much-loved by fans) role in Breaking Bad. Don't Trust the B* seems to have become a cult favorite.

  5. @Dena. There was a blind just a day or two ago that seemed to hint that Alison Brie was seen eating the face of another girl at some event.

  6. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Plus, Krysten has never been publically linked to anyone. I feel like Enty would have mentioned if the subject was married.

  7. In this day and age why does anyone stay in the closet? (except for the marrieds of course)
    If she's married to a man then I guess I would understand :)

  8. Replies
    1. She fits with the "almost television" show being GLOW on Netflix. Plus, there have always been gay/no rumors about Dave.

    2. My phone changes bi to no. Damn autocorrect.

  9. I met with Krysten Ritter a few times (about writing something for her) and as I recall, she was dating a guy and also mentioned that she felt she'd missed out on dating Aaron Paul when she did Breaking Bad because they had great chemistry and she really liked kissing him onscreen. I didn't get the vibe at all that she was putting it on or doing any of it for my benefit.

    1. Omg! I LOVED them together! SWOON!

    2. OMG, did her FOMO have something to do with her resemblance to his ex-girlfriend?

  10. I agree Elizabeth moss. And those that would spill, should she cross them is scio

  11. Wasn't there a blind about Moss being a lesbian and being out of Scio but not allowed to say it.

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  13. my first thought was Kate Walsh, but Enty has outed her several times, and Elizabeth Moss is a much bigger name right now, so I'll go with her. She pings like crazy and did even back on West Wing.

  14. Krysten Ritter has been linked the lead singer of the War on Drugs

  15. Moss was married to Fred Armistan. But who knows. I doubt she'd suffer professionally by coming out..IF IT IS HER>

    1. Moss’s career wouldn’t suffer but she is a scieno and that isn’t allowed.

      I think career wise being gay and out does impact ability to get roles, sadly. But someone like Moss makes her own career.

    2. Yeah but that marriage was so short -- I mean, they separated within 8 months or something (I could swear Mad Men in the later years took more time than that to come back for another season). And really, Mad Men and Handmaids Tale fit the description of two huge successes in the past decade.

  16. Alison Brie fits best with Community and Mad Men. She's married, but that side of the family has been having issues lately.

  17. To me, I can kind of see a handsome male singer staying in the closet, to not alienate a potential female fan base. But, for instance, with the rumors Tylor Swift is gay, her music, I would say is more geared toward girls, but it is it still, "we want to desirable to the opposite sex?" I mean, is that what it is for everyone, even the movie/tv stars? I don't really get it.

  18. @MKL - her partner since 2014 is Adam Granduciel - it doesn't take much effort to right-click on a name and Google will tell you this sort of information

  19. Ellie Kemper is married with a Kid, I'd think the blind might mention married if it was her. I also think the almost television show is distinct from the two big hits, so her only hit would have been the office?

  20. Elisabeth Moss is a great guess.
    That last sentence is a big clue, and this is the only guess that fits.

  21. Let's stop outing people for their sexual preferences and focus on outing abusers and predators.

  22. Moss or Brie. My guess is Moss, because the $cio types already have a load of closeted stars who can't escape because of what their masters know. Brie, from all her interviews, seems frisky and fun as hell.

  23. The last sentence is the giveaway, so I won't do Scio's work for them.

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  25. How about Felicity Huffman? She had at least one hit series lately (American Crime).

    Married to William Macy, and, living in L.A. with many lez friends, I know for a fact that she is closeted, and prefers the ladies.

  26. Elizabeth Moss: A Gay Scientologist who BETTER NOT f+ck over the CULT.

    Scientology must be a CIA Mind Control/Money laundering operation.
    Nothing else makes any sense.

    I mean, WALMART, for goodness sakes is and always was a CIA operation.
    Founder was CIA.

    1. @xyz HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *

      Oh man. The laughter. Scio was created by a very paranoid and mentally ill man who saw everything as a conspiracy against him. It’s well documented.

      The CIA and FBI were agents of the enemy of clearing the world.

      Pick up a book some time before joining threads to your conspiracy theories.

      *I literally almost NEVER do this in a post anywhere.

  27. Elisabeth Moss with WEST WING, MAD MEN, HANDMAID's being the series. Would her Scientology fiends put her out or blackmail more out of her? She can't be a full blown believer then bc she would have disclosed this to them as it is considered an aberration to be overcome by Scientology so she didn't trust telling them. Secretly they use all these therapy 'confessions' as a threat of folks staying in the fold.

  28. Kat Dennings? Was on 2 hit shows this decade and has a role on a Netflix show (Big Mouth).

  29. Perhaps it is Brie and the Franco bros and related pack would out her if she supported anyone against James.

    I could see Moss as well. But Brie is more interesting.

  30. Hahah @moviebuff 😁

  31. ". . . long running . . ." have only seen a couple of guesses that match. Huffman was on two where she wasn't just a recurring performer that lasted several years. Moss maybe, didn't watch WW that often so I can't speak to how big a part she had. I know they built a kidnapping and a romance plot out for her.

    Julia Louis Dreyfuss, but why would anyone want to cross her?

  32. Julia Louis-Dreyfus would be the ranking just above A+. A Mount Rushmore of TV comedy would have Lucille Ball, Mary Tyler Moore & JLD carved in stone.

    Moss makes the most sense.

  33. I think it's Moss too. she fits best

  34. could be christine baranski

  35. I thought of Mindy K. myself....
    I doubt it's Moss. She was married. She is dating men. Why would you bother doing all of that. I really don't know why people go to so much trouble when no one would even care.

  36. I was thinking Connie Britton

  37. I thought you didn’t out people?

  38. ESB: One of the sweetest scenes in BB was when Jesse was dreaming about being in a car with her and they were having a flirty conversation about Georgia O'Keefe.

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  41. I hope its not Kat Dennings. Big boobs are wasted during lesbianism.

  42. Just wanted to clarify- I find the "outing" people thing so boring, and think there is still so much fun gossip on people being jerks and exploiting people. But I do LOVE it when someone who is totally bigoted and says horribly homophobic things is outed. But enough with the focus on outing people, I don't think your demographic is a bunch of (I removed my nasty judgmental comment here- but you can imagine).

  43. I thought Lisa kudrow ...

  44. Brie has admitted to hooking up with girls in college and I don't think it would shock anyone. I would think it would be Moss due to her affiliation with Scientology. Other than that, I can't see where being outed would have that much of an impact.

  45. Regina King Seven Seconds on Netflix

  46. If Kemper: VERY SURPRISE and I'd probably tease her for being gay. She seems like a very shy woman who wouldn't discuss her sexuality and it doesn't matter if she has a child with a man. Look at the closeted celebs

    if Moss: I'd out her so quick and every other Scientologist (tom cruise and john travolta)
