Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Blind Item #9

Executives at this network are trying to find a replacement for this A lister at a very very big upcoming event but are afraid of being sued by the A lister because of previous statements they have made. They would love the A lister to drop out on their own.


  1. The event is the Oscars I suppose. But Casey is already out, so I dunno who the person is.

  2. It's the Oscars ABC and Seacrest?

  3. NBC is E!s owner

  4. ABC made a statement that they're sticking with him, but I'm sure they'd rather not have those optics right now.

    1. Meant to say also E! made the same statement. ABC is his boss for Idol and Live with Kelly.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Live with Kelly is also broadcasting from the Oscars on Monday and they tape backstage interviews with winners and presenters as they come off stage, so that's another awkward hurdle.

  7. gay men can sexually harass too. a lot of them do - its a mixture of misogyny and male entitlement., plus the whole Im not attracted to you therefore there's no prurient intent.

    seacrest seems like he IS E! what would happen if he got scrapped - ...kardashians...?? PLEAAAASE GAWD

  8. very true @notthisagain.

  9. Ah, if it's Seacrest there's no chance at all he'll drop on his own.

  10. DListed is reporting PR people will keep celebs away from Seacrest. Seacrest will have the stomach flu that day if he is smart.

  11. Keep burning it down. Make everyone and everything in the entertainment business untouchable and toxic.

    Love it!

  12. Interesting that the Seacrest story has hit every mainstream and celebrity news site except TMZ. I guess TMZ is really sitting firmly in the pocket of the K clan.

  13. Can’t help but question if this is a money grab by the accuser. I don’t believe all these claims and really question some that are soooo long ago.

  14. If he would just come out, these allegations would die.

    1. @cc423 - the accusers are female. Coming out will accomplish nothing if Seacrest is guilty. Sexual assault has little to do with sexual orientation.

      You are assuming Seacrest is gay. He could be bisexual. Now what?

    2. Agreed. The TYPE of assault isn’t something a gay man would do IMHO

  15. That makes two of us, Marlin. I'm not convinced about this one.

  16. When I first read this, I made the assumption, this was a set up.

    IF Ryan is gay and doesn't want to come out, then he could have hired the Make-Up Artist to just say he sexually harassed her.

    But, as of today, I am NOT sure I was on the right track.

    The push back has been horrible for him -- if he hired her.

    Maybe he did do the dirty and now is paying for it.

    1. Sort of. Maybe someone looking to force him out found someone to accuse him thinking his defense would be "I'm gay".

    2. @David - Howes it going? Ha ha, trying to lighten the mood.

      Seems like the chickens are coming home to roost for Mr. Seacrest.

  17. I suppose Seacrest doesn't just drop out himself because that could be a perceived sign of guilt, but really, what female star is going to want to talk to him now, as she wears a black dress and a "time's up" pin? And look, I've seen the comments that this is all fabricated to give him a way to come out. That's on the same level as Spacey coming out when he was accused, it's just so crazy. I don't know if Seacrest is guilty, but, gay men get with women especially when they are struggling to "be normal", so, even if he's gay, that doesn't mean he couldn't have assaulted a woman. He needs to address it on LIVE real quick. And I don't know how American Idol will fair with an accused harasser as the host.

  18. Hey @T.W.!

    At least you pronounced my name correctly!


  19. My gay male boss sexually harassed me. I am a straight female. I literally flinched every time he walked by bc he would slap me on the ass. He also made a ton of comments about my boobs. Nasty pu$$y. Talked about his sexual exploits with other men. I was not the only one he did that to either. One other employee complained and the owners did NOTHING.

  20. I’m not saying he’s innocent because he is maybe gay. I’m saying I just don’t believe each and every single one of these harassment claims. I see a lot of people jumping on the bandwagon for money/fame/revenge. What better way to get back at someone in your past than make an accusation right now? It is getting to the point where I don’t even pay attention anymore. Sorry but jmo.

  21. It's a little too late for finding a replacement, yeah?
    Of course, RS could come down with Flu the morning of..

  22. One of the entertain shows mentioned that there was a witness for several of the incidents.

  23. I Don't believe the allegations and I believe Ryan Seacrest paid the woman to make up the story. Harvey Levin at TMZ is gay and he helps closeted gay stars. Seacrest tries too hard to appear straight he is a coward. He would rather look like a sexual harassing pervert than admit to being gay. I do not see the big deal Seacrest is a host not an actor. Why won't he just come out?

  24. I dont believe Ryan did anything either. Not sure if he is gay or not. However all the years he was on american idol you would think 100s of disgruntled contestants would have accused him or chimed in by now saying he did the same to them.

  25. I agree with Marlin. Since the entertainment community is made up of sheep they will ALL avoid Ryan.

  26. Seacrest is a disaster. His radio interviews of women celebrities (that I have heard) are perfect examples of what dirty old men say to young women with the ICK factor turned up to max. I can't believe they chose him to host the Oscars.

  27. So a brilliant publicist will steer their clients away from the only national broadcast of the red carpet and basically they will be a tree falling in the forest and no one will hear it ...they will not make a sound for their client, the designer, the studio, etc.
    Sigh, there has to be a middle ground on all of this because I can tell you middle America is not ready to toss away Ryan Seacrest yet.

  28. I don't believe the story on Seacrest. Honestly, when would the man even have the time to sexually harass anyone?? That said, there has been evidence put forward that the accuser tried blackmailing him with the information.

  29. What happened to due process?


  30. It seems to me that S/harassment is about power and control, not attraction.
    Much like any other antisocial behavior.
