Monday, February 26, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #3

February 19, 2018

This dadager is charging a ton of money for a product worth about half that at the most. He knows it is a ripoff, but doesn't care because he knows fans will buy it anyway.

Joe Jackson (new book)


  1. Shoeless Joe Jackson is still alive?

  2. If rather read his illigetimate daughters book. That guy is gonna live till 100! Sheesh

    1. That's because even the Devil doesn't want him.

  3. Most of the shit in the book is probably b.s. made to make this POS look good. We all know every single kid of his is fucked up or was, who's to blame for that Joe?

  4. Auntie, evil people always live forever. I'm looking at you Dick Cheney and Henry Kissinger.

  5. Joseph Jackson should have taken lessons from The Ball Family. You don't have to abuse your kids to exploit them. You can even make money off your crappy product that is really worth about .00001% of the retail cost. Plus, no girls trying to get in on the act and mess shit up (just joking, just joking...Y'all know janet is forever my queen, and Latoya had grown on me over the years)

  6. YES cheesegrater15!
    I have asked many people (preachers, teachers, doctors, psychologist, anyone elderly etc) that same question, no one ever has an answer. If anyone here at CDaN has a thought about it, please share.

    And btw: the answer, "it's so the evil can suffer by living longer" doesn't hold water because I don't see any of these evil motherfuckers suffering one iota.

    1. My Sicilan grandmother told me "God don't want em". That simple.

    2. @Glue

      My theory is that evil people stress less.

      We now know that stress is one of the most powerful aging factors we encounter in our lives. Evil people, by simply not giving a rat’s hiney about anyone other than themselves, have the potential to reduce their stress to a fraction of that most people encounter.

      And in doing so, have the potential* to live noticeably longer lives.


    3. That's a very plausible theory.

  7. lol Nubian Princess

    I like that answer (and your grandmother)!

  8. Usually you have to live a lie when you’ve done something that is so bad it’s overwhelming and pretty near impossible to make amends with. So living a lie, while not outwardly perceivable to another as a bad fate, is a life that requires one to cut off from their real persona, adopting a very dysfunctional/artificial one in its place. It’s totally effed up and I would never ever trade places with anyone who did that for wealth.

  9. Good point Shawn.

  10. A narcissist has poorly developed empathy, if any at all. They may regret things which come back to themselves, but there isn't remorse for hurting others. They are genuinely incapable of feeling guilt. No suffering.

  11. Yes. You are correct, Sher. Another good point.

  12. Michael was terrified of him. The way he described his father in those later interviews still haunts me.
