Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1

February 19, 2018

This A+ list mostly movie actor is supposed to film his next movie stateside after a long string of films overseas. The thing is though, he is trying to get the location changed to Europe so he doesn't have to deal with the same family question he always gets. The answers would have to be different if he was in the US.

Tom Cruise


  1. Wow. Everyone got this!

  2. Little help here? What is the answer in Europe? Crazy cat lady stole his chillrenz? Thx.

  3. The question being, why did you abandon your child?

  4. I hope Suri grows up to be a bad ass bitch and shits on her 'dad'. All over the media one day.

  5. Surprised by this, as Jack Reacher and American Made were shot in USA. Weren't they?

  6. When the blind says the answers would have to be different in the US, is that a legal thing?

  7. The answer is different because Suri could visit him/he could travel to visit her is he is in the US instead of out of the country.

  8. Is it a sequel to Battlefield Earth? Also, is LR Hubbard still the most prolific dead author, or is Elvis ghostwriting American Girl books, or something?

  9. @Moose Of course - thanks for the clarity!

  10. Boycott this fools movies. He needs to hang it up anyways and become the pope of Scio. Vomit

  11. @Dusty Yep, everyone but a few Cruise apologists or people who still have faith in Enty’s descriptions being meticulous.

  12. When are people going to leave this man alone and just let him live his life? What he does to whom is none of my business. I just greatly enjoy his work. American Made was a really enjoyable film and he did a bang up job in it. Leave my Tommy alone!

    1. Cant even hear his name without thinking one bag of crazy. I am sure i am one of so few that could care less about his movies, lol. Waste of money

  13. I wonder if Tom gets a little agitated when he uses Siri, since it’s so close to his daughters name. He probably won’t use it at all.

  14. His religion has ruled his life and it is apparent it is more important than his own child:(

  15. Hopefully it will be filmed in germany, they don't take a kind approach to scientology there.

  16. I have a hard time hating on Tom Cruise. I have some friends who have worked on films of his and according to them he's extremely kind to everyone. Even going so far on one film they worked on, to go around the set and he introduced himself to each crew member and shook their hand.

    I know gossip rules here, but the word I get from the people who have been in the same room with him and worked with him is that he's a fantastic person in real life, extremely nice, and far from the horrible diva narcissistic and abusive behavior most stars exhibit. Gossip is fun, but I always defer to the word of people I trust and people who have firsthand knowledge.

  17. All I see when I look at him (besides that tooth) is a couch jumping bag-of-cats crazy nut job. Haven't been able to watch a movie of his in years.

  18. Tom sees his child, and Nicole sees ALL her children. It's kept on the down low from the regular $ci members.
