Thursday, February 01, 2018

Mr. X Blind Item

What annoying talk show host paid several media outlets to say, untruthfully, that his newest hosting gig had far better ratings than when it was hosted by the person he replaced? Talk about ego stroking. He might not be at his new hosting gig for long, because his cohost and "friend" was fed up with him by the end of the gig, mainly because he was snorting from a vial full of cocaine between commercials.


  1. Andy Cohen\Anderson Cooper\Kathy Griffin\New Years Eve Special on CNN

  2. Trump's State of the Union address

    1. Hahahha, I instantly thought this too

    2. Anonymous12:45 PM

      Really. Cuz he hosted a talk show. Shaking my damn head. Trump derangement syndrome turns people into 3 year olds.

    3. Normal. - you really need to get laid. It takes the edge off - promise. You are one of the edgiest, most uptight arses on these threads since ...... Raphael. If that's what you're going for - kudos!!

    4. Anonymous1:53 PM

      If you say so. Volunteering?

    5. Normal-lighten up!

  3. He was probably snorting during the commercials, but I wouldn't know...

  4. Trump's State of the Union address LMAO so trueeee

  5. C'mon,@ Normal, that was funny,but Trump would be drinking Coke,not snorting. Cohen,FTW.

  6. Andy Cohen. Unreal screechfrau purveyor and menace to society.

  7. LOL..
    He might not be at his new hosting gig for long...

  8. Alec Baldwin Match Game, although he does a fairly good job. He's not as sharp as Richard Dawson, nor is the panel as amusing as the old days.

    1. NM talk show... Not game. Ooopsi

    2. NM talk show... Not game. Ooopsi

  9. Alec Baldwin doesn't have a co-host.

    Co-sign Andy Cohen and his "friend" Anderson Cooper. Not sure why Anderson does those dual appearance shows around the country with him, but I really wish he would hang out with a better class of person.

  10. Cohen is a douche. So ridiculous that he and Anderson continue to pretend that they are not having sex with one another. Everyone knows. The problem for them working together on that gig is that they are both divas with attitude, and the Times Square stage isn't big enough for both their egos. I don't see them working together for long either.

    Say what you will about Kathy Griffin, but she did call out Cohen for his cocaine predilections during breaks while on the air. And, speaking of Kathy, they might as well forgive her and bring her back. She is far less insufferable than Andy Cohen.

    1. I read that Andy wanted to, but ACoop wasn't interested. I don't think Andy is his type, plus he would definitely brag about it, and I think ACoop prefers a little morw discretion.

      I totally agree that Cohen is obnoxious, and I'd like to see Kathy back as well.

  11. I’m over Andy. I’ve been to 2 of his shows in L.A. I used to think he was really funny, but now he bugs the shit out of me.

  12. @John Doe: Honestly, I think Andy and Anderson are too old for each other haha. I could see them being some sort of weird, fighting over random young boys, cruising group though "Anderson, you want this one? Because I'm going after him!"---"Nah, too old for me Andy"---"Oh.. I mean.. yeah.. eww gross, he is super old.. I just wanted to see if you were into him.."---"Sure Andy, you know it's not a competition right?"

  13. Ugh, Andy Cohen. And he keeps shoving RHW shit down our throats. He's horrible and his 'franchise' is horrible.

  14. @Normal, it was funny. Get a sense of humour.

  15. While flipping through the channels NYE, (NY midnight is 9 PM in Las Vegas) I kept asking my self -- when I was on CNN -- why'd they replace Kathy Griffin?
    I know. I know. She thought it would be funny to video a "trump" severed head.

    At least she was tolerable!

  16. Guess he wasn't willing to share.

  17. Cohen. I’m glad for Kathy Griffin that the viewership WAS higher with her. I just read her Hollywood Reporter interview and she was pretty pissed at the idea he got higher ratings after she was canned over a stupid photo shoot, which she had already apologized for.

    Cohen doesn’t do the LGBT community any favors when he reps us. He’s an ass.

