Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Blind Item #8

This married former reality star who should have gone to jail and not just Hollywood jail had to be bailed out again recently by the pastor at his church and his family when a 15 year old at the church said she had been having sex with him on a regular basis. Considering she is 15, it is rape rather than sex, but she was worried about her parents finding out so spoke to the pastor about it. I don't think her parents know yet. The only reason anyone knows anything is she told someone at school so it is only a matter of time before it gets back to her parents. My guess is they will get a big check and disown their daughter, because in their minds (guessing by which church they belong to) that it is her fault.


  1. Can we just castrate Josh Duggar already? What will it take for this guy to actually go to jail?

  2. Been a bit reality heavy today hasnt it.

  3. Unfortunately the only solution to someone like Josh Duggar is prison or death

  4. My sister is in the same kind of church. Trust me, it is a complete nightmare.

  5. "My guess is they will get a big check and disown their daughter, because in their minds (guessing by which church they belong to) that it is her fault."

    Lord, that makes me want to cry, punch a wall, and castrate this man and all of his enablers.

    1. If she wasn’t so hot, she would have never brought this on herself.

  6. @MKL It's typical of evangelical churches. There was a news report a couple of years ago about a girl at some bullshit church in the south that had to stand up before the entire congregation and apologize to her rapist.


    This shit is why I loathe organized religion.

  7. Oh, it was in New Hampshire not the south. NH is practically the Mississippi of New England, though.

  8. @Cheesgrater15, Whats with hating on the South and disparaging of NH? I moved to the South after living in SoCal my whole life and frankly, I love it here. People are accepting, friendly and it feels good to be able to breath again. The story is horrible, but it could happen anywhere.

    1. Really! I get so sick of the belittling and condemnation of the South.
      Like you said, it can happen anywhere AND does.
      As for cheese’s hatred... all I can say is, Bless your heart. 😒😒😏

    2. The part of the south I’m currently in is the standard caricature of backward southern society.
      Very redneck & lots of big confederate flags flying from jacked up, mud-splattered, noisy pick ups with soot-spewing stand pipes. They’re the rule, not the exception.
      It depends where you are.
      But YAY! Whataburger!

  9. I grew up in Mississhitty. I will never not hate that hellhole. You can love it if you want. The south fucking sucks.

  10. PSA kids: Most religions don't hate women, just most of the ones you've heard of.

  11. @J

    Wanna talk about it? We won't tell anyone.

    "I love it here. People are accepting, friendly "

    Oh you poor dear. You have no idea...we'll keep smiling and waving and cashing your checks though.

  12. I bet they wish they could still stone whores to death.

  13. Or at least brand them with a big ol' A so the men know who the damaged goods are to molest after the Sunday sermon.

  14. That's a waste of a good whore Count

  15. As somebody who grew up in the church of Christ (it's like Baptists, but with massive catholic guilt) in Mississhitty, Count ain't wrong.

  16. I hear ya, i got no problem with whores. If it was up to me, we would stone bible loons to death.

  17. Aw, cheese, I’m glad you got out. I lost track of some good childhood friends after they disappeared on CoC guilt trips. They’d use anything to push their agenda no matter how many lives are ruined.

  18. As a Christian, I am disgusted. We need to clean our own houses.

    Clergy and church employees are mandatory reporters. I hope the friend she told alerts the proper authorities so they can take proper legal action against the rapist and the people who knew.

  19. Unitarian Universalism: because Atheists don't organize.

  20. Hanniam, don't I know it. I went to a coC university (liberal arts HAH!) and the stories I could tell...

    Fuck organized religion. Fuck enabling religious people in power. Fuck the molesters. Fuck the parents who think it's always the victims fault. I hope they all burn in the darkest pits of hell.

    1. @cheesegrater15 did you attend Lee University? I earned my BS at a Methodist University and am working on my MA at a Baptist one. Yes, Christians can be the biggest devils. Unlike some schools like Lee, not all the students are Christian so we Christians can't take all the blame.

  21. Someone needs to notify the police, not another bloody "pastor." Josh needs to go to prison, not another "spiritual" treatment center

  22. Has anyone ever read Under the Banner of Heaven? I'm fascinated by these fundamentalist cults. It's a good, quick read on fundie Mormonism.

    There was a blog called Large Families on Purpose way back. The mom scrubbed it from the internet recently, but I remember a post about why the girls couldn't wear pants: it brings the man's eye to the crotch, and they don't want the men tempted. Pants remind men that women have vaginas.

    You can still read some of the blog on Free Jinjer or GOMI. Depressing and entertaining, all at once.

  23. Pastors should be mandatory reporters, like health care workers are (and teachers?) The pastor should be required by law to report this to the authorities. Real authorities, not church authorities.

  24. i thought he was the subject of the blind saying his church happily provided him with women to cheat with to keep them/him as members?

  25. @asb

    I think that blind was about JimBob, not Josh. Either way, they are both disgusting.

  26. Whatever Cheesegrater - I'm from the South and I proudly say it is not a schithole! Also I am into organized religion and I have never observed something this disgusting happen in my Church. I usually like your comments but not this one.

  27. Teachers are mandatory reporters, too. I’ve driven off school property to call in suspected abuse when the child wasn’t in my class or my concerns were brushed off. (This was before cell phones & the only phone’s available were in the Office or Teacher’s Lounge). A few co-workers even called the Police, by passing DHS/CPS & Administrators.
