Sunday, February 04, 2018

Blind Item #2

Apparently this A-/B+ list mostly movie actress all of you know is getting bombarded by calls from several women who say that the A+ list actor ex of the actress owes them money for sexual services and promises. The actress isn't sure how they got her number, but from talking to one of them, the woman definitely was with the actor sexually because she knew something you would only know if you saw him naked.


  1. I hope she doesn't pay them off.

  2. Poor Jennifer garner

  3. I'd like Entern of the Day to tell me when Jenny became a mostly movie actress

  4. I don’t see why Garner must pay for Affleck’s bad behaviours

  5. Anonymous9:31 AM

    That s seriously upsetting. How much can you take from that individual you loved and made so many children with. Men lie and trust me.. you can't catch them all the time.

  6. "B-list commercials actress who occasionally makes movies that no one sees," is a better description.

  7. So what's up with Ben's ding dong?

  8. Why are they even bothering with dingbat, doormat Garner? If they want money they need to go to his gf or the media. Jen doesn't have any real pull anymore and will always and forever PROTECT his image.

  9. first thought too!!! Haha...was it crooked? Small? Spotted? Haaa

  10. goalie - They go to her because they know she will try to protect his image, by paying them.

  11. hahahaha...Yes, what is up with his peen? Birth mark? Herpes? Really small? Bent in half?

  12. Has Affleck a cock ring ? Or a tattoo ?

  13. I refuse to feel sorry for her and at this point, they still aren't divorced legally so she deserves everything that comes with staying married to this loser. Ben gets to have his cake and eat it too: everywhere with the gf, while the doormat continues to protect his image for some reason. Both are losers.

  14. Shrunken balls from steroid use.

  15. It isn't easy being the parent of children you want to protect more than vindicating yourself from your husbands behavior. She's doing what's best for the children, and divorce is never as simple as looking in from a judgemental eye.

  16. She's not protecting the kids from anything, that's the point. The oldest daughter goes to friends' houses and googles. She knows everything and probably shares the info with her younger sister. I think that's why ol Ben is focusing so much on the son. That is the only kid who doesn't look at him weird.

  17. oh please. none of what she does for Ben is "for the kids." that's just her line for the press, along with the "we're such great friends" bullshit. meanwhile behind the scenes she's stupidly acting like he's still her man, while he's out buying real estate with his girlfriend and making Jen look forever foolish. Her every thought is of him and for him, and he barely knows that she's alive.

    1. Honestly who cares, she deserves what she gets. She pulled a lot of cheating stunts on her exes as she was getting more and more famous. She’s just a climber and an ugly one at that...

  18. I thought this bitch was going to debut a new man? I gotta see who this loser is who would voluntarily join her life, still hung up on Ben Affleck of all people.

  19. I do believe she's trying to protect his image because of the kids. But at some point you have to stop, and let the person deal with their own shit instead of doing it for them, and let the children see the truth. Of course it would be hard for them, but let them see their dad how he really is, and let them see that hey, people have to deal with the consequences of their actions. I don't know if she'll ever let go enough to let that happen, but I hope she does, for her own sake, and not just because Ben's a giant asshole who doesn't deserve protection. But also that.

  20. @Dena. He has a third ball. With a mouth. And a mini-cigarette hanging out of it.

  21. @Bill - haha, that would make him truly unique!

  22. Ew gross. Reading about Ben Afflecks junk is not what I initially planned for my Sunday morning. he's icky.

  23. Don’t know how this could be Ben. He did full exposure so to speak in Gone Girl. Anyone with cable or the internet can see it

    1. Maybe they used a penis double?

    2. Maybe it’s a weird birthmark somewhere that they cover with makeup. The airbrush kind, I hope.

  24. I feel for JG. I really do. It takes a strong will not to publicly trash a former spouse who humiliated the crap out of you and your family. And she STILL welcomes him back with open arms for family outings. As someone who once went through something similar (minus the famous part), I have a lot of admiration for her composure.

  25. Jennifer is playing this game for one person and one person only. Jennifer herself. She's had this Miss Perfect persona perfected throughout her career and wants to keep it that way. It's all for PR. I'm not saying that's bad, it's just the way it is out there with some couples/people.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. She doesn't have a choice as to whether or not to include him. They are his kids too and he's entitled to spend time with them. It's either invite him along or live with 50/50 parallel parenting and she's way too much of a control freak to do that. Also she is determined to have The Best Hollywood Divorce on the books, so that means lying about how they get along so well and everything is so copacetic between them. It's pretty clear from the pics that we get that this isn't the case. But it's all a front for Jen and her Martyr PR.

