Saturday, February 03, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

February 15, 2017

Our favorite former almost A- list mostly movie actress turned escort had sex with the leader of this country where she spends a great deal of time in exchange for a passport from that country. No money exchanged hands. Probably been a very long time since that happened.

Lindsay Lohan


  1. PLEASE tell me you knew that Hawaii does not have
    its own separate passport... pleeeeeease...

    1. Anonymous10:33 AM

      This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hawaii? OMG - what school did you go to?

    1. OMG!!!! WTF??????? This would be so funny if it wasn’t so sad

  3. Anonymous9:02 AM

    The question is not whether the OP knows Hawaii isn’t a separate country. The question is whether LL knew that.

  4. That cockroach Erdogan

  5. Forget it! I just saw the previous reveal
    with the Nicole S. blind. Enty thinks that someone
    born in Hawaii is "foreign-born."

  6. Brazil.

    Dilma Roussef for the leader.

  7. Awww go easy on Enty he is probably suffering from a hangover.

  8. Saintpat, you made me spit out my tea. Hilarious comment!

  9. @Saintpat, that was hilarious and true.

    To this day, people still ask me if they need a passport for Hawaii. Oh and the drinking age. Way too many people. Oh lord.

    1. Any state has the right to set its own drinking age. Just fyi

  10. Ho spends a lot of time in The United Arab Emigrates (UAE) and their head of state is named Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahem.

  11. Let's just say it was Erdogan or some oil tick. Why would you want a passport from one of those countries? What benefit would she accrue that she wouldn't already enjoy with a US passport?

  12. Maybe Greece because it's EU passport

  13. Because the UAE has a non extradition treaty with the US. And our girl has been up to million of dollars in theft and other illegal debts/goings on. She’ll need a country and protector - or she’ll be dead in the US soon enough. She’ll jettison her US citizenship simply to stay... alive.

  14. Am I alone in imagining that sooner or later Blohan and Pam Anderson will cross paths and either Blohan will go off to that great Fire Croutch pit in the ground or Pam will take her under her surfboard and become her madam?

  15. Hawaii? Lol. Its Utah.

  16. Right after moving to Austin from California, I went to the post office to mail a package to Hawaii. The clerk was taking awhile before saying “I can’t seem to find Hawaii...I should be listed right after Haiti.” I had to inform him that Hawaii is a US state. Then I wondered what the hell I got myself into moving to Texas.

    1. When i first moved to FL, my brother came to visit and was chatting up a cute waitress while we were out to dinner and she made a comment alluding to the fact that walt disney, walmart and walgreens were all owned by the same guy....yikes!

    2. LOL. Just when I thought America was the centre of the universe, it turned out to be Texas.

      And here I am in Southeast Asia learning Southern Belle slang. Y'all crack me up.

  17. @Saintpat - Hilarious!

  18. Lohan is obvious, but what country? Russia? Dubai - United Arab Emirates? Nevermind, probably all of them. Damn, girl gets around. She probably makes more money doing this then acting.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. WHY would anybody want to sleep with her even for free? She isn't pretty, average body I don't get it

  21. Again, Enty reveals the woman involved and not the man. SHAME ON YOU ENTY!
