Saturday, February 24, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1

February 17, 2018

This former stripper turned reality star turned celebrity turned give me some money and I can do what you want me to do is really spinning a success story. Yes, she is getting some money from a company but the only way she gets the maximum that she leaked to the tabloids is if a not going to happen sales number is achieved. Very very very low six figures is probably what the deal will end up paying.

Blac Chyna


  1. Meh. I could not care any less than I already do. Bring the Emily Ratweiner blinds.

  2. I feel like she should be included in the Kardashian free February. She may not be officially one, but she is Kardashian adjacent.

  3. I dream of a day when media outlets, gossip sites and the Twitterati just stop writing about (i.e. promoting) the "famous for being famous" people like Blac Chyna and the Kardashians allowing them to fade away into obscurity and distant memory.

  4. Yes! She is by association and that counts.

  5. Very low six figures is probably 10x the amount of shit she is going to help sell.who would buy anything endorsed by this pig?

  6. For this ho that's a lot of money, of course she'll blow through it in a month. She's gonna end up doing stip club apperances in about a year, giving blow jobs in the back for $50.

  7. 6 figures? Yeah, right! I’ve heard the “leak” was more of a tip show..😏

  8. She's perfect to work in the trump white house! As a high-level advisor, of course!

  9. Who cares about blac chyna? Why are there sooooo many BIs about her? Does she have fans? It seems that everyone agrees... she is not newsworthy or even gossip worthy. I usually just pass right over these and the “teen mom” ones because who are these people and who cares?

  10. isn't this about baby strollers? and then she leaked sex tape to boost sales? in what world would her sex ever boost baby buggy sales? best bet for a condom contract
