Thursday, February 15, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

February 8, 2018

I give this new show a season at most with the cast as it is currently set. The A-/B+ list actress who ALL of you know doesn't know what she is getting into with this B+ list actress recently seen on a now defunct pay cable show. It is going to be a lot of drama. The A- list actress does not need drama. She does not need or want to be close to controversy. It is just not a good fit at all.

Camping/Jennifer Garner/Lena Dunham


  1. Well if Jen loses her marbles Lena is supposed to be good at finding them.

    1. Anonymous10:40 AM

      I see what you did there

  2. I don't get why Dunham is still in buisness...

    1. Unfortunately, Girls was succssful.

  3. I've pretty much stopped watch the shows on HBO and to think they are the biggest of all the pay cable channels and come up with crap like this from their creative heads. I'd fire whoever took the pitch for this and decided to greenlight it.

  4. Maybe she just wants to get out there and find a new, rich husband on set, regardless of the potential train wreck of a project. Lena will bring her publicity... even if it’s bad.

  5. Speaking of Garner, Enty called it again! He said weeks ago that she would be debuting her new boyfriend, and sure enough, she was photographed with him the other day.

  6. I hope she keeps her kids away from Lena.

  7. Lena Dunham said in her own book she sexually assaulted her own sister. Pretend for a minute a male said this, and see if he would be given a new show. If Jen thinks this will up her cool factor, she is sadly mistaken.

  8. Lena is a disgusting human. Just looking at her makes my skin crawl.

  9. lol... hope they're all miserable and then fired.

  10. @Sandybrook, I still have HBO but I'm about to quit, better more original shows on Netflix. As for Garner, make your bed, sleep in it for awhile.

  11. She posted a graphic description of her medical issues and was blasted
    on several sites from faking it, to no sympathy, to just go the hell away...

  12. Literally no one cares if Lena Dunham lives or dies, she needs to shut it and go away.

  13. Has HBO been paying zero attention to the horrible stuff Lena keeps saying? She's a shit person and she needs to go away.

  14. besides HBO, no one will hire this ugly piece of trash (ugly inside and out, truly)


    homely, pudgy white feminists with chips on their shoulders see dunham as their surrogate. should look at her instagram comments....really blows my mind anyone would have no shame stanning her after all her BS

  15. google (images) Lena Dunham's father's art, and you will understand why she is the way she is.

    1. The art was bad enough, but this says even more about why she's so desperate for attention:

  16. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Lena's success can be laid at the feet of one man - Jude Apatow. He's the one who got her the show on HBO, after seeing her student film. Lena is typical for a neurotic narcissist, her show is her, living the fantasy of her life, where she emotionally abuses her friends and coworkers, acts out innapropriately, and when she goes to far, blames it on her illness/condition, everyone laughs, and everything goes back to normal.

    But she can't act. And it's going to show. And this show is going to crash and burn in a way that will make the Hindenberg look like a weenie roast.

    So say thanks to Judd for this great trainwreck in motion. Oh, yeah, he's the one who gave us Amy Schumer, too, with that horrible movie Trainwreck, that elevated another untalented actress who can't act or write to a level higher than she deserves, who promptly deflated and blew out of the room like a farting balloon when the slightest pressure was applied to her career.

  17. Yeah, like Jennifer Garner never once put herself in the middle of anything every relationship she's ever had. Bitch lives for drama.

  18. "Lena Dunham said in her own book she sexually assaulted her own sister. Pretend for a minute a male said this, and see if he would be given a new show." Touche. It's bullshit. She's appalling and disgusting and untalented. Her 15 minutes are already up.

  19. gauloise, thanks (?) for mentioning Carroll Dunham's "art." I can't unsee it, but it kinda sorta explains why she is what she is. I won't rubberneck any wreck she's in, regardless.

    My daughter had a friend at school who killed herself. The party line was that she was picked on because of her gender fluidity, but this wasn't the most conservative of schools. After talking with my daughter about it, I googled the parents. Both of them are college professors who specialize in gender studies. They preach non-binary/fluidity. Conservative-ish old me wonders if her parents didn't confuse the fuck out of her, and drive her to suicide. ("Thou shalt not be heterosexual!")

  20. I want to eat Jennifer Garner's pussy like a ripe mango until she cums hard in my face.