  28. The only thing that Garner is teaching her daughters is that men can treat you like shit all he wants and there are no consequences for his actions. You just suck it up and shut it. She's teaching her son that he can treat women just like he's witnessed his dad treating his mom. All three of those kids will be screwed up.

  29. Not sure why people think it's Affleck/Garner. No mention of Affleck being a director/actor like normal, and Garner has never been A-/B+ list.

  30. Does anybody else think the once lean, lovely Jennifer Garner now looks like a man? It creeps me out.

    I'm figuring Ben's got something significant on her. Naughty pictures?

    1. Who cares about some bully like you insulting people's looks.

      At least Affleck and Matt Damon are equals in a bromance, not one creep riding on the coat-tails of the other. Shudders...

    2. Also? All of those people are A-list in their own rights. Not some thirsty D-lister who's so separate he needs to blackmail anyone with "significant naughty pictures". If they're photoshopped, they'll be proven fake. If they're real, the leaker will be exposed and the public will just end up vilainising them because nobody likes a coat-tail-riding blackmailer.

    3. I sincerely hope none of your children end up with eating disorders with a lookist parent like you.

  31. I agree with Her, it's about protecting her kids from more trash in the news. No way she'd care if there were no kids. Imagine how hard it would be to raise innocent, well-balanced kids of Ben Affleck.

  32. What are the odds this could be Amber Heard instead?

  33. Maybe he has unique manscaping, like Matt Damon's initials shaved into his pubes

  34. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Why does everyone think this is Garner/Affleck? I think people are way to hung up on them as a couple, they think eVEry single blind is them.

  35. I wonder what her scorned exes are thinking... probably “Karma’s a Bitch, ain’t it Jen?” .

  36. I hope when Enty reveals this one (IF he does), he doesn't just let us know who it is about but what that it is that you could only know about him if you've seen him naked!

  37. Maybe the guy has a third nipple that you don't get to see in his movies cause they cover it up with make-up. Is there any A+ actor (besides Mark Wahlberg, who has been married for ages) with a third nipple, who also happens to have an A-/B+ list mostly movies actress ex? I only found a story about some dermatologist claiming a little speck on Zac Efron's chest was actually a third nipple, but he denied it.

    Anyway, it doesn't necessarily have to be his peen that's um...peculiar.

  38. Anonymous6:04 PM

    But IF the blind is Ben Affleck, the one he's been cheating on is his producer GF (to no one's surprise) not Jennifer since they would have come to her earlier than 3 years after the fact. And he has been cheating with hookers no less. Eewww DISEASE!

  39. Let us suppose that peculiar physical feature is not something that could or would be covered with make-up or digitally removed for a movie. That would mean our actor has to be someone who has never appeared nude in a movie.

    Incomplete list of actors that could be considered A+ and have gone full frontal:

    Michael Fassbender
    Ewan McGregor
    Ben Affleck
    Tom Hardy

    The A+ ex we're looking for is probably not on this list.

    Matt Damon has at least shown his 'pert derriere' on screen, as the DM would call it. I don't know if little Matt has ever been on display.

    DiCaprio has flaunted both his pert derriere and little Leo, but the latter was only to be seen for a split second (I wouldn't say it counts as full frontal).

    I would also assume that our actress and actor were (or technically still are) married. If they were never married, the relationship must have ended recently. Otherwise, why should these women contact our actress?

  40. Anna Faris and Chris Pratt?

  41. This could be a lot of different people...i see nothing that would make me immediately think of Jennifer garner :/

  42. Hemorrhoids and lots of 'em.

    For all the hateful things people say about La Garner, she appears to be a solid mom. Respect to her in my book.

  43. A flick is from a cia family. Garner is/was the poster girl for ritual abuse programming and spy assassin coolness(but really not cool at all) with that series she did. It is unfortunately all related. A flick has always been endorsed. Terrible actor. A tool for the machine

  44. Ouiser Boudreaux -- "Shrunken balls" That made me laugh. Thx

  45. I don’t think this is Garner at all.

  46. Not an expert but wasn't prostitution a cash in advance business?