  18. I've NEVER thought Kathy Griffin was funny. Andy Cohen I've always liked. I read his book and it was hilarious. Kathy was verry close with Anderson and his mom, I mean verry close with his mom.
    Mind you, I've never had to work with any of them, so my 2 cents worth is...worthless. :)

  19. Andy and Andy are just friends. Cooper is a naturally quiet guy and Cohen's the court jester, the guy who's always on who you want around at parties, but is tiresome after awhile. I think Anderson genuinely enjoys Andy's company in private but you can tell he's embarrassed by him in public, especially on NY's Eve...that was painful to watch.

  20. Anderson may prefer to have Andy as a 'friend' - than the enemy he would surely become once dropped.

  21. Seems a bit odd ... wouldn’t the news orgs all have access to those ratings? I imagine it would be pretty hard to lie about a thing like that.

  22. @just sayin: laid out perfectly. Plus, Anderson has a long-term boyfriend, I believe.

  23. I'm a Kathy Griffin and have seen her live shows twice -- hilarious! When she got heat for the Trump head stunt, she should have shut up and laid low, but she got all crazy and played the victim. Kathy: always remember that the public has a short memory.

  24. Seacrest. Didn't they promote how Kelly was his 'friend'...?

  25. Anderson has been with his very buff gym owner boyfriend Ben something for years. They live somewhere in manhattan together Cohen's type is more chocolate (lol) or so the rumors go.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Hey, some people are so delusional that they'll call Beyoncé a "small-time artist" when in fact a major film (Doctor Strange) referenced her and made a point of what a HUGE deal and how famous she is and that film also did very well. But, yeah, some people can't handle the truth...

    Anyway, Enty, could you please contact the people who tipped you off on this blind item: and please ask them to read the comment I just left at the very bottom? I know I should've said something earlier and but I was scared of getting hate for saying it (because I'm chicken like taht), but now I feel really guilty that I never pointed any of this out earlier.

  28. " cc423 said...Trumps state of the union....

    I like Trump (don't shoot I am just a messenger), but that made me laugh. :-)

  29. @Monsieur Pocketrocket - assumed the "Sol and Robert" (Sheen/Waterston) partnership in Grace and Frankie was based on them

  30. Bwaahaha, Trump Derangement Syndrome alert!

    If anything the anti Trump morons have demonstrated it's not that they're anti Trump, they're anti America! They'd rather the US did badly, than have him succeed.

    Trump's wiping the floor with all of you libtards, all his nay-sayers, Hilderbeast, the media, Hollywood - basically everyone.

    Then after the floors are sparkly clean, he retires to his bed with a Big Mac and tweets about it. Brilliant.

  31. Anderson's boyfriend was snapped making out with another guy a few years back and it was like nothing happened, so I'm sure they have an open arrangement. Anderson is too pasty and botoxed to be stuck with.

    Andy was pretty boring with Anderson on NYE. Andy used to joke about "blow" on his show a lot, until the Kathy allegations. I definitely think he dabbles in the white powder, but he doesn't seem dumb enough to do it during commercial breaks on NYE.

    I definitely think this blind is Andy and Anderson though.

  32. humor me for those in the does he pay a media outlet? his own money, his management? who do they pay and do they alter ratings or are their news stories bs and no one checks?

  33. @Sierra OMG, I can't believe I didn't see that til now! I'm never going to be able to look at that show the same now hahaha.

  34. Can I just say I laughed out loud the writing is so good and hilarious on this site. It is fun to figure out blind items and the writing very clever.

  35. Can't be Cohen;this is his show, no one had it before him.

  36. @boredatwork: and then he lies there all night, belching and farting. No wonder on Election Night Melania looked like someone would just seen the future slam shut on her.

  37. Dear mr.x, I've heard your voice, but never have seen your face, though I guess you between 52-60 am I right? You were a young fan of Farrah, with her picture on your wall. The poster actually.

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  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. @Normal lol @ Trump derangement disease indeed. So on point with that comment. It is as if some sort of brain dysmorphia is attacking trump dissenters right? I just point and laugh. The trump comment wasn't remotely funny. It just came off as awkward, crass and stupid. But we are talking about cdan commenters and that comes with the territory with most of them lol
