Monday, February 19, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 21, 2017

Apparently the first affair mentioned yesterday by his ex-wife yesterday was with a 19 year old actress. I don't think even the ex-wife knows that her ex and the teen hooked up in the marital bed.

Joss Whedon/Kai Cole/Eliza Dushku/Buffy The Vampire Slayer


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  2. Gosh makes me feel sorry for the women in the Firefly series

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  4. I adore buffy/faith/angel and this is soul destroying.

  5. Love Eliza but I guess we all make mistakes..

  6. kiki71

    I'd love to know how you know these things. It seemed fairly obvious that Josh and Eliza were having the fling his wife talked about, but did he really force Eliza into it via the casting couch? They had enough good repore to make Dollhouse together. That would seem like a mutual relationship, to me.

  7. Can someone link the other blind that was mentioned? I can't seem to find it...

  8. Joss I am so disappointed 😔

  9. Well, this explains Dollhouse.

  10. Ugh. Not surprised. Joss’ weird fetish with some of his “strong female leads” (who somehow are all super emotionally vulnerable and often physically and psychologically abused) has always creeped me out.

    And I say this as someone who loved BtVS in spite of some incredibly icky story lines and is really trying to get on board with not letting Scarlet Witch ruin my MCU enjoyment.

  11. It doesn't disappoint me at all. Josh was always a faux feminist. I loved Buffy, Angel, Firefly and Dollhouse, but Josh used female characters right and left to prove points. Maybe they are points I agree with, maybe not, but he was just as prone as any writer to writing female characters less than realistically for the whims of his personal preferences and fetishes.

    He did allow actresses to make the most of their roles, that is true, but as a writer he'd screw up their storylines and characters just for the hell of it, all over the place.

  12. I used to hold such a torch for Whedon for bringing us Buffy, right when I was going through my teens and into my twenties. The last few years have disappointed me with his cheap in-movie jokes at the expense of women (“oooh look, boobs, ha ha ha”) and I don’t think he was ever who I thought he was. Sigh...

  13. jessorealla,

    Were you as shocked as I was watching his Marvel movies? Is this the same guy who could write such gaiety into Buffy and Angel, with interesting female roles (LOVE Fred?) What the hell happened there? The Whedon I once knew wouldn't write another boy super hero spunk fest.

    And I just can't with Agents of SHIELD...

  14. @plot I can’t skeak for Agents of Shield because I’ve never seen it, but YES. Exactly. The old “his face landing in her boobs” bit between Banner and Natasha in Age of Ultron - which he then repeated in Justice League between the Flash and WW. I mean, come on. Don’t reduce your women to that over and over. What happened to him?

  15. Everytime I see Joss Whedon I can't help but think he is gonna burst and start singing and dancing to "Let's build a snowman". He looks so much like Swan from Cannibal The Musical.

  16. @plot and @jessorella: it all started to get vicious with him when Angel and Firefly were canceled before he was “ready.” The veneer he’d sort of kept up until then completely disappeared to my eyes.

    Age of Ultron was my absolute last straw with his tired old Schlick of tiny mentally-unstable girls with world-shattering powers, a quippy whipping boy or two for self-flagelation, and troubled heroes lifting all burden of responsibility for her actions off of said incredibly powerful girls.

    Throw in a strong female character who started out mature and complex who’s suddenly being motivated by the life-crushing bitterness of infertility* or traumatic motherhood plus some really juvenile fanboy wish fulfillment, and it could be any Whedon project.

    *in the world according to Joss

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  18. Everything you say is true there about the Whedon template. At least at one time he filled it with some energy and surprise (thinking of episodes like the Patton Oswald epi of Dollhouse or the Buffy episode "Hush", so many of those littered in his series, fantastic TV, some of the best.)

    Then it all just died and became an empty shell. Sure, I was pissed about Angel and Firefly but that doesn't excuse Agents of Shield. I know it's Whedon's brother at the helm of that, but still it's Josh's name at the forefront, and it's an awful show, totally passionless and vapid. One could say it's the actors but Josh has certainly gotten the best out of really bad actors before.

    Ugh, and the movies, repetitive dreck all screamed and yelled or snarled or sarcastic.

    Maybe Josh needed his loyal crew of writers and talent around him. Maybe they made him better and we give him, individually, too much credit for the verve and snap of his past shows.

  19. Joss, people. JOSS.

  20. "In the marital bed"? What year is this?.... 1907?

    Does he mean he "boned her 12 ways to Sunday"?

  21. Has anyone read the excerpt from his Wonder Woman script? It was SO BAD. I've been over him since he was so nasty to Charisma because she dared to get pregnant.

  22. @mooshki YES! Her character and storyline went completely down the drain after that, it was so disappointing :(

  23. Once Eliza made it public that she was molested at the age of 12 by a stunt coordinator, I guessed there would be more to come out. Abused children can fall into unhealthy patterns, especially when surrounded by opportunistic power-abusing men...

  24. Oh I forgot about the way he treated Charisma, yeah, that was deplorable. Who tanks a huge chunk of one season of their show just to bully an actress who is knocked up? The Conor/Cordy episodes were the worst in the whole Angel show. Oh Joss can say the pregnancy through the writers off course. Bullshit. They wrote bitterness and vengeance in that storyline.

    To add, if Amy Acker or Alyson Hannigan were suddenly knocked up, I really doubt Joss would have pulled the same shit. They were marketable actresses. They were Joss's little favorites. Charisma was easy to treat like shit. They were not.

  25. SMG has hinted over the years that Joss Whedon is not what he seems and that Whedon created that Spike & Buffy hook-up story line as retaliation against her for speaking up. SMG has also also hinted about Whedon and Eliza Dushku.

  26. *threw* not *through*

  27. Spike and Buffy were such a dynamic relationship, though. It worked, in mostly sick ways, sure.

    James Marsden is a real creep as well. He's sexy as hell on screen, even after Buffy and Angel, but the guy is greasy.

  28. @JF - "In the marital bed"? Does he mean he "boned her 12 ways to Sunday"?

    No. I took it as meaning he had sex with the teen in the bed he and his wife shared.

  29. Thank you DDonna. That is truly deplorable. I thought the same when I read it.

  30. @plot Joss also asked her to come back (when she came out of her coma) and she said "not if you're going to bring Cordelia back just to kill her off" and he promised her he wouldn't do that. Then when she agreed to return, he killed her off anyway. Ass.

  31. Love his work, but he is a jack-ass.
